Arcadia is a small guild right now only need a couple more players active in the levels 9-11 range to start reaching our goal of Progressive casual raiding 2-3 times a week...times will be figured out once have the numbers. Family and friends always welcome (cause we are famiyl friendly)

Arcadia is recruting Bards/FS/Cleric/Soercers mainly.

Spots are limited as we are a small family/soon to be progressing casual raid guild...spots will open over time as people go inactive and leave. Everyone have been patient and we are yet only a few shy of reaching this goal.

We have ventrilo but it is not being used so might forget abotu it till more people utilize this.

Eventually we will have 2 seperate casual raiding forces in a different time zone.

If you think this is for you, you're welcome to join as spots will be very limited in an upcoming exclusive guild =).
You may contact me on Jiulaiga with more questions sorry this isnt very detailed because the guild is still young and has lots of room to grow and has been goign great so far!