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  1. #1
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Default Lost my name too. :(

    In the 45 minute window people were able to access Orien before myself and other guidlies someone named their toon Magnus.

    So in the interest of letting the public know, the Orien Magnus is not me and is in no shape or form related to myself in any fashion (other than liking the name Magnus )

    However, I would very much like to have it back as it has pretty much become my online identity (even outside DDO). So if you managed to somehow reserve the name Magnus please pm me.

    Thank you for time and sorry for the drama,
    Magnus Arcanis
    - Arcanaverse

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  2. #2


    I know how you feel about not grabbing your name. Not quite sure why people do that. Lack of imagination? Disrespect? Sniping to make some PP? Just plain clueless?

    Mine was taking within 20 minutes or so.

    A guy who had been away from DDO for a couple years saw me running around and said "Hey". He is now part of our guild again and he keeps bringing up stories from the old days of DDO.

    So yes, a name is important... it imprints on others who you are. And your actions help to reinforce that impression.

    Good luck.
    Blackmoor Defenders (LVL - 193)
    Ghallanda ...Lhazaar 2006
    Forum-ID u779 : Guild Leader of The Blackmoor Defenders

  3. #3
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    With 6 servers worth of people all trying to log in and reserve their names in case of a future server merge, its no wonder a ton of people lost what they consider "their" name. Most of the ones complaining about losing a name though had rather common names to begin with.

    Turbine really needs to make names required to be unique across all servers, but add the surname into the equation. That would solve pretty much every naming problem we've experienced, not to mention make it easier for someone to come up with something they like.
    Star Firefall
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  4. #4
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    Turbine really needs to make names required to be unique across all servers, but add the surname into the equation. That would solve pretty much every naming problem we've experienced, not to mention make it easier for someone to come up with something they like.
    I have for a very long time advocated that our characters not be identified to the server by names but by ID numbers associated with our logins. Every account can be given (is given in all probability) a unique identifier. Each character slot can have a unique identifier. It becomes a look-up exercise.

    Therigar0000 = Therigar Durinson
    Therigar0001 = Neebelnox Fooselbaum
    Jimmyjoe0000 = Therigar Dwarfslayer

    Same first name for me and Jimmyjoe but it is our login and character slot info that grabs and feeds name information to the game.

    If I delete Therigar Durinson and replace him with Goofyfoot Two Shoes then that is reported when the lookup occurs. It also automatically updates friends lists which (underneath at the code level) is looking at account and slot info.

    I'm not certain that this isn't done now to some extent. I guess it depends on where the name info is stored -- with the client or with the server. Nevertheless, it is a simple indexing decision in the creation and maintenance of the player database.

    Unfortunately, it is probably too late to change whatever the current index scheme is.

    Maybe in a future update? We can only hope.

  5. #5
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Well it might help to remember that names like "Magnus" are pretty common to think of for a D&D setting. It's only the REALLY odd ball names that would seem to be sniped. "**** IT, someone took Bob. I've have that name since day one. Someone took it to spite me".

    Personally, I think it should be first and last name that should be unique, not just first.

    And no, I didn't take Magnus LOL
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  6. #6
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhgungawa View Post
    Well it might help to remember that names like "Magnus" are pretty common to think of for a D&D setting. It's only the REALLY odd ball names that would seem to be sniped. "**** IT, someone took Bob. I've have that name since day one. Someone took it to spite me".

    Personally, I think it should be first and last name that should be unique, not just first.

    And no, I didn't take Magnus LOL
    While it wasn't until I starting playing DDO that I learned that Magnus wasn't exactly an uncommon name choice. For nearly every other hobby (including D&D boards and what not) I've used the internet for I've used the name magnus and had never came across a duplicate so needless to say I was a bit suprised when I entered DDO to see that so many others had wanted the name.

    However, after about the first year people seemed to stop using variations of the name. Sure, every now and then one would pop up only to never be seen again after a month or so. In fact the last time someone used a variation was roughly 2 months before mod 9 was released. Think he made it to level 7, but haven't seen him pop up recently.

    As for it being sniped? I doubt it was done out of maliciousness or vengence. Maybe a few years ago when I was big in pvp (while I made more friends than enemies, there were quite a few that 'were out to get me'), but not now. I also doubt it was for money as anyone who would really know me knows that I'm forever low on plat and my loot pulls are so terrible I never have anything to trade away.

