1/4 staves and whether furry of blows affects it or not? Had a debate with some guildies about it. I dont think I have heard a definative answer to this yet.
1/4 staves and whether furry of blows affects it or not? Had a debate with some guildies about it. I dont think I have heard a definative answer to this yet.
From everything I've seen . I notice my to hit drops off when I swap out wraps for a Q staff / kama's etc ... then pumps back up after swapping back to hand wraps . Suggesting that the bab gains from flurry of blows applies only while unarmed / handwraps ... while using anything else we fall into the normal 3/4 bab rules .
1/4 Staffs work just fine with Flurry of Blows.
There is no TWF Penalty for Using Handwraps, But there IS a TWF Penalty for Kama's. At Least -2/-2 if you have the TWF Feat. -4/-4 if you do not.
By 'flurry of blows' are you referring to the full BAB bonus (the answer is 'yes' and it's easily tested), or the mysterious speed bonus alluded to in this post by Eladrin, to which the answer is 'maybe'. Several people have commented that their kamas gain the flurry speed bonus, which seems to contradict Eladrin's post which specifically says 'unarmed', but I haven't tested it personally with qstaffs.
Since qstaffs seem to attack faster than other two handed weapons it would be hard to test to be honest. I can't even recall if the flurry alacrity bonus is only when centered or only when using centering weapons.
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Well the gist of the story is that a guildie of mine was talking about using a 1/4 staff with his rogue with monk splash in it with a certain 1/4 staff and was talking about gaining extra attacks with the "flurry of blows" applied to it.
However, he mentioned he was allowed to make an extra attack as soon as he took a monk level.
To my knowledge, I explained that how FoB works for monks is they have sort of a phantom bonus to BAB when fighting centered, which grants them a +1 bab at baby levels and rogues dont have +1 bab till later.
I know we dont get TWF affecting us with 1/4 staves (would be nice though) and I am unsure about the FoB haste boost affecting it...
No his toon is 19 rogue 1 monk, maybe that clarifies things.
I didnt mean to infer anything bad by calling it phantom BAB, poor choice of words I guess... More like a VERY select full BAB monks... but the trick is the rogue ueses rapiers so they wouldnt be focused...
Flurry of Blows doesn't grant an extra attack in DDO. It just increases your BAB when wielding special monk weapons (Quarterstaff, Kama, Shuriken, and when Unarmed). So while a 20 Monk has 15 BAB when it comes to selecting feats and the like, when able to use Flurry of Blows, it's treated as if they have 20 BAB
Taking that Monk level actually made your friend lose a point of BAB compared to what a pure rogue would have. He has 14 instead of 15. However, were he to use quarterstaff or two kamas he would have an effective BAB of 15 due to Flurry of Blows
You only gain the Bonus to BAB for every five monk levels, starting at level 1.. So if you have 1 Monk level you can at most gain +1 BAB, 5 Monk grants +2 BAB, with 10 Monk you'd gain +3 BAB, 15 Monk is +4 BAB and 20 Monk is +5 BAB
So basically, before the change went into effect last month, when weilding a Quarterstaff he would indeed of had an extra annimation/Attack. Now, you get that extra attack at BAB3 so it doesnt matter...
BUT, BAB 15 also has a Speed boost compared to BAB 14 now. So you will see that instead. (Its minor though 2%ish aprox.
Kamas make me attack slower but staff I am like lightining. My 2 cents.