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  1. #81
    Community Member Narmolanya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATRACE931 View Post
    I'm and ass-hole anyone who knows me will contest to it . Everytime i see a multiclass i don't immediatly understand click my i think "Ah **** here we go" and then immediatly accept then and hope they prove me wrong so i can say "Dudes got a jacked build but hot **** it works!!" I agree with most here, do your best to explain the pros and cons of your build but if you're not given the chance, screw those retards and go get a better group.

    So many times I am in a group and then some exotic muticlass build joins that I am sure will contribute absolutely nothing to the party. After were are done more often than not I have to reconsider my orgianl bias as they have rocked that build for some amazing things.
    My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.

  2. 03-27-2010, 10:34 PM

  3. #82
    Community Member guardianx2009's Avatar
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    Don't bother building any form of "battle cleric" if you want to join groups.. sooner or later you'll be discriminated. Everyone hates battle clerics, everyone thinks they are good for nothing clerics that only heals themselves or are gimped and can't heal effectively.

    I had a 9cleric/1fighter, got invited to tempest spine, and after a botched fire & ice (buncha ppl died and killed fire too late because half the party was elsewhere) the cleric noticed my build and immediately blamed me for the botch. I got kicked even though the Pally in the group told everyone she ran tempest with me before and said I was good.

    I've played several pure clerics up to L14 or so and the one battle cleric I built, can do so much more. It's expensive, (have to rely on wands alot more to augment lack of sp) but I was always top 3 in kills AND kept the party alive.

    Unless you want to put up with the discrimination or run solo all the time, don't build battle clerics.

  4. #83
    Community Member Narmolanya's Avatar
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    This is simply not true. While there are some people who hate battle clerics it comes down more to how you play yours. Are you swinging a weapon while you party is at 10% health? Do you think your 16 STR and a greatsword are going to do more damage than a Max Empowered Blade Barrier?

    My current "battle cleric" is at level 15 it is a cleric13/ranger2. I dual weild dwarven axes and can dish out melée damage as well as offensive casting but guess what I am cleric first so if step back from fighting and keep people healed if that is what is needed. I also have 1450+ spell points so I do have to use scrolls or wands often unless it is a bad group.

    Perhaps you need to evaluate you build and or playstyle. Play a battle cleric well and you will have NO problems finding groups.
    My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.

  5. #84
    Community Member guardianx2009's Avatar
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    It's absolutely true. Nothing to do with how you play. You will get discriminated. BEFORE you even get a chance to prove it, period. And even if you get the chance, when the party wipes for whatever reason, you'll be the lightning rod for the blame game.

    The cleric in my tempest spine group saw I had 75%sp and thought I didn't heal anyone when in fact I wasted all my mana trying to keep squishy fighters on their feet and shrined afterwards. He immediately jumped to that conclusion because he saw my lvl1 fighter and greatsword. Even after I explained myself, his next excuse was I won't have enough sp to heal the group.

    I've even had someone PM me when I was new to the game and knew nothing about battle clerics. He told me not tell ppl you're a "warpriest". That you will be immediately kicked out of groups if you are.

    You cannot win. Don't bother. It's not worth the stress. You will find some groups that appreciate you, then you will find ones that are downright nasty.

  6. #85
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    I just like the fact that what is actually one of the best builds in the game gets booted from a group and told to learn to play.....

    My guess is you ran into one of the thousands of know it all 12 year olds that frequent free to play games.

  7. #86
    Community Member Narmolanya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guardianx2009 View Post
    It's absolutely true. Nothing to do with how you play. You will get discriminated. BEFORE you even get a chance to prove it, period. And even if you get the chance, when the party wipes for whatever reason, you'll be the lightning rod for the blame game.

    The cleric in my tempest spine group saw I had 75%sp and thought I didn't heal anyone when in fact I wasted all my mana trying to keep squishy fighters on their feet and shrined afterwards. He immediately jumped to that conclusion because he saw my lvl1 fighter and greatsword. Even after I explained myself, his next excuse was I won't have enough sp to heal the group.

    I've even had someone PM me when I was new to the game and knew nothing about battle clerics. He told me not tell ppl you're a "warpriest". That you will be immediately kicked out of groups if you are.

    You cannot win. Don't bother. It's not worth the stress. You will find some groups that appreciate you, then you will find ones that are downright nasty.
    I understand where you are coming from but if you are running with squishy fighters that can't keep themselves alive, they are the problem not you.

    I play nothing but clerics and bards. My cleric are almost never pure and I am telling you I never have a problem. This is not an attack on you at all so please don't take it that way, but is it possible that you being new to the game had a poorly build battle cleric?

    In conclusion I think you have had the bad luck of either grouping with idiot noobs or angry xenophobic vets.
    My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.

  8. #87
    Community Member Vikkus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Free to play FTL. First off people pay no attention to the what min age 12 for F2P? Second it doesnt matter if they are 12 or 50 if they cant afford a couple bucks for a videogame, something is wrong with them. Give up a couple packs of smokes, a couple happy meals, a bag of weed whatever. If you don't have the maturity to manage 15 bucks a month or 30-50 bucks for the initial price of a game you fail at life.

    Are you really commenting on maturity with a post like that?
    My gaming experience began long ago with a red box, six dice, a marker crayon and my imagination.

  9. #88
    Community Member Film's Avatar
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    Default Take it as it is

    For starters, if they act like that before the quest... you are better off not running with them anyway. I would try to convince someone I was able to handle what they needed if they were cool and had some gaming smarts. Those Clowns you mentioned just aren't worth the time.

    Or maybe they decided they did not want to play the Multiclass gamble game because they just got burnt by a lvl 12 Cleric 2 monk 1 rogue in GH that died three times as a self healing Battle Cleric before they made it to the quest entrance(true story). Laughed so hard at the Bring your own healing LFM said BC had posted!

    Just be glad when things like this happen, because it could end up far worse!

    Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear brighter before they speak. Characters: All start with Film. Loreseeker Elder

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