Hey all,

This request is likely going to be very vague, but I'm open to ideas and would love any and all build ideas you guys can throw out there.

I love playing casters, first and foremost. I've had a number of Sorcs and enjoyed them all. However, I'd like to move to a casting type OTHER than an arcane caster.

I'd really like to play a Bard who primarily does caster DPS using Shout and Soundburst. I know there are some logical flaws with doing this, namely a small mana pool, but that's what I'd LIKE to do.

I'd also like to be able to do decent melee DPS, so when my mana pool is exhausted, I'm not TOTALLY useless as far as DPS goes.

I'm open to ideas, and it doesn't HAVE to be Bard, though that is my primary desire.