For Sale:
Major Mnemonic Potions
Luck Blade
Mace of Smiting
Dusk Heart
Silver Longbow
Ring of Spell Storing {Sold!}
+1 Weakening Khopesh of Enfeebling (Min Lvl 10)
+1 Weakening Bastard Sword of Enfeebling (Min Lvl 10)
+1 Weakening Battleaxe of Enfeebling (Min Lvl 10)
+1 Weakening Longsword of Enfeebling (Min Lvl 10)
+3 Metalline Composite Shortbow of Pure Good (Min Lvl 10)
+3 Metalline Greatsword of Pure Good (Min Lvl 8, req. Drow)
I also have a ton of cookies still left over if anyone is searching for some...
Ingredients (Small, Medium, Large)
Boot Ingredients
Vicious Dwarven Axe of Greater Construct Bane {Need one More!}