I have two problems.

My first problem is that I keep asking for help regarding my second problem and am constantly ignored. I have posted threads here with no response, I opened a ticket in game and was told to post a thread here.

My second problem: I have a satellite modem. I play the game just fine with latency of around 100 or less, and packet loss of 0.1 to 0.6 on average. Ocasionally, I will enter an instance, and for no reason my packet loss will suddenly spike, sometimes as high as 90%, but usually averaging about 25%. The game becomes totally unplayable. The ONLY way to fix the problem is by forcing the game to reload the instance: so if I am in a public area (harbour, marketplace) I change instamces and the problem goes away. If I am in an adventure, I have to leave the adventure (which takes ages because of the packet loss), and lose xp and the party, and hope the problem corrects.

I have tired everything under the sun: disconnecting and reconnecting modem, hard crashing the game and reloading multiple times, nothing helps. Only by forcing the game to change instances does the game become playable.

This is INCREDIBLY frustrating. Can anyone help me with this problem or give some advice?