Hi, I've searched and can't seem to find an answer to this, forgive me if its been covered.
I can only run at 1280x1024 on my TFT monitor (its the monitor, not the GFX card). This means so much of the screen is taken up by icons, frames, quickbars and so forth that I don't have a great deal of 'playspace' and am forever accidentally clicking things on toolbars when I'm trying to select things in the game world.
is there anything that can be done to make the icons & tool bars etc appear smaller? None of the UI Skins I've seen seem to address this and I can't beleive I'm the only person with this issue.
I'm particularly worried as I've seen enough screen shots of higher level characters where they have about 12 quickbars all on display that I'm becoming convinced that level of onscreen management is going to be required sooner or later. I can live with the complexity (in many ways I welcome it), but I'm up to 4 on screen and that's it. Any more and I'll have about 4 square inches of space to actually see the game itself!
Any ideas anyone?