    I assume it was someone from another server with a variation (as I have the name across all servers except Orien obviously) that aparently wanted it really badly. And they simply didn't know what the name meant to someone else so they nabbed it.

    As for the 'determining unqiuenes' ideas everyone has been posting... I couldn't agree more. What I really cared about was the full name of Magnus Arcanis. Unfortuneatly I don't see turbine putting the resources into changing this so I guess we have to put up with it. Which is the reason why I posted this thread. Since I have gained somewhat of a reputation, and people even not on my main server know me for various reasons I felt it important to post the notice.
    - Arcanaverse

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhgungawa View Post
    Well it might help to remember that names like "Magnus" are pretty common to think of for a D&D setting. It's only the REALLY odd ball names that would seem to be sniped. "**** IT, someone took Bob. I've have that name since day one. Someone took it to spite me".
    Quoted for truth
    Imagine how many poeple are thinking OMG someone took "blade" & "snake" dammit, I have been playing with these names since final fantasy1!!!!

    Edit: just be happy you got the name you wanted on the server you play on.

  8. #8
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THAC0 View Post
    I know how you feel about not grabbing your name. Not quite sure why people do that. Lack of imagination? Disrespect? Sniping to make some PP? Just plain clueless?
    In a few, very few, cases I think that people's online forum identity is closely related to specific in-game characters. And, in those cases I can understand that they would want to preserve the in-game character name across all servers.

    However, it is clearly not beyond the pale that multiple people use the same character name in their PnP past (or present) and want to transfer that game identity to DDO. I found that with the name Geldor. I've been using that name since 1985 as a key NPC in D&D campaigns that I've run. Same with Ezra, Caleb and a dozen others. I had a player whose character was named Blodgett -- a great halfling name (can't recall if it was original or came from an old module).

    I got into DDO within a few months of launch and all of those names were already used. I've gotten most of them (missed Blodgett on Cannith and Orien) and not out of griefing anyone but because they are important to me in their own right.

    I would never take Kargon (who I greatly miss), as an example, or any other forum name -- although some are really cool (and some are just as unimaginative as ASFYEARA which is just the random keys I typed at the moment). Luckily for me my character builds have sometimes been closer to infamous than famous so it is unlikely that I'll see Neebelnox on other servers or Leyoni. Imagine, however, my frustration when I was playing Cratesmasher on Ghallanda and found myself in a group with a player who said, "I have Cratesmasher on almost every other server." I logged out after the quest and checked, and they did. Seriously, who wants to be associated -- even by accident -- with a "gimp" ranger build that started with only 8 STR? I guess they did.

    So, I understand the desire to have names across all servers but I also don't hold it against anyone that they happen to have a name that I would have wanted.

    IMO that is the nice thing about both Cannith and Orien -- the chance to get the names you would have liked to have had on other servers but that were already being used.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Therigar View Post
    In a few, very few, cases I think that people's online forum identity is closely related to specific in-game characters. And, in those cases I can understand that they would want to preserve the in-game character name across all servers.

    However, it is clearly not beyond the pale that multiple people use the same character name in their PnP past (or present) and want to transfer that game identity to DDO. I found that with the name Geldor. I've been using that name since 1985 as a key NPC in D&D campaigns that I've run. Same with Ezra, Caleb and a dozen others. I had a player whose character was named Blodgett -- a great halfling name (can't recall if it was original or came from an old module).

    I got into DDO within a few months of launch and all of those names were already used. I've gotten most of them (missed Blodgett on Cannith and Orien) and not out of griefing anyone but because they are important to me in their own right.

    I would never take Kargon (who I greatly miss), as an example, or any other forum name -- although some are really cool (and some are just as unimaginative as ASFYEARA which is just the random keys I typed at the moment). Luckily for me my character builds have sometimes been closer to infamous than famous so it is unlikely that I'll see Neebelnox on other servers or Leyoni. Imagine, however, my frustration when I was playing Cratesmasher on Ghallanda and found myself in a group with a player who said, "I have Cratesmasher on almost every other server." I logged out after the quest and checked, and they did. Seriously, who wants to be associated -- even by accident -- with a "gimp" ranger build that started with only 8 STR? I guess they did.

