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  1. #1

    Default Antivirus: AVG version 9.0

    Do not upgrade to version 9.

    AVG is suffering from... Well, how do you like to have the game lose focus on you every 30 minutes to some non showing up web browser?

    Middle of a fight and suddenly you aren't moving, aren't casting, etc.

    Currently, I've ripped it out of my XP system.
    I play DDO in a window.
    Last edited by Missing_Minds; 11-17-2009 at 02:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Thanks for the links - I thought I'd upgrade to get their adverhassleing out of the way. Aside from potential resolutions (mentioned in their forums), I think I'll give just a few more days.
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by VonBek View Post
    Thanks for the links - I thought I'd upgrade to get their adverhassleing out of the way. Aside from potential resolutions (mentioned in their forums), I think I'll give just a few more days.
    Actually I ripped it out last night in the middle of DDO playing. This is after their attempts at updates looking at the time stamps.

  4. #4
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    I'd rather stay with a free product. But, if it adversely impacts my PCs operation and they cannot rectify their product in a timely manner, it goes buh-bye.
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

  5. #5
    Founder & Hero
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    Thanks for the warning

    Beware the Sleepeater

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    A further warning: Don't run AVG's scanner, either.

    Did so last night, and it removed these two files:

    "C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons and Dragons Online - Eberron Unlimited\browser\TWebBrowser\cookies.txt:\mediapl";"Found Tracking cookie.Mediaplex";"Moved to Virus Vault"

    "C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons and Dragons Online - Eberron Unlimited\browser\TWebBrowser\cookies.txt";"Found Tracking cookie.Mediaplex";"Healed"

    Now, I can't start DDO because the Turbine download manager thinks the game isn't present. I tried restoring from AVG's vault, but it still doesn't recognize that the game is there. So it looks like I'm going to have to un- and reinstall.

    Edit: Some piece of information was apparently missing from the uninstall file, so I ended up just deleting the entire folder instead of doing a proper uninstall. Not sure if that was also caused by AVG or what.

    Edit2: Currently downloading, seem to be hanging at "Creating/Validating 245.07 MB of 282.26 MB" of Character Creation tier.
    Last edited by E.Avendale; 11-17-2009 at 02:08 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Mockduck's Avatar
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    I've had AVG 9 on my comp for about a week now, Vista 64 OS. I haven't noticed any problems! Guess I'm lucky.
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Mockduck View Post
    I've had AVG 9 on my comp for about a week now, Vista 64 OS. I haven't noticed any problems! Guess I'm lucky.
    I think this has been mostly happening to XP people, but if the thread was any indication, it seems as if Vista has its own group of issues.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by E.Avendale View Post
    A further warning: Don't run AVG's scanner, either.

    Did so last night, and it removed these two files:

    "C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons and Dragons Online - Eberron Unlimited\browser\TWebBrowser\cookies.txt:\mediapl";"Found Tracking cookie.Mediaplex";"Moved to Virus Vault"

    "C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons and Dragons Online - Eberron Unlimited\browser\TWebBrowser\cookies.txt";"Found Tracking cookie.Mediaplex";"Healed"

    Now, I can't start DDO because the Turbine download manager thinks the game isn't present. I tried restoring from AVG's vault, but it still doesn't recognize that the game is there. So it looks like I'm going to have to un- and reinstall.

    Edit: Some piece of information was apparently missing from the uninstall file, so I ended up just deleting the entire folder instead of doing a proper uninstall. Not sure if that was also caused by AVG or what.

    Edit2: Currently downloading, seem to be hanging at "Creating/Validating 245.07 MB of 282.26 MB" of Character Creation tier.
    The healed part is why you couldn't just restore. The file data got changed.

    This is also one of the reasons why I keep backup copies of the game. Files get corrupted for random reasons. I can go back easily this way should something happen.

    Fill in a bug report. put in all the information you have, and also include this thread. It could get a tech person in with suggestions as my only suggestion.. *grins* how much do you like diving into and hacking your registry?

  10. #10
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    have version 9 on xp since dunno a month or so and no problems at all
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    o o

  11. #11


    I switched to rather than upgrade AVG. It was just getting too bloated, and annoying. So far, I am pleased, though to be honest, I hardly need anti-virus since I am behind a firewall, and I really only use the system for playing DDO.
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