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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Things that urk me about DDO

    1. Auction House prices
    Have you seen what people are charging for items now? 5kpp for +1 stat items or worse yet 1million gold for +2 Longbows and such.
    Making a profit is one thing or having a very hard to get item but gougeing is another.
    Where do these people come from?Is this the result of free players?

    2. The hate towards Arcane Rangers
    I have a Arcane Ranger and planned his progression from level 1 to level 20. 15 Ranger/5 Wizard. I am usually,95% of the time top kills. I use melee when appropriate and ranged. My main goals are to do top DPS or close without being a strain on the Healer.
    Now at level 10 when I try to join TS raids I get turned down,no reason is given as to why but I know it is from propaganda of being a said type Ranger.

    Someone is always going to be top DPS and sometimes they arent.I hear people always complaining about Arcane Rangers,maybe it is because of all the bad players that give all of us the bad name but being top DPS is a goal and even if you never are you still strive to be so and be more than that.
    There is more to a game than just top DPS,it seems that this "new" generation has forgot that.I understand doing your part and I agree on this BUT someone is always top DPS while others are not
    Lets please stop spreading the Hate,thank you.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    Just because the item is up for sale, does not mean the person is desperate for a sale. What you are seeing in those prices is folks speculating on the twink market.

    The hate towards arcane archers does indeed come from those that kite in groups improperly. Kiting can be and is a valid tactic in many games including this one. Many players do not know how to deal witih someone kiting, or how to kite properly. There tends to be a lack of communication in many groups where kiting happens, is objected to, and no one tells the offender/offended.

    That ranged combat tends to be slower in dealing dps then a melee build is another issue. Time can be the most valuble resource a player has.

    There is a time and a place for ranged combat, its main use seems to be exchanging time for in game resouorces. Personally I find the ability to split groups of mobs very useful, but I am a newer player with less in game resources to devote to a character.

  3. #3
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcoffey View Post
    1. Auction House prices
    Have you seen what people are charging for items now? 5kpp for +1 stat items or worse yet 1million gold for +2 Longbows and such.
    Making a profit is one thing or having a very hard to get item but gougeing is another.
    Where do these people come from?Is this the result of free players?
    Just don't buy it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jcoffey View Post
    2. The hate towards Arcane Rangers
    I have a Arcane Ranger and planned his progression from level 1 to level 20. 15 Ranger/5 Wizard. I am usually,95% of the time top kills. I use melee when appropriate and ranged. My main goals are to do top DPS or close without being a strain on the Healer.
    Now at level 10 when I try to join TS raids I get turned down,no reason is given as to why but I know it is from propaganda of being a said type Ranger.
    Play a melee dps build, and you'll agree.

    Ranged is underpowered (for obvious reasons) hence the hate. If I can choose between a person that deals *2 the damage of the other, and the rest is the same; I'll take the one that deals twice the damage.
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

  4. #4
    Community Member Minor_Threat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcoffey View Post
    1. Auction House prices
    Have you seen what people are charging for items now? 5kpp for +1 stat items or worse yet 1million gold for +2 Longbows and such.
    Making a profit is one thing or having a very hard to get item but gougeing is another.
    Where do these people come from?Is this the result of free players?

    When this game first came out there was no AH, and it isn't necessary. The prices are set by other players so your beef is with them, not DDO. Most of this inflation comes from plat farmers charging high prices, and then players assuming that is the value, even though very few will purchase at that price. Can you honestly say if you had an item that was worth something, you wouldn't try to get the most from it if posting on the AH?

    2. The hate towards Arcane Rangers
    I have a Arcane Ranger and planned his progression from level 1 to level 20. 15 Ranger/5 Wizard. I am usually,95% of the time top kills. I use melee when appropriate and ranged. My main goals are to do top DPS or close without being a strain on the Healer.
    Now at level 10 when I try to join TS raids I get turned down,no reason is given as to why but I know it is from propaganda of being a said type Ranger.

