With the True Reincarnation being available as of today, I think it would be extremely useful to know what options might be being considered. Only with that information can people decide whether True Reincarnation is an appropriate choice for their character.
So, I would like to suggest that a Dev posts their thought on the new form of reincarnation that is intended to solve some class selection problems. The last time something was mentioned on this topic was here:
Without information I can see one of 2 scenarios playing out:
- Use TR on your character only to find out when you have gotten back to level 11 that there is a new Reincarnation that would have been a better solution. This leaves the player unhappy especially if they leveled the character from 16 to 20 just to be able to use TR.
- Wait for the new Reincarnation to be announced only to find out that it is not a good fit for your character. In the mean time several months have been lost that could have been used to start releveling through TR.
Both of these scenarios have the possibility of leaving subscribers dissatisfied with the game. Scenarios that could have been avoided with just a little advance information.