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  1. #1
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Default At what Level will I feel the Uberness of Favored Soul?

    I just TRrez'd a pure 28pt cleric I had into pure FVS, and am LvL 4--people keep asking me how I like it--to which I reply,

    "Seems same as a Cleric to me only a ton more SP"
    SP has never been an issue with me--I TRez'd to actually try FVS enhancements and feats out, and dare I say, I wanted to Feather everyone

    Will I have a thrilling OMG this favored Soul rocks moment b4 the time of feathers arrives? And again, SP is not an issue for me at all--though I do think that the best bonus might be that I run Self Buff Only raids, and as an FVS I can really get away with that more
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by moops View Post
    I just TRrez'd a pure 28pt cleric I had into pure FVS, and am LvL 4--people keep asking me how I like it--to which I reply,

    "Seems same as a Cleric to me only a ton more SP"
    SP has never been an issue with me--I TRez'd to actually try FVS enhancements and feats out, and dare I say, I wanted to Feather everyone

    Will I have a thrilling OMG this favored Soul rocks moment b4 the time of feathers arrives? And again, SP is not an issue for me at all--though I do think that the best bonus might be that I run Self Buff Only raids, and as an FVS I can really get away with that more

    Doesnt sound like your gonna have an epiphany anytime soon.

    If your playing your FvS just like you played your cleric, you will see very little difference in the 2 classes.

    The attraction to FvS is the extra dimensions the class brings with it. The extra ability to melee, Knowing how to take advantage of your added skills, and feats. Natrual Resistances, CHR bases Cross Class Skills, etc etc etc...
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  3. #3
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Doesnt sound like your gonna have an epiphany anytime soon.

    If your playing your FvS just like you played your cleric, you will see very little difference in the 2 classes.

    The attraction to FvS is the extra dimensions the class brings with it. The extra ability to melee, Knowing how to take advantage of your added skills, and feats. Natrual Resistances, CHR bases Cross Class Skills, etc etc etc...
    Yes, my other clerics melee as well so not a huge game changer, and one is an Initmitank with UMD so no new thing there. I'm actually most interested in the DR--besides the feathers
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  4. #4
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    They are basically clerics with more sp. But I will say once you cap him out you will see what the hype is. Better saves, more hp, more sp, free searing light (if u went that way), feathers, and dr 10 along with 3 recistances. I'm sure you know all this though
    Teth - Ascendance

    Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.

  5. #5
    Community Member JakLee7's Avatar
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    I think the real "OH WOW" moment comes when you realized you are the only healer in "X" raid & were chatting so much with the other 11 people you didn't realize it, no one died, and you still had mana left at the end of the pug with F2P on guest passes.... or something like that....
    - my reputation says nuetral, my character sheet says Chaotic Good!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kominalito View Post
    if grief for you is a few minutes of a pumpkinheaded player in a videogame, you must live in a palace of naked women made of chocolate and money.

  6. #6
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Well, I did solo heal on Hound...but then the whole thing took like 8 minutes, so some cleric should have been able to manage that as well. I did have about a third of my spellbar left when it was done.

    I think the time when you feel uberness is 20. The capstone spell, the bonus charisma, and the DR make things ever so much better.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Doesnt sound like your gonna have an epiphany anytime soon.

    If your playing your FvS just like you played your cleric, you will see very little difference in the 2 classes.

    The attraction to FvS is the extra dimensions the class brings with it. The extra ability to melee, Knowing how to take advantage of your added skills, and feats. Natrual Resistances, CHR bases Cross Class Skills, etc etc etc...

    Wrong. Unless you mean "played like a cleric in that you don't use the classes' wings"

    Seriously, the answer to the OP is 17. By 20 you will feel like a golden god.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tumarek View Post
    Enochroot does know what he is talking about but even a knowledgeable Troll is still a Troll.

  8. #8
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Feathers, ton of sp, DR. They are pretty much late bloomers. In the meantime youve got to put up with everyone thinking you have every buff, rez, and AoE heal before you actually get it.

    I am 90% sure you will be a lot happier with it than your cleric though. Totally worth the re-roll man.

  9. #9
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    Help What do you guys mean by feathers?

  10. #10
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    They are nice @ lower levels because you can really spam the heals and with the insane amount of new people you should have enough SP to cover even the baddest of the bad, you have enough SP to effectively CC, Blade barrier or w/e other damage and heal, you can't cure much status but although clerics *can* they will run into sp problems especially if doing all 3/(4 if you count the cure status). And yeah once you hit 20.... free searing light affected by enhancements + potency + feats or free cure light wounds affected by the same things (around 80-100 a pop or so) which considering you can just spam the F-out of either, there capstones are just godly....