    So, I understand the desire to have names across all servers but I also don't hold it against anyone that they happen to have a name that I would have wanted.

    IMO that is the nice thing about both Cannith and Orien -- the chance to get the names you would have liked to have had on other servers but that were already being used.
    I agree with what you've said to a point. It is entirely possible for that to happen with common names. And with all the ppl who play PnP DnD and wanting to convert that character to the DDO game... I can see that happening too. Though where I have a problem with your scenario is where this name has been on the forums for a number of years. I've been running around in game on different servers (mostly Ghala) and many ppl say "**** that is a cool name. brings back so many memories...." etc etc. and it sparks up a conversation.

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?

    Now, in the end, it really boils down to the person playing the 'name'/character... so the Thac0 that people have played with will definately know (by voice) that it isn't me on those other couple of servers.

    In the grand picture of DDO Life, not getting my name is just a downer. Not the end of the world.

    But I will say this... my other name which I've never seen ANYONE have... is taken only on 1 server... nor in any other MMORPG I've played since beta UO... So, while I don't agree with your scenario entirely... I do see that it can happen.

    Blackmoor Defenders (LVL - 193)
    Ghallanda ...Lhazaar 2006
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  10. #10
    Founder & Hero
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    Sorry you didnt get it but its a fairly common name I have seen used many times, I used it once myself on a pnp character I think in 76 or 77 when I was taking latin in school as it means great in latin, lost many names I wanted myself and I think most of mine are fairly unique I lost even Uska once, and I have been using that name for more then 30 years.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  11. #11
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Guys, I understand its not an uncommon first name. I'm not whining that someone took it. I made this thread for two reasons.

    1. I merely wanted people to know that its not me since it IS me on every other server.

    2. I had a small hope that I could get it back so I didn't have this one exception. Though really, I don't expect the person to relinquish it based on how hard they tried to get it. Still, I had to at least try.
    - Arcanaverse

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  12. #12
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Default I'm the one

    Hello, I am the one who has "your" name. I apologize for the grief this has caused you, it was in no way intentional. It has been my experience in all forms of online fantasy gaming that this name is as common as conan, merlin, or even "bob." As I am relatively new to DDO, I had no idea that it was in use by the same person across all of the servers. I never really imagined that anyone had that much time to fully dedicate to the same character across so many servers. I have been using the name Magnus since 1989 when my PnP group switched to AD&D 2nd edition, and have used it ever since. It did mean alot to me to get this name on this server, as it is the only server I will be playing on with my 4 main characters, Crann the Ranger/Rogue, Magnus the Sorc, Mor Phine the cleric, and yes, Thundar the Barbarian. I knew 3 of those 4 names would go quickly, and put a great deal of effort into grabbing their names as soon as the new server came up. These have been the characters I have been playing in some shape or fashion for 20 years, and wish to continue that here in DDO for some time to come, as I am reconnecting with very old friends from the PnP days who identify with me by those names.

    That being said, and now that you understand what the name means to me, I am willing to relinquish it....if you tell me that it means more to you, and that you are going to dedicate yourself to that character on this server. Post your reply, and if it is neccessary, we can arrange a time for me to delete this character that I have many hours into, and for you to get "your" name.

    Again, I apologize for the agravation that this has caused you. (btw.....Magnus is not the name you use in your sig?)
    Last edited by Crann; 11-09-2009 at 09:42 AM.

  13. #13
    Community Member Nonan's Avatar
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    Thats very decent of you to do that.

    Very cool.

    "Gimping along since February 2006"....
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  14. #14

    Default /cheer

    Quote Originally Posted by Crann View Post
    Hello, I am the one who has "your" name. I apologize for the grief this has caused you, it was in no way intentional. It has been my experience in all forms of online fantasy gaming that this name is as common as conan, merlin, or even "bob." As I am relatively new to DDO, I had no idea that it was in use by the same person across all of the servers. I never really imagined that anyone had that much time to fully dedicate to the same character across so many servers. I have been using the name Magnus since 1989 when my PnP group switched to AD&D 2nd edition, and have used it ever since. It did mean alot to me to get this name on this server, as it is the only server I will be playing on with my 4 main characters, Crann the Ranger/Rogue, Magnus the Sorc, Mor Phine the cleric, and yes, Thundar the Barbarian. I knew 3 of those 4 names would go quickly, and put a great deal of effort into grabbing their names as soon as the new server came up. These have been the characters I have been playing in some shape or fashion for 20 years, and wish to continue that here in DDO for some time to come, as I am reconnecting with very old friends from the PnP days who identify with me by those names.

