I don't mean to resurrect a thread to beat a dead horse, but I thought it better than starting another one. It doesn't seem to matter what character of mine I log in with, I get at least 2 blind party invites per play session. I could be playing my new wizard, or my higher level cleric or rogue, it doesn't matter. Then there's the blind guild invites. At least one of those per session as well. Honestly, if I was the leader of a guild I would never ever send out blind invites to join it. Seriously, would you start a business and then stand out on the street and hire anyone who walked by without an interview? If so, enjoy going bankrupt faster than a wizard dies in a fist fight at level one. Phew, thanks for letting me get that out of my system.
Now on the other hand, if someone were to send me a tell asking if I wanted to do such and such quest, would I be interested. Then sure I would join their group. But blind invites of any kind are about as cool as this guy....