My kids and I have recently begun playing DDO. I have set up multiple accounts so that we can all play together. We recently had a birthday and we wanted to get our son some Turbine points to use in the DDO store, since he's been having so much fun playing lately. Here's the problem...
I tried using my paypal account, but I got an error message saying the account was already in use. I figured this was because I had purchased some pts for my account previously. So, no big deal, I decided to put it on my credit card. Processed the order and everything is fine, except for one VERY important thing: Now when we visit the DDO store from his account, my credit card information is there and he can just purchase whatever he wants.
This is NOT what I want. I anticipate buying points for him every so often, but I don't want him to be able to go into the store and buy things, either on purpose or even on accident. Having the payment information stored makes this possible. I can't seem to remove the information myself. How do I accomplish this so that I don't have issues with the kid running up my credit card (which of course I would dispute every charge now that I've documented this issue here and also directly via the account management query screen online (which i assume sent an e-mail to those folks).
Please help..