    Strange builds will always be excepted with a bit of trepidation, the group leader doesn't know if you're a decent player with an unusual but playable build or an idiot who doesn't understand the multiclass system. As the game progresses you will see kills next to your name, less and less. Many "ranged" players don't understand the subtleties of ranged combat and draw agro, mobs, make people chase them etc etc. Prove them wrong, don't complain.

    Someone is always going to be top DPS and sometimes they arent.I hear people always complaining about Arcane Rangers,maybe it is because of all the bad players that give all of us the bad name but being top DPS is a goal and even if you never are you still strive to be so and be more than that.
    There is more to a game than just top DPS,it seems that this "new" generation has forgot that.I understand doing your part and I agree on this BUT someone is always top DPS while others are not
    Lets please stop spreading the Hate,thank you.

    Chances are most of these complaints are from players that are new, even though they act like they aren't, there are lots of players out there that raced one toon to the cap and now they think they are gods of DDO, this is where alot of the misinformation comes from.

    One last thing, Stop the whining, thank you.
    in red.
    Last edited by Minor_Threat; 11-07-2009 at 04:55 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    I am proud of this forum post because it shows my ego and my pride. Yahoo Answers! was only to poll others on what they thought of the situation. I know I am in the right and I am always right.

  5. #5
    Community Member xtchizobr's Avatar
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    Wink things that irk me about DDO:

    the amazing lack of an ability to spell...

    but no no, really. let idiots post their junk for millions, they're the ones paying the postage fees. just don't buy it. you won't keep any of the gear under level 15 for very long anyway.

    i have no problem with archer type folks, but someone has to take the mobs' hits, and it better not be my arcane-spellcasting butt. the shortage of tanks in this game isn't approached by even the scarcity of healers. any fool that enjoys whack-a-mole can play a healer, but all you pointy-stick people wanna do is compared 'em amongst each other. worse yet are those who think just because they're wearing a lot of metal or have high dexterity that their AC is fine...

    when the group consists of three casters, a rogue and a barbie, i personally would want to hold the last slot for someone who wants to and can keep the mobs' attention off me without costing a lot of overhead. the simple fact is that the vast majority of bowmen suck. those that don't suck, bless their hearts, still aren't as generally useful as meat shields.

    archers can support a group that's already well rounded, but there's only so many slots available for non-essential rolls.

  6. #6
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    Whining? Have you been carried all your life Minor_Threat? Did Mommy and Daddy pay for your College and such?
    Everyone whines no matter who it is,some just say it aloud while others say it low.
    So when your Boss doesn't give you that raise do you whine about it? Gas prices get to $10 a gallon do you whine about it?
    Unless you have been titty fed by Mom and Dad or someone else you have "whined" in your life I'm sure.

    There is a lot more to a raid than just DPS,sure DPS matters but it isnt the whole picture.
    I have Raided end game in 96% of the online games out today with some of the biggest guilds,trust me I know.

    I should have made the title more proper with
    "Things that urk me about some of the players in DDO" I will give you that much.

    The problems with the kill counts are they mean little on who is doing the most overall DPS,a true,good Raid Leader would and should know this.

    I can sit in a raid or group and deliberatly get top Kill count and only swing a few times at each mob,this shows how "misinformed" a lot of DDO players really are.
    Yes I have done this with other toons already,lol it's a riot.

    I Range AND Melee,I use them correctly,Ill have to try and find a true DPS meter(if that is possable for DDO) just to see what comes of it.
    I specced to be good at both even though I have a Arcane Archer tag.
    BTW I carry Smiting,Disruption,Para,and Banishing Bows.

    As for the Auction,sure I don't have to buy it,kinda like High Gas prices..wait but I have to buy it since I cant seem to get it so I turn to Auction.

    Just remember DDO only got the mass players it has now due to being free not from being a cheap half-ass remake of Pen and Paper DnD,yes I played it for years before consoles even came out.

