I'm new on this class forum, but my son and I are looking for a couple of builds for the two of us to have fun with most of the game content. We always play together. We are fairly new to ddo online, about 20 hrs in now (several chars up to lvl 4 or so only).

I generally play a support class while he runs around in uberness killing stuff. We do group from time to time, and I've always found a healing class best for me (from other mmporgs) as it generally gets us invited into groups where if we were both say dps, many wouldn't take him because he's a young player.

I want to create a support character that is primarily a healer, but can also handle all (or as much as possible) locks/traps in game.

Is there a link to a build that could provide this? I thought you only need a couple levels of Rogue, but I'm hearing in game (and reading the mech thread here) that this may not be the case and the .5 non-class specialization penalty for skills basically limits you hard to meet the end-game traps/lock picking needs.

Any suggestions here for a viable healer/mech specialist? I generally like to run around bashing things with him, but realize I'll probably have to sacrifice in the build to meet the primary healing/lp/device focus.

thx for suggestions and links to any builds -