so many useful feats so quicken really needed?
so many useful feats so quicken really needed?
I do not use quicken on my sorceror, they already cast fast and if you've got a high concentration it shouldn't matter much, on a warforged though I would take it, sometimes you just want those heals to always go off.
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
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Cant do scrolls with low concentration if things are beating on ya.
Helbrimm- WF Wiz/Rogue (retired) Hellbrim-WF Sorcerer
Member of <o>
Depending on your play style and skill, it may be necessary if you want to solo high level content. I wasn't able
to kill Erisande in Bastion solo because of failed conc. checks. If you use symbols, summons and clouds a lot
it also helps with the casting times.
Because sorcs cast so fast, Quicken isn't necessary.
A decent conc skill is good enough
(in addition, plenty of SP and cool-down= cast again)
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