  7. #7
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    You never have to buy high priced items on the auction house. This isn't real life where you do need gas/car/bike/bus/cab fare to get to work/school/grocerystore

    This is a game, the auction house is part of that game. If someone pays that "really high" price for some auction house item then the folks putting the item up high are rewarded, and judged the value fairly correctly. If you you reward those putting up items with prices higher then you are willing to pay, then you are rewarding that practice. If the item is not priced higher then you are wiling to pay, then where is the problem?

    You may "need" certain kinds of weapons to contribute in certain game content, but you can farm those on your own if the auction house prices do not appeal.

    You sound like drama. I should of brought popcorn...

  8. #8
    Community Member xtchizobr's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by jcoffey View Post
    Whining? Have you been carried all your life Minor_Threat? Did Mommy and Daddy pay for your College and such?
    Everyone whines no matter who it is,some just say it aloud while others say it low.
    So when your Boss doesn't give you that raise do you whine about it? Gas prices get to $10 a gallon do you whine about it?
    Unless you have been titty fed by Mom and Dad or someone else you have "whined" in your life I'm sure.

    There is a lot more to a raid than just DPS,sure DPS matters but it isnt the whole picture.
    I have Raided end game in 96% of the online games out today with some of the biggest guilds,trust me I know.

    I should have made the title more proper with
    "Things that urk me about some of the players in DDO" I will give you that much.

    The problems with the kill counts are they mean little on who is doing the most overall DPS,a true,good Raid Leader would and should know this.

    I can sit in a raid or group and deliberatly get top Kill count and only swing a few times at each mob,this shows how "misinformed" a lot of DDO players really are.
    Yes I have done this with other toons already,lol it's a riot.

    I Range AND Melee,I use them correctly,Ill have to try and find a true DPS meter(if that is possable for DDO) just to see what comes of it.
    I specced to be good at both even though I have a Arcane Archer tag.
    BTW I carry Smiting,Disruption,Para,and Banishing Bows.

    As for the Auction,sure I don't have to buy it,kinda like High Gas prices..wait but I have to buy it since I cant seem to get it so I turn to Auction.

    Just remember DDO only got the mass players it has now due to being free not from being a cheap half-ass remake of Pen and Paper DnD,yes I played it for years before consoles even came out.

    tell me all about how much a big, mature man you are.

  9. #9
    Community Member Lewcipher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcoffey View Post
    Whining? Have you been carried all your life Minor_Threat? Did Mommy and Daddy pay for your College and such?
    Everyone whines no matter who it is,some just say it aloud while others say it low.
    So when your Boss doesn't give you that raise do you whine about it? Gas prices get to $10 a gallon do you whine about it?
    Unless you have been titty fed by Mom and Dad or someone else you have "whined" in your life I'm sure.

    There is a lot more to a raid than just DPS,sure DPS matters but it isnt the whole picture.
    I have Raided end game in 96% of the online games out today with some of the biggest guilds,trust me I know.

    I should have made the title more proper with
    "Things that urk me about some of the players in DDO" I will give you that much.

    The problems with the kill counts are they mean little on who is doing the most overall DPS,a true,good Raid Leader would and should know this.

    I can sit in a raid or group and deliberatly get top Kill count and only swing a few times at each mob,this shows how "misinformed" a lot of DDO players really are.
    Yes I have done this with other toons already,lol it's a riot.

    I Range AND Melee,I use them correctly,Ill have to try and find a true DPS meter(if that is possable for DDO) just to see what comes of it.
    I specced to be good at both even though I have a Arcane Archer tag.
    BTW I carry Smiting,Disruption,Para,and Banishing Bows.

    As for the Auction,sure I don't have to buy it,kinda like High Gas prices..wait but I have to buy it since I cant seem to get it so I turn to Auction.

