If you want to know why...
Whether or not he will be a gimp at 20 is irrelevant. Whether his build will work in higher level or elite content is irrelevant. All that matters is that he can heal the party through the mission at hand.
Anyone who kicks you from a team this way without stating a specific reason is a clown. They either shouldn't have invited you in the first place or told you "we need you to do X and you can't".
The best part is that ive been in teams where episodes like this have occured, and the team leaders that do the kicking more often than not are the worst players in the team. Guess its just a DDO fact of life.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
The first time I joined a party that had a Tukaw build, I looked at the character and thought, "What the #%$@ is this ****???." Yeah about halfway thru Tor, having watched the guy clear out tthe entire place pretty much by himself, I learned what was really up. Now I just wish I had enough skill to play one effectively. Sadly, I am too slow with a mouse and keyboard to pull it off.
Anyhow, you never know what your gonna get buildwise. That is what makes DDO so awesome. Sure we got some cookie cutter builds. But the potential for variety blows anything else totally out of the water and as a number cruncher this makes me happy.
IMO booting someone from a group because of concerns about a build After inviting them to the gorup is Bad Form. If I have concerns about a build then i send a tell to the individual addressing my concerns. If what they have to say addresses my concerns Then i will accept there join request. If not i will tell them thanks but no and continue looking.
Last edited by baddax; 11-17-2009 at 04:48 PM.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu
Ah, I see where you're going and I've built characters like this in NWN persistent worlds... Not here, though.
I think it's a probably a good class as you've unlocked some necessary support skills/survival feats that will allow you to support the party beyond "heal bot." The problem is you ran into a group of children who are incapable of understanding something that doesn't fit in their preconceived notion of "heal bot" cleric.
I have some sympathy for them, not much, but some, because they've no doubt experienced too many gimps playing their gimped character. A character like this has to be played well, or not at all. And, no doubt, many times the people playing these characters did not play them well at all.
Well because this isn't PnP D&D where you are allowed to do anything and have fun. This is min/max game where if you don't use the pre-cookie cutter acceptable class mixes then you won't be allowed to raid with the 'elite crowd'.
Edit *I think I will try your classLooks like alot of fun!
Last edited by Vikkus; 03-16-2010 at 02:30 PM.
Thread Necro:
Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)
well, what you should do is obvious my young grasshopper, lvl ur build to 20 showing a middle finger to whoever doesnt like it, the build is urs, the gameplay is urs, and if someone knows the reasoning behind ur build, is YOU not them (unless you tell them the reasoning, then you and them will know the reasoning...bah screw it, continuing). And after u get it to lvl 20, you get to those half brained cookies which told you "lern to ply", kick them alive to hell and back on pvp, and say "i learned to play, now you learn to write".
see? easy and peacefull/fun
People in this game will criticize your build. They feel that if you dont build your toons the way they would (Usually a flavor of the month build), then your gimp. Ignore the kick and the obviously ignorant leader who decided to kick you.
Its your toon. If your enjoying it and enjoying the game, then its not gimp.
No matter how "ubber" you THINK your build is... or WILL be... the fact of the matter is, if you can't contribute to the current group in the current mission... you are a liability.
Even my 2 rogue/12 wizard had to explain to people in the beginning that I was a trap monkey and that I can take care of any trap a rogue of the same level could... and then some.
If they didn't choose me or booted me, I took it with a grain of salt. Chances are, they did me a favor. You'd think the TR wings would give them the hint that MAYBE I might know what I was doing - but hey, there are losers who can TR too.
Still, booting someone without explanation is a lame move on their part. So thank them... they probably just saved you some repair money.
I dont understand why people would join a game with such freedom in your character and then discriminate against people because of it...its just silly.
Personally I let whoever join, they can see what quest and difficulty we are doing, they should know how they are bringing something useful to the party and if not it wouldnt matter what kind of build they have anyways really......
I always like seeing weird builds. Even when I was brand new. I'd always wonder how they played and such, and usually I was surprised and learned something. Sometimes I'd get players who I think maybe were working for the monsters but its rare.
