Originally Posted by
If you can press a button and come up with a lvl 20 character, then yes. My advise is bad.
However if you read the OP's first post: "currently 2 Rogue / 1 Bard", he will spent most of his time leveling, if he ever gets to 20. Your build, and many other posts here, assumes people can easily press a button and get to level 20. The 3rd PrE is completely useless if you can't get it.
Since he is going to spend 99%, if not 100%, of his time between level 1-19, and "I've found that most nights I end up solo", getting ~230 mana from a splash is absolutely necessary.
In the unlikely case, by the time this guy gets close to level 20 and he decides the FvS/Sorc splash is bad, there is always reincarnation...