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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default DPS - Pala Vs Barb

    I was just thinking how do u think what is beter in dps and soloing Pala or Barbarian and why?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    For soloing? I'd go with a paladin. A barbarian is basically all out rage attacks with high strength, high damage, but hardly any AC. You could give it higher dex and make a TWF barbarian, but for soloing you'd be better off with a paladin between the two.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    You can get better DPS with a barb but its going to take a lot of gear and know how to solo much with one.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  5. #5
    Community Member Thorzian's Avatar
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    barb for damage, paladin for self healing (and therefore soloing)

    if you have a but-ton of plat for cure pots, then go with barb for soloing too. big damage ftw!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
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  6. #6
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    In just about every case I can think of, a Barbarian is going to out-DPS a Paladin by a good margin. However, in terms of solo play, your question may be more about survivability instead of DPS. A Paladin is a lot more self-sufficient than a Barbarian, and tends to have more tools at their disposal to stay alive while soloing.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    Barb is surely more DPS but unless you're a master of managing Cleric Hirelings, or have a huge amount of funds for pots.. I'd go with the Pally.... but I am totally biased in regards to pallys.
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  8. #8
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    Ok and palas use only shields and 1 handed weapon? and how their skills basicly work? I know a barb has lots of dmg skills but what about pala? is it the same as in WoW? buffing and stuff?

  9. #9
    Community Member wolf6312's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


  10. #10
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsik View Post
    Ok and palas use only shields and 1 handed weapon? and how their skills basicly work? I know a barb has lots of dmg skills but what about pala? is it the same as in WoW? buffing and stuff?

    Pally's can use Two handed, two weapon or sword and shield depending on the build. They have good self buffs, and Lay on Hands is great healing.. plus they can use healing wands without taking UMD. Barbs.. um Kill, Crush, Destroy, get rezzed, kill, crush ,destroy, get rezzed...
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
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  11. #11
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    Ok and if ill go solo with a pala will i kill the mobs fast?
    If ill go with a Barb solo will I die fast?
    And pls help me to find a good build... I wanna make with a pala as much dmg as I can (28)

  12. #12
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsik View Post
    Ok and if ill go solo with a pala will i kill the mobs fast?
    If ill go with a Barb solo will I die fast?
    And pls help me to find a good build... I wanna make with a pala as much dmg as I can (28)
    with dungeon scaling that was put in recently, ANY class can kill relatively fast when soloing. particularly any of the melee classes.

    pallys solo alot more cheaply, whereas its very very expensive on a barb OR requires a ton of specific raid loot + favor.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  13. #13
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    Paladins actually do more DPS on undead then barbs, assuming your even DPS specced that is.

    For paladin I'd make a TWF build with hunter of undead for the lower levels, then later KoTC for damage when you hit vale and orchard. Splash 2 monk in there for AC without a shield. Barbarians just don't do that well solo in later levels mainly because rage lowers their AC, and they just take too much damage when alone. When alone, you can't profit from AC bonus from paladins and paladins have that buff built in so your looking at +4 AC just for being a paladin.

    Some form of rogue with focus on AC would still be better then both for soloing though, just the early levels will be harder but those are a cakewalk anyway.

  14. #14
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    in the current state of the game: Paladins.

    and lol they dont have to go suicide either to reach a higher potential ^^
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  15. #15
    Community Member excess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimaira View Post
    Paladins actually do more DPS on undead then barbs, assuming your even DPS specced that is.

    For paladin I'd make a TWF build with hunter of undead for the lower levels, then later KoTC for damage when you hit vale and orchard. Splash 2 monk in there for AC without a shield. Barbarians just don't do that well solo in later levels mainly because rage lowers their AC, and they just take too much damage when alone. When alone, you can't profit from AC bonus from paladins and paladins have that buff built in so your looking at +4 AC just for being a paladin.

    Some form of rogue with focus on AC would still be better then both for soloing though, just the early levels will be harder but those are a cakewalk anyway.
    I think some earlier posters missed the soloing part as barb dps is pretty horrible suggestion for soloing purposes, especially pure and especially if you're not made of plat.

    Advantages are high DPS that applies to any mob type (so top end DPS throughout your progression), high HP. However, no self-healing without dropping tons on pots, low AC that you lower even more to achieve high DPS and respectable will saves... if you don't rage - terrible, terrible will saves will have you slashing your wrists while your character dances and gets destroyed.

    Paladins can achieve high or higher DPS on the appropriate mob type, can self heal, have an easier time getting higher UMD thanks to cha being a class skill - which opens up even better self healing, or, on a WF actual self-healing through more than just LoH. They also get a great set of weapons for free through the Holy Sword spell and great saves - which is even more important when soloing. Add evasion to that and unlocked UMD if you multiclass 2 lvls of rogue and it's a pretty strong package for soloing.

  16. #16
    Founder alcmaeon's Avatar
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    Pure barb is back end loaded for DPS, they hit full stride at about 11th level. Up to that point they are about even with other classes in DPS.

    Hireling clerics are much cheaper than pots, and are not hard to use. Put it on passive mode so it won't go off and aggro everything in sight. Than LEAVE the cleric at a safe spot, go kill. When you hit a point that you need healing stop. DOn't aggro anything and bring the cleric to you. Heal up, rinse repeat.

    A hireling will run to you over short to moderate distances but will teliport to you over long distances or when it can't figure out how to path to you. They will run right thru mobs or traps so the trick is to get far enough away that they teliport to you. If running, they will also not always come to you the same way you went. So your cleared path may not matter.

    It is harder to manage large fights or fights in small areas when you need the cleric near enough to heal you that they draw aggro just for being a caster. But it ain't brain surgery, you will figure out what to do with a cleric after a try or to.
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