Sometimes in groups I see the leader laughing about some build that tried to join and I ask them whats wrong with it and I havent gotten an answer yet. And everytime this has happened, that person who did the laughing turned out to be horribly underpowered themselves......
Two Plus Two makes TwentySeven and I bit your rat in half. What now?
Op: just ignore fools who don´t know your build, if your a solid player it doesn´t matter you will find grps anyway.
You know that there are alot of european players here who has been around since alpha/beta and release date even thou they have been playing in europe untill the servers died in 2009, so join date isn´t always a good measurement of knowlage.
Just sayin![]()
Last edited by Swedishchef; 03-24-2010 at 04:51 PM.
You don´t get more out of life then you put in to it.
Just a few....based on the OP MyDDO page, he last played this, his only character back in December. Looks like all the level ups past his OP were in Cleric, but alas the Character page itself is from long before that so very very outdated info. One problem that was obvious was that it was a Cleric build that he tacked Monk/Rogue onto for some of those class benefits, but with LOW INT and DEX, will really suffer as a rogue so that was almost pointless. With no DEX (8 base) many of the other perks of a Monk splash become lessened a lot. You still need to MAKE the reflex save for evasion to matter...
Whatever...thread necro with a now inactive OP it looks like...
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more
well, dunno if u ever heard of it, but there is a korean game out there (there´s already a US and brazilian versions of it) called lunia. The game itself offers u so much freedom with the gameplay, its pretty much an arcade online, that allows u to run at any direction, use skills any way you want and so on, and thus, the gameplay created the ppl known as combers(players who make good use of their skills along with normal attacks to kill others in pvp at close combat), and, of course, there is another side of the line that are the spellers(players who rather keep their distance, dodge skills and use theirs with a right timing for ranged focused attacks to nail the other players without being hit(if the speller is good))
well, whats my point?? promote a new game? never, because ddo outmatches lunia by far in all aspects (graphics, gameplay, story, etc...), but what happens at lunia is, the combers on lunia, tend to flame spellers to the best of their efforts, and why? simple, because they think that their gameplay is right, and the rest is trash, and even when they lose in pvp, they just insult you because you are a "noob" for not going on combos against them.
the point comes now: no matter what game, if it offer freedom, it creates space for ppl creativity when creating/using a char, and what comes out of it? players self centered who believe their way is the right way, pretty much "do what i do or bail out". I am not saying that everyone in ddo, or lunia is like that, but pretty much, games like those tend to create that sort of imbecile, self centered, dimwittted players, who live to criticize and ruin other players day with their nonstop flame barrage because you are wrong and they are right =S.
quite a sad world aint it?
At level 10 if he's been pumping UMD he should be able to use raise dead/heal scrolls. He can also free up the trapsmith party spot for more DPS, if he has the items and +5 tools, at least on normals and probably hards (I do elite at level on my ranger with one level of rogue, except for Cabal) He'll also be able to use reconstruct scrolls on warforged, which full clerics cannot ordinarily do.
2 CSW wands solves the SP problem (for an average quest). He can use the wands til he needs to use spells to keep up with incoming party dps, and other wands for state removal (disease, blindness, poison etc), and reserve spells for fights and buffs. Ideally he has heighten so is casting ELE/20 resist buffs.
Think outside the box for 5 seconds. While he's not really going to hit his stride til level 12, and this is an expensive healer to run, he's more than adequate coming up if he pays to win and the group doesn't suck.
He's also not going to get beat up by much and be able to stick around to res people. If the group wipes, chances are he couldn't have saved them as a full cleric anyway.
TBH I'd have taken the monk levels once I got mass CLW and maxed my healing amp stuff (at level), but whatever, it can still work.
I'd take him in my group without batting an eye. You can do quests up to around level 12 without any healer at all, so I really don't see the problem here. Having him in the group would be a bonus no matter how you slice it.
Last edited by hermespan; 03-26-2010 at 10:23 PM.
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