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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Joining/creating parties

    Get ready for some monumentally dumb questions...

    Been playing solo up until now (level 4 Rogue) with occasional help from hirelings. After getting a severe panning on the Shan to Kor quests while my incompetent hireling calmly stood and stared at a wall I figured I may need to start looking into joining/creating parties.

    I check the game manual and support bits on parties, open the social panel and look for a group to try it out. Korthos Island level 2 quests on elite, I can handle that, I jump on the boat back to Korthos and join the group.

    While I'm still fumbling with how the chat panel works I get invited to do Catacombs, I accept, but I can't remember where it is. I check the quest panel, search the map but no success. I see one of the group wandering round the village, I go to find them but they're not actually there. Hmm.

    By now I've (understandably) been kicked from the group, I apologise for being a noob, they're ok with it, I then realise just how much of a tool I am when I remember that Catacombs is outside the village across the island, I go out the gate and there's the little arrow on the map. Bah!


    1. Korthos has "sunny" and "snowy" sides, how does this affect which groups you can join?

    2. You get invited to do a quest, is it simply a case of remembering where the entrance is and running over to it or am I missing something?

    3. How do you all get into the dungeon together, does the game just run the same instance for each member of the group?

    4. If the group is already in a dungeon when you join, what happens? Can you go in and catch up to them or do you wait until they finish and exit the dungeon?

    5. How does the XP and loot get assigned to each member of the group?

    Any tips would be appreciated and may stop me looking like a complete +1 weapon the next time I try this.

  2. #2
    Community Member ironmaiden-br's Avatar
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    Jan 2008


    1. Korthos has "sunny" and "snowy" sides, how does this affect which groups you can join?

    do not affect

    2. You get invited to do a quest, is it simply a case of remembering where the entrance is and running over to it or am I missing something?


    3. How do you all get into the dungeon together, does the game just run the same instance for each member of the group?

    YOu dont need to get in the instance together, all the group will always be in the same instance on quests. ONly on wilderness areas if you are in the area before you jointhe group you will need to recall to be in the same instance

    4. If the group is already in a dungeon when you join, what happens? Can you go in and catch up to them or do you wait until they finish and exit the dungeon?

    You can join and enter, you may have a xp hitif the group is near the end of the quest.

    5. How does the XP and loot get assigned to each member of the group?

    Every quest have a base xp, it modifies dependin on your level x quest level,if someone dies , if you re-enter the ques etcc..
    Helloween/Trooperrj/Dreamhealer/Sepulturaa/ x SabotageX/Ironhell/Aceshigh/Halibaba/gammaray/Blindgardian/Megadethx and 22 others..INFERUS SUS-Thelanis

  3. #3
    Community Member Kintro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tootoid View Post
    1. Korthos has "sunny" and "snowy" sides, how does this affect which groups you can join?
    You can only group with people on the same stage as you.

    2. You get invited to do a quest, is it simply a case of remembering where the entrance is and running over to it or am I missing something?
    You can look in your compendium for the quest, hover over the name and see the quest location. You can also ask the party where it is.

    3. How do you all get into the dungeon together, does the game just run the same instance for each member of the group?
    Exactly that, one instance per group.

    4. If the group is already in a dungeon when you join, what happens? Can you go in and catch up to them or do you wait until they finish and exit the dungeon?
    You join their instance and can catch up.

    5. How does the XP and loot get assigned to each member of the group?
    Each group member gets the total XP for the quest and any optionals (aslong as they're in the dungeon when it's awarded). Everyone gets the same chance at loot from chests.
    Southern Tenant Farmers Union - Ghallanda

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    1. Korthos has "sunny" and "snowy" sides, how does this affect which groups you can join?

    > GUESSING: you'll only be able to join you area, be it sunny or snowy

    2. You get invited to do a quest, is it simply a case of remembering where the entrance is and running over to it or am I missing something?

    > if you have it in you quest log you can select it and if you're in the same area a yellow pointer will appear (you'll also get blue pointers for any party members in the area)

    3. How do you all get into the dungeon together, does the game just run the same instance for each member of the group?

    >the first person in selects the difficulty, subsequent members just enter as normal (unable to change diff) you'll find each other in side (again with blue blips on the map)

    4. If the group is already in a dungeon when you join, what happens? Can you go in and catch up to them or do you wait until they finish and exit the dungeon?

    > you can join and you'll see where there blips are, if they're near the end ask if it's worth joining.

    5. How does the XP and loot get assigned to each member of the group?

    > when you open a chest items are generated and reserved for you, i.e. noone can take your stuff. you can choose to assign to somone else if you want (you got something you won't use but someone will) or you can take then trade (select there character, click trade in the bottom right orb thingy)

    don't be afraid to say it's your first group, it's propably theirs as well if not 2nd-3rd-etc...

    happy grouping =)

  5. #5
    Community Member IronAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tootoid View Post
    Get ready for some monumentally dumb questions...

    Been playing solo up until now (level 4 Rogue) with occasional help from hirelings. After getting a severe panning on the Shan to Kor quests while my incompetent hireling calmly stood and stared at a wall I figured I may need to start looking into joining/creating parties.

    I check the game manual and support bits on parties, open the social panel and look for a group to try it out. Korthos Island level 2 quests on elite, I can handle that, I jump on the boat back to Korthos and join the group.

    While I'm still fumbling with how the chat panel works I get invited to do Catacombs, I accept, but I can't remember where it is. I check the quest panel, search the map but no success. I see one of the group wandering round the village, I go to find them but they're not actually there. Hmm.

    By now I've (understandably) been kicked from the group, I apologise for being a noob, they're ok with it, I then realise just how much of a tool I am when I remember that Catacombs is outside the village across the island, I go out the gate and there's the little arrow on the map. Bah!


    1. Korthos has "sunny" and "snowy" sides, how does this affect which groups you can join?

    2. You get invited to do a quest, is it simply a case of remembering where the entrance is and running over to it or am I missing something?

    3. How do you all get into the dungeon together, does the game just run the same instance for each member of the group?

    4. If the group is already in a dungeon when you join, what happens? Can you go in and catch up to them or do you wait until they finish and exit the dungeon?

    5. How does the XP and loot get assigned to each member of the group?

    Any tips would be appreciated and may stop me looking like a complete +1 weapon the next time I try this.
    1. Yes there is a differance between sunny and snowy korthos. You can only group with people on the same island either sunny or snowy. When you open the groups panel there is a little box that you can check/uncheck to show only the groups your qualify for according to the post. the default list all groups.

    2. If invited to a group yes, part of it is remembering where the quest is. However, you can follow the blue triangles to your party members. Or you can have somebody share the quest and then follow the yellow/orange triangle once in the proper zone.

    3/4. Once in a group the first person inside locks the difficulty and instance for the group. So even if you come late then you will still be in with your group. If they have already started then yes, just run to them by following their blue dots on the map.

    5. Each person gets full xp for the mission. If you arrive at the end but still complete you will get a reduced share as a time penalty. The adventures get a little harder with more party members, in large part to dungeon scaling. Loot is just like solo really. The loot table rolls and you get your stuff. Some people will give items in the chest to others that might need it. ie a cure wand to the cleric. Raids are about the only time that named loot sometimes has a roll for items you might have recieved.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    Cheers everyone, reckon I can take another whack at it now.

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