Hey Folks! I'm a first time Warforged poster here and I must say that i really am seeing the light about how awesome this race really is. So here's my question:
When would be a good time to swap out of Mithril Plating to Composite? I've built this character for soloing mostly and for some limited duoing with friends. I'm currently at 5 Wiz/3 Ranger/2 Monk (going for 12/6/2) and use spells for repairing and buffing. My AC is 26 and at full buff (Shield/Barkskin/Cats Grace/CE/Haste) is 40.
I've certainly made some mistakes with this build:
-Not sure whether Combat Expertise (CE) is worth it at this point and I usually have it turned off most of the time
-Went Dex based and took Weapon Finesse (swapped for CE later) once I found a strength stat item and enjoy the flexibility of different weapons
-Thinking Power Attack (PA) would be more advantageous and could swap Mithril for it (at least I think I can, even if I didn't have a base strength of 13 at level 1, but now do)
-I've already swapped a few feats, so the price would be rather high and I really don't want to waste it
Some of this I can address when Greater Reincarnation is released, but who knows when we'll see it.
So what do you guys think? Should I swap Mithril for PA?