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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default FvS healing spell selection

    As a FvS healer which spells are absolutley neccesary,
    what spells are nice to have but not really needed and
    what spells are expected by your party....

    So what spells do i need to choose? thats the question, there is only a limited spellchoice and so many things to choose from, next to healing in groups, my spells need to take care of my soloing capabillity. SO i need room for some Damage spells, Crowd controll and Mellee buffs.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by lordbachus View Post
    As a FvS healer which spells are absolutley neccesary,
    what spells are nice to have but not really needed and
    what spells are expected by your party....

    So what spells do i need to choose? thats the question, there is only a limited spellchoice and so many things to choose from, next to healing in groups, my spells need to take care of my soloing capabillity. SO i need room for some Damage spells, Crowd controll and Mellee buffs.
    depends how you solo... if its melee then you'll be strapped for spell slots

    generally what you want in the end are:

    heal+cure critical
    2x mass cures
    mass heal is an option if you stay pure

    as you level you can select lower versions(swap out later for a hefty fee) but generally you want at least 2 for the different cooldown.

    crowd control
    - greater command
    - soundburst (not required)

    buffs (must have)
    - night shield
    - resist energy
    - deathward (or mass)
    - deathpact
    - mass aid (your early on aoe heal)
    - holy aura
    - freedom of movement
    - magic circle against evil
    - prot from elements (or mass)
    - spell resistance mass

    buffs (good but not required)
    - stalwart pact
    - mass shield of faith (non mass alt. for solo)
    - bulls str (for low levels)
    - true seeing (melee in groups will want this)
    - prayer
    - recitation
    - heroes feast

    self melee buffs (required for melee)
    - Divine Power
    - Divine Favor

    curatives (must have)
    - restore (greater is alternative)
    - raise dead (other forms are alternatives)
    - break enchantment

    curatives (optional)
    - lesser restore
    - neut poison
    - remove curse
    - etc can all be cast from wands

    damage spells
    - energy drain
    - holy smite (till blade barrier)
    - blade barrier
    - implosion
    - destruction
    - slay living (option till destruction)
    - cometfall

    everything else is pretty much optional... if it fits and you want it then take it
    Last edited by zooble; 11-26-2009 at 07:27 PM.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by zooble View Post
    depends how you solo... if its melee then you'll be strapped for spell slots

    generally what you want in the end are:

    heal+cure critical
    2x mass cures
    mass heal is an option if you stay pure

    as you level you can select lower versions(swap out later for a hefty fee) but generally you want at least 2 for the different cooldown.
    Personally I recommend having any three of the Mass Cure spells rather than just 2, mainly for situations where mana is not an issue and you just need to burstheal as fast as possible.

    A good example of this is the Nytharios fight in Tower of Despair - if a Shadow Fiend gets up on the throne, you will *need* to be casting Maximized-Empowered-Quickened Mass Cures on every cooldown to prevent a wipe, and you'll want as many cooldowns available as possible.

    Once you get into Epic quests, Mass Heal isn't an 'option', it's an absolute necessity. Be warned that this spell absolutely sucks without Quicken Spell, and *requires* practice to use well.
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