    That being said, and now that you understand what the name means to me, I am willing to relinquish it....if you tell me that it means more to you, and that you are going to dedicate yourself to that character on this server. Post your reply, and if it is neccessary, we can arrange a time for me to delete this character that I have many hours into, and for you to get "your" name.

    Again, I apologize for the agravation that this has caused you. (btw.....Magnus is not the name you use in your sig?)
    That is very very cool of you. /cheer
    I see you have using that name for ages. Being the victum of MMO Identity theft myself, I totally *get it* I felt really weird and violated about loosing Lessah's name on Orien. Just so ya know... it is a human, and paladin... but it aint me. I wonder if her hair is even white... I hope so. Say hi to Orien Lessah for me in any case.

    Last edited by Lessah; 11-09-2009 at 12:46 PM.

  15. #15
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crann View Post
    Hello, I am the one who has "your" name. I apologize for the grief this has caused you, it was in no way intentional. It has been my experience in all forms of online fantasy gaming that this name is as common as conan, merlin, or even "bob." As I am relatively new to DDO, I had no idea that it was in use by the same person across all of the servers. I never really imagined that anyone had that much time to fully dedicate to the same character across so many servers. I have been using the name Magnus since 1989 when my PnP group switched to AD&D 2nd edition, and have used it ever since. It did mean alot to me to get this name on this server, as it is the only server I will be playing on with my 4 main characters, Crann the Ranger/Rogue, Magnus the Sorc, Mor Phine the cleric, and yes, Thundar the Barbarian. I knew 3 of those 4 names would go quickly, and put a great deal of effort into grabbing their names as soon as the new server came up. These have been the characters I have been playing in some shape or fashion for 20 years, and wish to continue that here in DDO for some time to come, as I am reconnecting with very old friends from the PnP days who identify with me by those names.

    That being said, and now that you understand what the name means to me, I am willing to relinquish it....if you tell me that it means more to you, and that you are going to dedicate yourself to that character on this server. Post your reply, and if it is neccessary, we can arrange a time for me to delete this character that I have many hours into, and for you to get "your" name.

    Again, I apologize for the agravation that this has caused you. (btw.....Magnus is not the name you use in your sig?)
    First off, Crann you've certainly compelled me to do something that I've never done before. Regardless of what you decide to do your getting positive rep from me. To even respond took a degree of courage I respect and to offer me a chance is most admirable.

    Second, before I go on, I guess I should explain the sig. That is my main Magnus or at least soon will be again. Not long ago I decided that his current version wasn't up to snuff for all of the new content that was coming out. Based him off of a pnp verison way back when and... things didn't turn out as well as I had thought they would. So I decided to remake him. Didn't want to throw away that toon in case some day he could be repaired. So I paid for the name change and changed it to Sungam (which is magnus spelled backwards) and started a new magnus. Got to level 9 before my mother started to get really sick and started to play ddo less and less. Eventually got to 10 the day before all the reincarnation preview info started coming out.

    So I wasn't sure which Magnus I was gonna keep. Until now that is, as with the new past life feats and completionist feat I decided a couple weeks ago to change sungam back to magnus (and probably delete the remake, but not in a hurry to do that), and start him on his journey towards the completionist feat (which fits perfect into his storyline) which will probably take me roughly 2.5 years to complete, but I don't see myself going anywhere. So when turbine gets around to completing the name change transaction the thing in my sig (which I completely forgot I still had, and for some reason I can't see it even though I'm sure I left that check box on) will soon read Magnus.

    Now sit back and relax everyone as I attempt to explain what the name Magnus Arcanis has meant to me (and oh is it glorious ).

