My monk Soranna on Cannith server has a weird thing...
I am straight monk 9 -- path of light and monkey (+4 to all resistance)
Whenever I buy a cloak that says resistance +2, there is no stacking at all....
I have a immune to acid cloak, it just shows +14 on my acid saves.
I put on the cloak from the TGR series, the one where it is +2 to all resistances and a 10 point reduction on cold.. well... the resistances aren't stacking, and the cold jumped to a 14. Not showing like a DR. 14 is not immunity, or a 10 point reduction to cold damage.
From what is said about cloaks, and what it does show on my char sheet seem to be 2 different things... And nothing is stacking with my monkey resistances....
Am I missing something, or is my char bugged with cloaks and/or resistances?