I would love to roll a druid : )
I would love to roll a druid : )
Half-Orcs, Druids, new insanely challenging endgame raid. Quit farting around with Dreaming Dark cheesy sell-a-module stuff and bring on the real content.
Yeah, I'd love to see a WF shapeshift into .. uhm .. a mithral/adamantine bear?![]()
we get druids at the end of 2007, kate promised
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
Give us Druids! We have been waiting a long time for them.
Twitter THAT! B#^ch!
I haven't been playing long, but the first thing I noticed when starting was the lack of the Druid class. I enjoy playing them in PnP so definitely /signed
the suggestion forum is spammed with this same comment WHY NO GNOMES, DRUIDS, ARTIFICERS(primary class of eberron), NON ******** CRAFTING, half-elves, half-orcs, psionics, and actually a whole list of super good ideas many even go on to tell them exactly how they could implement it in a fashion that would not be difficult and even profitable to DDO!
fact is ddo is OK cept its missing about 70% of dungeons and dragons
and then they make up there own ****. but thats why they picked ebberon and not forgotten realms (cause there ******** you might say?) no because they wanted to do there own thing
I can't wait for cryptic games to release a real DnD mmo
Last edited by SHADOWVINES; 01-06-2010 at 02:31 AM.
"Being a pacifist in between wars is like being a vegetarian in between meals"
Anyone can be a pacifist if the conflict isnt Affecting them.
If wild shape is the problem, I think they could still implement Druids and just beef up their summoning powers in some way to compensate for the loss of wild shape. Druids could be the pet-wrangler class with henchmen-like controls for their summons.
I'd love to play a Druid..
..but more importantly I'd love to see Turbine finish developing the spells which are still missing from the game.
Someone already mentioned Polymorph, but what about Prismatic Wall and Sphere, and all the Bigby's spells which were so awsome in NWN.
Also, would love to see some use for the Soul Stones produced while using Trap The Soul.
A long time player of AD&D and 3rd ed D&D druids here. Have been holding off making a healer type so I could make a druid, even if they are more secondary healers and sub-Cleric/FvS for that role. This is the class for me!
Originally from Thelanis, now on...Sarlona* Minions of the Coffee Gopher *
I just realized this in my greatest epiphany to date. The Druid would be the 4th specialist. It basically is the divine version of the bard. Instead of wild shape, they could give "channel nature: bear, wolf, etc.." which would be long duration self-buffs that prevent spell casting during the effect, X times per day.
It would basically be rage and bardsongs combined. No need for a sprite alteration in the form of wild shape. If they were to take this approach, they could have 3 PrEs, the Warshaper, which would gain 1 'level' of fort each PrE tier (warchanter, if you want a parallel), increase various other abilities, and what not.
The Blighter (evil PrE, I know, but it's a blaster PrE.) for those with a destructive casting bent.
The Gatewarden, a specialist in eliminating all things not natural via spells and melee.
With that in mind, I foresee some serious monk/druid multiclassing going on for epic pain.
Personally, I don't think I would ever play a druid on DDO, but I do want to party with one. XD
So umm, yea... That's how I died... By they way, has anyone seen my corpse? It isn't where I left it...
Druids would be a great addition....as would other classes and races. Perhaps they are holding out for future updates. I must admit that some current classes do duplicate their powers but it would be a great way for them to expand the spells of the characters. Devs, if you are reading this....BRING OUT THE DRUIDS!!!!
A self-buff which prevents spellcasting for more than just a very short time would not be viable in DDO. To see why, go on a melee cleric and try using Madstone Boots.
It would be fine if the wild shape replacement effect impaired your spellcasting somehow (such as increasing mana costs 10% and making the casting animation 20% longer), but actually turning it off just wouldn't work.
A worthy cause I do affix my signature to.
/signed M2T
A cheap Tattoo ain't good and a good Tattoo ain't cheap
"___''___Woman ''____''____''__''__''___Woman ''___''
/signed just to stop all the I want Druids threads.
I just can't see the appeal in a dress wearing tree hugger with an animal fetish myself but whatever floats your boat.
A friend will bail you out of jail.
A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"
Unguilded of Orien
sort of off topic but in response to you friend and bail comment I have something to offer:
"friends help you move"
"good friends help you move bodies"
And dresses are underated. lol
i would so love to play a druid. it was the first class i looked for when i started playing.