    Just remember DDO only got the mass players it has now due to being free not from being a cheap half-ass remake of Pen and Paper DnD,yes I played it for years before consoles even came out.
    Maybe you should have made the title "Things that Irk me about DDO"

    1. Auction house - Not needed. I sure as heck wouldn't pay some of the prices on there.

    2. The hate is justified. Yes, you rock at level 10, but you will totally hate it when you get you ass handed to you by an orthon at lvl 16.

    Minor_Threat is a nice guy on the forums. You, on the other hand, DO come across whiney.

    I'm sorry the group declined you? Excuse me?

    That's never happened to anyone else at all.

  10. #10
    Community Member Soulken's Avatar
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    The AH prices do irk me but not at turbine or ddo just at the idiots who post things like +1 flamming handwraps for 300k gp or more I dotn really need stuff like that but it would be nice to buy somethings. but since I can I do without.

    When I duel someone I like to dual wield. with my rouge wearing rogue.

  11. #11
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    Low level, clean stuff is valuable to vets making new lowbies. Vets have no problem tossing down's chump change. A high end quest will get you that amount out of one quest easily. It isn't the plat farmers, it's the economy and that people with high end characters can make a lot of money very quickly. Feel free to not buy or to put up your own low end gear once you're done with it.

  12. #12
    Hero Glorious's Avatar
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    People will test the auction house out - post things at a ridiculously high price and see what happens - if it expires they will lower the price a little and try again. There are a LOT of players out there with seemingly unlimited plat resources who will pay to accelerate their new character through levelling and they need gear to do that.

    Many people have said it - don't pay for it.
    Founder of Mickory ~ Former Officer of ATD
    Thayill * Glorious * Glorie * Gloried * Glorisai * Gloreia * Hallows * Sargavand
    If you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit by me

  13. #13
    Community Member Minor_Threat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcoffey View Post
    Whining? Have you been carried all your life Minor_Threat? Did Mommy and Daddy pay for your College and such?
    Everyone whines no matter who it is,some just say it aloud while others say it low.
    So when your Boss doesn't give you that raise do you whine about it? Gas prices get to $10 a gallon do you whine about it?
    Unless you have been titty fed by Mom and Dad or someone else you have "whined" in your life I'm sure.

    There is a lot more to a raid than just DPS,sure DPS matters but it isnt the whole picture.
    I have Raided end game in 96% of the online games out today with some of the biggest guilds,trust me I know.

    I should have made the title more proper with
    "Things that urk me about some of the players in DDO" I will give you that much.

    The problems with the kill counts are they mean little on who is doing the most overall DPS,a true,good Raid Leader would and should know this.

    I can sit in a raid or group and deliberatly get top Kill count and only swing a few times at each mob,this shows how "misinformed" a lot of DDO players really are.
    Yes I have done this with other toons already,lol it's a riot.

    I Range AND Melee,I use them correctly,Ill have to try and find a true DPS meter(if that is possable for DDO) just to see what comes of it.
    I specced to be good at both even though I have a Arcane Archer tag.
    BTW I carry Smiting,Disruption,Para,and Banishing Bows.

    As for the Auction,sure I don't have to buy it,kinda like High Gas prices..wait but I have to buy it since I cant seem to get it so I turn to Auction.

    Just remember DDO only got the mass players it has now due to being free not from being a cheap half-ass remake of Pen and Paper DnD,yes I played it for years before consoles even came out.
    Yes, attack me personally. Congrats on being uber.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    I am proud of this forum post because it shows my ego and my pride. Yahoo Answers! was only to poll others on what they thought of the situation. I know I am in the right and I am always right.

  14. #14
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    I apologize about attacking you Minor, I just hate when people say someone is whining when WE ALL do it every day.

    As for my spelling oh well I didn't use spell checker my bad, you would be amazed at how many high up people misspell words without it. Of course society stereotypes by this and it just leads to this happening to every other aspect of our daily lives. These people are the ones that actually cause "Drama". Ever wonder why the only shows on TV now are "Drama"? Yes it is sad

    As for the raid groups I totally understand that a group composition needs to be upheld BUT have also pulled off some amazing stuff without using a Holy Trinity so to speak.

