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  1. #1
    Community Member infernalmagiks's Avatar
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    Default Theoretical Wiz/Sorc mix

    In my mind this mix is obviously just wrong, yet still I find myself wondering...

    If one was to throw a level of Sorcerer into a Wizard (built stat-wise to be a wizard, no extra in cha) would this wizard then gain the advantage of the double spell points Sorcerers get from items giving them?
    I assume the spells chosen in the wizard levels will use Int as their modifier and the Sorc level would use Cha. I also realise that those spells would not be swappable except the one per three days.
    Another benefit to adding the sorcerer level might be the extra spell point enhancements, for example the first sorcerer one gives 30sp rather than the wizard's 20.

    I haven't checked it out but is the wizard's cap enhancement worth staying pure for? I see a lot of rogue/wizards so I assume not.

    Would a person be completely gimping themselves by trying this and how quickly would they be laughed off the server

    Or maybe... has anybody tried it already?

    (Open to the obligatory flaming.)

  2. #2
    Community Member malthusian01's Avatar
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    I believe if you cross class into Sorc the double spell points from items would only scale with how much sorc levels you have. Example being if you are a 19/1 cleric/sorc (and yes I have seen these) I am pretty 100% sure they dont get double spell points.

    As for the enchancment, again, you need pre reqs for the higher ranks of the sorc blood line, so I mean yeah if you go 1 sorc you should be able to take the first rank, i dont see why it wouldnt let you.

    It wouldnt be worth it to me.
    Last edited by malthusian01; 11-07-2009 at 05:02 AM.
    Helbrimm- WF Wiz/Rogue (retired) Hellbrim-WF Sorcerer

    Member of <o>

  3. #3
    Founder Mistinarperadnacles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by infernalmagiks View Post
    In my mind this mix is obviously just wrong, yet still I find myself wondering...

    If one was to throw a level of Sorcerer into a Wizard (built stat-wise to be a wizard, no extra in cha) would this wizard then gain the advantage of the double spell points Sorcerers get from items giving them?

    Nope. Any multiclass of X/Sorcerer gets a percentage of the double SP bonus. So with 1 level of Sorcerer, you'd get 5% extra from items, which considering the best readily availbale is Archmagi, would be 200SP + 10 from your sorc level. If you were 10 Wizard / 10 Sorcerer you'd get 50% or 200SP +100. At least, I'm 99% sure that's how it works now.

    I assume the spells chosen in the wizard levels will use Int as their modifier and the Sorc level would use Cha. I also realise that those spells would not be swappable except the one per three days.

    Your Sorcerer level won't gain any spells, slots or charisma spell related stuff.

    Another benefit to adding the sorcerer level might be the extra spell point enhancements, for example the first sorcerer one gives 30sp rather than the wizard's 20.

    The miniscule extra SP isn't worth it at all. Once you start getting high level SP items, the Wizards hampered early level SP pool isn't such a hinderance.

    I haven't checked it out but is the wizard's cap enhancement worth staying pure for? I see a lot of rogue/wizards so I assume not.

    Multiclassing casters is generally a bad idea. The loss of Spell DC (how easy it is to resist your spells) plus spell slots plus enhancements and capstone (the Wizard is one of the best capstones) make it very detrimental to multiclass unless you have a very specific reason to do so. The X/ 2 rogue split gains Evasion and Rogue skills which is in some people's minds worth the trade off. Some builds do multiclass wizard, but they're usually higly specialised and have very stringent equipment and skill requirements.

    Would a person be completely gimping themselves by trying this and how quickly would they be laughed off the server

    Yes. People would probably assume you were a very old build (way back, you could get double SP from a 1 level sorc splash) and will be wondering very strongly why you hadn't rerolled. If they knew you deliberately took 1 level of Sorc on a Wizard, other casters will write nasty things about you in the bathrooms.

    Or maybe... has anybody tried it already?

    (Open to the obligatory flaming.)