    + 10 DR
    + Free resistance feats (which stack with resist stuffs)
    + More weapon choices (longsword)

    Only negative is the spell thing but that doesn't hurt as far as limited spells, it only hurts say if you wanted to swap spells for an undead dungeon or so. Because even though a cleric has 500 goddamned spells, they'll run out of sp long before 70%+ of them come into use. Pretty much the only reason my main is a cleric and not a fvs is because I like to pvp and all those spells are handy to be able to change mid pvp.
    Last edited by conorr; 11-23-2009 at 12:31 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Default I leveled my fs on Cannith.....but I noticed a huge play perception right off the bat.

    Thru level 11 or so when the good healling kicks in.....I played and was precieved more like a bard......can be healer, can wand heal.....but the party demand is more like what is expected from a bard. A full half the parties I stumbled into had either a cleric or another fs though.

    And understand, fs is a healing class to healing is job one in my point of view.....but from my leveling experiance of my 18/2 fs/monk I was rarely asked to traditional cleric heal and most of the time assumed to bard heal between fights.

    Could have been the monk level or the style of play I portrayed....but was able to focus way more on killing than healing thru giant hold.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varr View Post
    And understand, fs is a healing class to healing is job one in my point of view.....but from my leveling experiance of my 18/2 fs/monk I was rarely asked to traditional cleric heal and most of the time assumed to bard heal between fights.
    How people have played FvS since the class come out has created the view of it.

    As many played there FvS in a melee oriented way so that how people view then.

    Looked at +14 FvS last night in the "list" the majority had 2 lvl Monk or was Warforged (of the two 2 lvl monk was more common).

  13. #13
    Community Member Konek's Avatar
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    The biggest difference for me between my cleric and my fvs is my fvs could afford to take two levels of monk for evasion and melee feats, still start with a 16 wisdom, and will have about 200 more SP than my pure cleric once he's capped and geared.

    Currently he's level 9 and feels a lot like my cleric did at that level. Good groups with decent AC and competent players go well. Groups with untwinked barbs or any low AC WF melee are a strain. The main difference is (in my case) getting all my spells 3 levels later. Heal and BB hit at 14 and 15 instead of 11.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Konek View Post
    The biggest difference for me between my cleric and my fvs is my fvs could afford to take two levels of monk for evasion and melee feats, still start with a 16 wisdom, and will have about 200 more SP than my pure cleric once he's capped and geared.

    Currently he's level 9 and feels a lot like my cleric did at that level. Good groups with decent AC and competent players go well. Groups with untwinked barbs or any low AC WF melee are a strain. The main difference is (in my case) getting all my spells 3 levels later. Heal and BB hit at 14 and 15 instead of 11.
    i did that... 1mk 13fvs atm... kind of shelved him since hes weak and boring. the ac would be mid 40s but thats fully self buffed with annoying clickies so i rarely get that high 90% of the time

    boring due to lack of spells

    level 1-11 i used holy/elemental handwraps and only just got BB

    2nd monk level with be next or after destruction spell... most likely next

    stat wise and feat selection mine is pretty much identical to valiance's rogue/monk/cleric

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Feathers, ton of sp, DR. They are pretty much late bloomers. In the meantime youve got to put up with everyone thinking you have every buff, rez, and AoE heal before you actually get it.

    I am 90% sure you will be a lot happier with it than your cleric though. Totally worth the re-roll man.
    Ok, whats "feathers" that people keep refering to? Is i the abundant step like ablity they get? Also the DR is that a 20th capstone?


  16. #16
    Community Member Damiarch's Avatar
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    Feathers would be the jumpboost.
    The DR is a level 20 class feat.
    Capstone is 2 cha and a free spell if memory serves
    I could be misremebering the capstone though
    Elayanna Winterstorm,Morninglord cleric 16th (life 3)
    Joellen, 16 artificer

  17. #17
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    Many thanks, thats what i guessed but wasnt really sure. Cheers

  18. #18
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    Default Already feel Uber

    I've leveled lots of toons to 4 or 5, but I've never had one that zipped thru it like my fav soul/fighter.


    I feel the uberness already.

  19. #19
    Community Member Mudcnd's Avatar
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    Well its not at lvl 10 thats for sure hex......
    I think 11 will be nice shroud gear , and then the wings , and the dr will be killer at the end.
    Going for the free heal or the searing light?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by LupusVai View Post
    Ok, whats "feathers" that people keep refering to? Is i the abundant step like ablity they get? Also the DR is that a 20th capstone?

    I love how this question has been asked twice in this thread and still no one has answered it...

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