EDIT: More + some better stuff.
EDIT3: These aren't leaving my bank space fast enough. I'll be selling the rest on the 23rd if there's no reply by the 22nd.
Because people gave me stuff that helped my toons in the lowbie levels.
+2 Adamantine Chainshirt
Boots of Elvenkind: dex+1, move silently +3 ML5
Wise Necklace of Haggling wis+2, haggle +5 ML9 (On hold)
Roguebane Breastplate ML4
Just let me know who to mail to. If you're F2P and can't post to this forum please send me a PM or an ingame mail.
~Aelunir of Thelanis~
+2 Ghost touch dagger of Tendon Slice ML6 (Kaethun)
+2 True Chaos Rapier of Vertigo ML6 UMD20 (Kaethun)
+1 Fearsome Studded Leather ML6 (Kaethun)
+2 Full Plate (Feahrgol)
+3 heavy steel shield (Feahrgol)
+4 Khopesh ML6 (Muddchook)