1. Auction House prices
Have you seen what people are charging for items now? 5kpp for +1 stat items or worse yet 1million gold for +2 Longbows and such.
Making a profit is one thing or having a very hard to get item but gougeing is another.
Where do these people come from?Is this the result of free players?
2. The hate towards Arcane Rangers
I have a Arcane Ranger and planned his progression from level 1 to level 20. 15 Ranger/5 Wizard. I am usually,95% of the time top kills. I use melee when appropriate and ranged. My main goals are to do top DPS or close without being a strain on the Healer.
Now at level 10 when I try to join TS raids I get turned down,no reason is given as to why but I know it is from propaganda of being a said type Ranger.
Someone is always going to be top DPS and sometimes they arent.I hear people always complaining about Arcane Rangers,maybe it is because of all the bad players that give all of us the bad name but being top DPS is a goal and even if you never are you still strive to be so and be more than that.
There is more to a game than just top DPS,it seems that this "new" generation has forgot that.I understand doing your part and I agree on this BUT someone is always top DPS while others are not
Lets please stop spreading the Hate,thank you.