  4. #4
    Community Member malthusian01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistinarperadnacles View Post
    Helbrimm- WF Wiz/Rogue (retired) Hellbrim-WF Sorcerer

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  5. #5
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    The spell point bonus is based on the percentage of your class levels that are Sorcerer. So a 19/1 would get 1/20 of that 100% bonus-- or 5 %. You would also get a bonus for the initial Sorcerer level and any charsima bonus you have.

    The Energy of the Dragonblooded would give you more SP, but it would lock you out of the Wizard line. So it's only useful if you only wanted the 1st rank. Even limiting yourself to 2 ranks would give you more SP. This works for the other Enhancements as well. Taking the Sorcerer version will lock you out of the Wizard version. And I can't think of many unique enhancements the Sorcerer has.

    The Wizard capstone is actually very good. That extra +2 to Int gives you extra SP in addition to the extra DC. But Evasion and trap skills are lamost as good. Probably the only splashed wizards you'll see in the future with be Rogue 2 or characters made before the capstone was announced.

    In conclusion, you'll probably get about a 10% bonus to SP. But it will lower the DC on all of your spells, delay your acquisition of new spells, and cost you high level spell slots (including a levl 9 slot) for that bonus and 1 level one spell cast at caster level 1 that requires a charisma item to cast. I'd say it isn't worth it.

  6. #6
    Community Member infernalmagiks's Avatar
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    K thanks for all your replies.

    Knew it was probably a bad idea from the start. Didn't know about the percentage extra spell points gained though, that's a new one on me.

    I've got neither my wizard or sorcerer past level 4 yet, so have no idea what enhancements and stuff they get later on. Actually think I deleted my sorcerer to make room for something else before I went VIP last week. Something else which I then deleted.

    Anyway, I ramble.
    Wait... no flaming? Could it really be?

    Cheers all.

  7. #7
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malthusian01 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mistinarperadnacles View Post
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  8. #8
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    I actually think it is otherwise, as the ring you get at level 1 in korthos gives you +10 SP, so I would guess that you get up to double the amount from the items with a maximum of sorcerer level * 10

  9. #9
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fecerak View Post
    I actually think it is otherwise, as the ring you get at level 1 in korthos gives you +10 SP, so I would guess that you get up to double the amount from the items with a maximum of sorcerer level * 10
    No. Does not work this way.
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  10. #10
    Community Member sly_1's Avatar
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    one thing mentioned in this thread: going pure improves your dc? My understanding is that only the level of the spell being cast and the ability score modifier of the caster factor into the dc. this is of course, barring enhancements that boost spell dc.

    but all things being enhancement and gear wise equal a wizard 18/something else 2 and a pure lvl 20 wizard would have the same dc so long as they have the same int score and are casting the same level spell, right?

  11. #11
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sly_1 View Post
    one thing mentioned in this thread: going pure improves your dc? My understanding is that only the level of the spell being cast and the ability score modifier of the caster factor into the dc. this is of course, barring enhancements that boost spell dc.

    but all things being enhancement and gear wise equal a wizard 18/something else 2 and a pure lvl 20 wizard would have the same dc so long as they have the same int score and are casting the same level spell, right?
    That's basically right, but you're missing 2 points, niether of which is obvious to someone new to DDO.

    First and purely DDO specific is the Wizard Capstone. It gives you +2 Int, so that's +1 to DC right there that multiclasses can't get.

    The second is more general to D&D and that is stat allocation. If youhave 32 point builds, you could get an 18 in both Int and Chr. But that would mean your Con is an 8. (Racial mods will impact this) So you can max both stats, but you have to pick where to put your level up points. So you will either end up with Wizard spells almost as good as a pure Wizard but no DC or Duration on your Sorcerer spells or moderate DCs on both.

    Now if you were thinking about a different multiclass like a Wizard 18/Rogue 2 or Wizard 18/ Fighter 2where you max Int and put all level up there, then the only difference in DCs will be the Capstone. Though Feats and PrEs may give a bonus to some schools. However you will still have a slightly lower duration and Spell Penetration. Unfortunately, Practiced Spellcaster is not in the game.

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