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Thread: Turn specialist

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Turn specialist

    Always interesting to min/max and look around for unusual builds.

    With the new free past life feat you could make an interesting Turn Specialist.

    Here it is:

    Past Life: Cleric
    You were a cleric in a past life. You occasionally feel the presence of the divine. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 to the DC's of your Conjuration spells, +1 Turn Undead attempt per rest, and you Turn Undead as if you were two levels higher. This feat can be stacked up to three times.

    Also available are Feats:

    * Extra Turning (requires the ability to Turn undead): allows the character to turn undead an additional 4 times per rest period. This feat can be taken only once.

    * Improved Turning (requires Turn Undead): This feat gives clerics and paladins a better chance at turning the undead.

    And Enhancements:

    Cleric Improved Turning III: Grants an additional +1 to your level when attempting to turn undead (for +3 total)

    Cleric Extra Turning IV: Grants an extra turn undead use per rest (for four extra total).

    Additionally at some stages we should see prestige classes for clerics. Possibly one may give bonuses to Turn Undead.

    And the wiki mentions:

    * a Sacred item, adds +2 enhancement bonus to your cleric level.
    * The spell Seek Eternal Rest will add a stackable +4 sacred bonus to your cleric level.
    * The shield item Aegis of Flame adds 6 hit dice to those turned when equipped.
    * Armor of Command adds a bonus to Charisma based checks, which might include Turning attempts.

    A few questions:

    Can the Feat Improved Turning be taken multiple times?
    To get Past Life: Cleric three times does that mean you take a cleric to 20 and restart three times?
    Is Turn Undead so broken that even Turning as if you were 14 levels higher wouldn't be very good?
    What is the base number of Turns per day for a cleric?

    (With gratitude to )

  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Stabsy View Post

    A few questions:

    Can the Feat Improved Turning be taken multiple times?
    To get Past Life: Cleric three times does that mean you take a cleric to 20 and restart three times?
    Is Turn Undead so broken that even Turning as if you were 14 levels higher wouldn't be very good?
    What is the base number of Turns per day for a cleric?
    -yes, to get a pastlife 3 times, you have to get that class 3times to 20...well, actually 4 times as you have to have been cleric 3 times and then a 4rth time to be 20 again
    -most likely
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  3. #3
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Turning has some issues.

    Even when it works, it may not be desireable.

    But it is fun IMO.

    I may actually do this with my cleric. She already turns good...but could be better.

    Problem is to be the best at turning requires that your max stat be Cha, which limits your Wisdom. Making a poor cleric in other ways.

    So you give up a lot to specialise in something is broken, and undesirable to most players.

    My cleric had Cha as a secondary stat. Maybe I would keep Wis maxed, but start with a high Cha too, and just take enhancements and items to help my Cha. (which is basically what I did anyway with her)

    As long as Wis is maxed, you're still a good cleric in other ways too.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

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