Well I tried a pure Fighter Intimitank (Human) and when it came to vs casters.. major fail.
Then I read about Battle Clerics being excellent tanks, so I looked into cleric skills vs fighter, and I actually like the idea of combining their skills.

Id like to point out DPS is last on my list. I want to be a meat shield. I have started a char already and I am liking Intimidate, Concealing Mist (seems to work well with intimi - get them attacking you and blind em for reduced damage), and Turning undead for crowd control, while being able to survive heavy melee *and* caster mobs I have the attention of.

So how many lvls in each class should I take and what other skills should i pick up to help? Can there be a 3rd class I can splash in there for extra defence and/or crowd control skills?

Any advice is appreciated.

Also does it matter what class I start with with multi classing? I do know Custom Human Fighter gets to start with 3 feats.