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Thread: Cloudkill

  1. #1
    Community Member metallmaiden's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Angry Cloudkill

    3 times on the last week i've had in game discutions with players regarding this spell.
    It ussually comes when I start buffing the party for Acid Res. before fighting Arcane Skellies
    "cloudkill is poison dmg".
    Ok, from what i undertsand, there is no such thing as "poison dmg". when u get poisoned u suffer from "Ability dmg" (ussually con or str).
    Cloudkill has 4 distinctive effects:
    1-Instant Kill 5 or less HD creatures
    2-Does Acid dmg for 2d6+1 p/CL
    3-Does ability dmg for 1d4 constitution
    4-Green fog Conceals creatures (20% miss chance)

    Now, if you are inmune to poison (like a WF) you are inmune to this spell. But, with energy resistance or Protection form energy, you also negate the effects (the HP and Ability dmg, for a period of time).

    NO POISON DMG!! Theres Lethal Melee dmg (piercing, slashing, blunt) theres Energy Dmg (Electricity, cold, fire, acid, sound) and theres force dmg (magic missile and alike), Negative energy dmg, theres also Light Dmg (nimbus of light, cearing light) and Divine dmg (which is unreductible, as i understand..could be wrong about this though...Flame strike 1/2 fire 1/2 divine) and Im not Sure if the Aligment based dmg is divine or another category on itself.
    All those things dmg your HP.
    Poisons mostly do Ability dmg, and in standard 3.5 rulz they also do acid dmg in some cases (dont know about the poisons available for an assasin rogue in ddo)

    Besides, whats the point in arguing with a guy thats buffing you about how little good you think that particular buff
    does to you? (even if you are right) When ur a tank and someone throws u a set of dmg reduction with Stoneskin and energy resist, u dont complaint!
    Last edited by metallmaiden; 11-08-2009 at 02:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metallmaiden View Post
    3 times on the last week i've had in game discutions with players regarding this spell.
    It ussually comes when I start buffing the party for Acid Res. before fighting Arcane Skellies
    "cloudkill is poison dmg".
    Ok, from what i undertsand, there is no such thing as "poison dmg". when u get poisoned u suffer from "Ability dmg" (ussually con or str).
    Cloudkill has 4 distinctive effects:
    1-Instant Kill 5 or less HD creatures
    2-Does Acid dmg for 2d6+1 p/CL
    3-Does ability dmg for 1d4 constitution
    4-Green fog Conceals creatures (20% miss chance)

    Now, if you are inmune to poison (like a WF) you are inmune to this spell. But, with energy resistance or Protection form energy, you also negate the effects (the HP and Ability dmg, for a period of time).

    NO POISON DMG!! Theres Lethal Melee dmg (piercing, slashing, blunt) theres Energy Dmg (Electricity, cold, fire, acid, sound) and theres force dmg (magic missile and alike), Negative energy dmg, theres also Light Dmg (nimbus of light, cearing light) and Divine dmg (which is unreductible, as i understand..could be wrong about this though...Flame strike 1/2 fire 1/2 divine). All those things dmg your HP.
    Poisons mostly do Ability dmg, and in standard 3.5 rulz they also do acid dmg in some cases (dont know about the poisons available for an assasin rogue in ddo)

    Besides, whats the point in arguing with a guy thats buffing you about how little good you think that particular buff
    does to you? (even if you are right) When ur a tank and someone throws u a set of dmg reduction with Stoneskin and energy resist, u dont complaint!
    You're right that Cloud Kill deals Acid Damage.. but only if you are vulnerable to the poison aspect of it.
    Protecting yourself from the Acid aspect doesn't protect you from the poison however.

    On a different note, there is such thing as Poison Damage...

  3. #3
    Community Member metallmaiden's Avatar
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    About the posion dmg: Point Taken. I've never encountered that type of dmg b4.

    Still, Its not what cloudkill does, though

    On the other hand, everytime i enter a cloudkill area with acid resist i negate the ability dmg.
    Dont have any poison inmunity items on me, im human, and the dmg is on once the resist fades.
    Try it. Every time i have this discution in game, i make a point of stanidng still in the cloudkill, and the only resulting aspect is the concealment (which u can tell by the popup msg overhead "cloukill") no ability dmg.

    I'll do it again tomorrow morning to make sure im not puting my foot in my mouth again, but im quite positive about this.

  4. #4
    Community Member MissErres's Avatar
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    I believe cloudkill was changed with Mod 9 to add acid dmg to it's effect. Atleast it was added to our CK's, so I'm assuming it works both ways. I have also found that having a poison resist item/spell on helps negate the damage, and has been that way for quite awhile.

    As far as casting acid resist before fighting arcane skellies... Arcane skellies do acid dmg (as well as electric) w/o casting CK, so it's always good to have.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay203 View Post
    ~locks Erres in the ancient cage~

  5. #5
    Founder Deusxmachina's Avatar
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    I suppose it's not something I've tested in the past week or so, but every time I'm in Cloudkill, I just swap on my poison-resist item or drink a Neutralize Poison potion, and no ability damage.
    I can dodge fireballs, baby!
    "When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown-up."

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by metallmaiden View Post
    About the posion dmg: Point Taken. I've never encountered that type of dmg b4.

    Still, Its not what cloudkill does, though

    On the other hand, everytime i enter a cloudkill area with acid resist i negate the ability dmg.
    Dont have any poison inmunity items on me, im human, and the dmg is on once the resist fades.
    Try it. Every time i have this discution in game, i make a point of stanidng still in the cloudkill, and the only resulting aspect is the concealment (which u can tell by the popup msg overhead "cloukill") no ability dmg.

    I'll do it again tomorrow morning to make sure im not puting my foot in my mouth again, but im quite positive about this.
    My guess is it's typed as both acid and poison damage, meaning immunity to either will protect you from both.

    If you want to really figure it out - have a caster with no acid enhancements or potency items on toss a weak fog, and stand in it with protection from acid up (without resistance). Record the amount of damage it's removing from your protection. Then, stand in the fog and check how much acid damage and how much con dmg you're taking, and compare that to the recorded numbers for while the protection was still up.

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