So, looking at the new list of True Reincarnation passive abilities and selectable feats, I've been thinking about what to do with my capped intimitank. On the one hand, True Reincarnating a dozen or so times seems appealing, what with all the beneficial passive abilities that can be stacked up to 3 times (+3 attack, trip, damage, turn attempts, +30 HP, and +15% Healing Amp being the most attractive from fighter, monk, cleric, barbarian and paladin respectively), the thought of having to cap a character 15 or so times (more if considering the increased XP needed to level) isn't especially appealing.
I do, however, think that True Reincarnating twice will be of much value, and won't necessarily be so arduous.
Someone crazy should really make a tank after TRing through 3 barbarians, 3 fighters, 3 monks and 3 paladins (and maybe 3 clerics).
Here are my current projections for what I'll want to end up doing with my current tank, and upon which I'd appreciate comments and criticisms.
Currently, Ferrumrym is a Pal 14/Fitr 6, so his past life granted ability will be +5% Healing Amp. I'm thinking of TRing him into a fighter (or mostly fighter) before TRing yet again back into a mostly paladin-based intimiitank (18/2 or 14/6 again). My reasoning behind this, is that the trainable past life feat from fighter looks pretty **** good on such a character: +1 Max Dex in armor and shields, +2 Intimidate and 3x/rest +4 attack.
Considering staying dwarf, as that will give access to Armor Mastery, and possibly more damage with axes.
Str 16
Dex 14 (ends up at 22 w/ a +2 tome, which will fill out DT FP with DAM II, DoS III and the Past Life feat)
Con 16
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 14 (+4 tome to get DM III)
Feat-wise, I was considering either something reflecting Junts' self-healing build, or going with a greater offensive option, so either:
Power Attack
Combat Expertise
Past Life
Improved Critical
Extend (maybe replace with Improved Trip)
Quicken (maybe drop for something else if I find that I don't need it)
(add 2 feats if going 14/6, maybe Improve Trip, or Weapon Focus and Spec)
Power Attack
Combat Expertise
Past Life
Improved Critical
(add 2 feats if going 14/6, probably Dodge plus 1 more, maybe Extend)
I'm really on the fence about some of this stuff. On the one hand, I really like Improved Trip, but it doesn't succeed all that often at endgame, and there are somewhat better feats to consider. Also, while I did manage to go a long time before picking up offensive feats on Ferrum (THF-GTHF), not having the DPS option seems like a sub-optimal choice, though I really like what little self-healing I already have built into a few characters.
S&B with dwarven axes seems like it'd be a bit weaker than with khopeshes, s that also makes not having a DPS option a bit painful.
What do you other capped tank players think? Which would be the more attractive/useful/effective route?