As title says, was wondering what this beauty would be worth
As title says, was wondering what this beauty would be worth
Agreed, there are several (non greensteel) Kopeshes I would rather use than this... Maybe even only 250-500k. Personally Id rather have a HolyBurst (any metal) of (PG, Maiming, BS 4/6) before this... A Seeker +10.. we could talk a bit more serious.. Or if it were level 6... at 12 people hopefully have a really nice weapon.
Last edited by Zzevel; 11-17-2009 at 04:51 PM.
Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..
Its worth about 300k, but if you tried, you could probably get 500k, or if you're lucky, up to 700k.
THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1
I'm actually kind of surprised how low some of these folks are eyeballing this. I would have said ~500kpp; but I do admit I'm not the AH junkie I used to be. The one problem you have with a weapon like this, though, is the people that have the ~500kpp+ to drop on a weapon like this, generally have the larges to build a MinII, whereas those that don't have the larges and need it the most, don't have the pp either. OTOH, depending on some DPS calc's, it might be better than a MinII for someone wearing litany or the like instead of bloodstone, w/o doing the DPS calc's myself (lazy ftw) I'm not really sure where that would end up for a dual-wieldling khopesh user.
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1
Thanks for the advice.
I ended up selling it for a blank green steel Kama so am happy