    If you have your base needed classes then the rest is fodder and you can allow diversity from there on. I just start my own raid groups, piece of cake as long as people listen.

    Auction House prices have always been my pet peeve in any online game I guess, that’s why I went overboard. Again I apologize.

    This is a game just like life. Life is a game.

  15. #15
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lleren View Post
    Many players do not know how to deal witih someone kiting, or how to kite properly. There tends to be a lack of communication in many groups where kiting happens, is objected to, and no one tells the offender/offended.
    If you notice your melee groupmates chasing after an enemy... swinging and not hitting it, ad infinitum... you may want to stop kiting. I'll only chase something for so long, before I just give up and stand there. Kite towards and THROUGH your groupmates, letting your groumates body block what your kiting...

  16. #16
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    Thank you SINIBYTE -- see my main is currently a lvl 9 ranger and of course so far things are pretty ok with the way I've been playing. A couple of missions ago someone got -real- ****ing about "kiting". Now.. being that I'm fairly new *** do i know about kiting. Instead of taking 3 seconds to tell me what kiting is and what I should do instead he chose to get ****y and run off/leave the group. The next mission we're doing the same thing, it's wraiths -- I fire arrows like normal, someone asks politely that I stop kiting (well used a different word) and I asked would you mind explaining what I should do instead and he told me what kiting is, and gave me some suggestions. And here you have another good idea that for some stupid reason didn't dawn on me .. kite "through" the warriors. Anyway, there's a lot of new people certainly including myself and we don't all know the ins and outs and it's really helpful if folk take a sec to tell us what the deal is. =) I "get it" now -- especially with the wraiths.

    Also regarding the auction house -- I don't tend to overcharge for things but by the same token I don't tend to bring the price down either. Typically if I post something it's for what the game suggests/aka the value listed on the item itself. Could call it laziness but more importantly, people end up buying the stuff I put up there for "list price" so to speak. Who am I to argue with actually pulling in money for the **** I was about to sell to the general vendor.

    I've been playing since about 1 week after the free release came out -- 5 chars, lvls 6, 6, 9, 5, 5 -- about to create another -- and I am positive I haven't seen or understand even half of what's in this game. Be patient with us new people. I know there's some jackasses out there who "think they're gods" but some of us legitimately want to learn. =)

    Anyway enough of my babble.

  17. #17
    Time Bandit
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    Keep in mind that the prices that you see are the ones that haven't sold. This means that you're seeing the ones that no one is willing to buy (yet). Of course, you might also just be lucky and see one that's priced cheap, but usually those get snapped up quick.

    Also, people who have played this game for a while have already accumulated a lot of money, so it's easy to put a lot of money down to buy an item for their lowbie characters. This also drives up prices. But take heart, as you level up making money will be easier for you too, and you'll probably outgrow those items you were going to buy in a few levels anyway.

  18. #18
    Community Member BLAKROC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    If you notice your melee groupmates chasing after an enemy... swinging and not hitting it, ad infinitum... you may want to stop kiting. I'll only chase something for so long, before I just give up and stand there. Kite towards and THROUGH your groupmates, letting your groumates body block what your kiting...
    i stopped chasing things that someone is kiting about a year ago.... you agro it, you deal with it and if you pull off more than you can handle I will clean up your mess and pack your stone to a shrine (is there a shrine in deep lava )....
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post

  19. #19
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    Default Things that "urk" me about forums...

    The frequency of spelling errors.

    "Urk" is not a word... Unless you mean a town in the Netherlands...

    You want to use "irk". Irk: gall: irritate or vex; "It galls me that we lost the suit" -

    -Ozmar the Pedantic

    Edit: Dang! xtchizobr beat me to it! I really have to learn to read the thread before responding to the first post...

    -Ozmar the Derivative
    Last edited by OzmarDDO; 11-14-2009 at 02:57 PM.
    I can has no signature. Alas!

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