    Like you Crann (and I'm sure several others in the D&D universe) Magnus was my first D&D character (and only character if you exclude the 3 that never lasted beyond the third session). I technically started playing since 1995, though I didn't know back then that our dm had no clue what he was doing outside of 'attack roll vs ac', so I guess we didn't truely start until 1996 after we learned more of the rules . Over the years as campaigns (and now editions) have come and gone I've always used the name Magnus Arcanis regardless of race, class (though he always had a touch of arcane classing) or alignment (except for evil, thats how those other 3 came into exsistance and one of many reasons why I don't like evil campaigns).

    So I quickly became quite attached to name Magnus Arcanis and began to use it for everthing. Username for a messageboard or forum, handle for online chat rooms, user account names (unless it was for something a bit more important like my bank account), and I have even gone as far to put in paperwork to get the name copyrighted for my book (which sadly has been put on hold for a while due to my mother passing early last october) that I've started writing where he is the main character. Actually got the point where people stopped calling me by my real name even outside of D&D. Which was wierd at first, but now I answer to it without hesitation.

    So natually when my friends and I heard about DDO we immediatly jumped in on the beta and of course named my wizard Magnus Arcanis. Being my first and only MMO I was immediatly hooked and knew that I wanted to make a name for myself so when the head start opened the live servers I tried to get that name on as many servers as possible. Suprised (at the time as I had never even trialed another mmo let alone a fantasy based one) I wasn't the only one trying to do this with the same first name. I got all but 2 or 3 back then, and the others were held by the same person which sadly no longer plays. We talked a couple times about it, but I haven't seen nor heard from him since long before the server merge. After the merges happened I inherited the monopoly as he must have stopped playing at least 6 months before the merges.

    Before the merge though I had accomplished what I had set out to do which was to make a name for myself. I was a celebrated, feared, and hated pvper and welcomed raider from Mabar. Even those beyond my home server would recognize me, good times back then. However, as time passed and as I became busier with schooling, work, and an often sick family the amount of time I could afford to put effort into becoming famous on DDO took a steep decline. Still I remain addictedly dedicated to ddo and every now and again someone catches me online and we get to talk about older times which only adds another level of meaning to me.

    While Magnus is not 'my' name per say (so perhaps it was wrong of me to name the thread as such) being that it is apart of the whole name Magnus Arcanis I had felt like I had lost my full name. So, since I have somewhat of a reputation and recognizeable name I felt the need to post this thread as a notice to anyone that cared. Of course (as I've explained in pervious posts) that while deep down I hoped for a situation like this I certainly wasn't expecting it. As everyone reading this thread most likely understands that most D&D fanatics like us have become perhaps a bit too attached to a certain character(s). That and is it me or do almost all of these thread end up going into "it was one of my first characters from way back when." I wanted to try and avoid that initially, but hey, it is what it is .

    In a nutshell (ok, more like.. a... guess that really couldn't fit into a any size shell), thats what the name Magnus has meant and still means to me. However, in all honesty, I don't believe I can meet the second part of your request. I'm still picking up the pieces of my mother's passing, headed for a promotion soon at work, and with reincarnations coming... as much as I'd love to play more on other servers I doubt I will be able to dedicate an enormous amount of time outside of my home server.

    Having said that I leave the choice to you. I still wish to retain the name across servers to the point that I'd even offer you a name change token at my expense so you don't lose what you've already worked for. Which oddly enough is the exactly the same amount ($10) I gave to a guildy for helping me get the name Magnus on Cannith. (Really hope this isn't against the EULA as it might be... more or less the reason why I wanted this in pm fashion) I'd offer in-game plat and/or items if turbine would allow a character transfer there, but since that is not in the cards best I can do is offer a name change token with my gratitude.

    With my typos, probably poor grammar, and my long winded, un-edited post I lay the decision on you. Take comfort in that regardless of your choice you have my respect and that I will not hold any grudges.
    - Arcanaverse

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  16. #16
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Default Send me a message and let me know when we can do this.

    You had it halfway through your post, the name means way more to you, and it is yours. I am available to "meet" in the evening, after 4 pm EST, PM me with a time that will suit you so I can be free, and send me a tell under "crann". You can keep the token, I only played him through 4th and was going to re-roll anyway after getting a better idea on a build. As I understand it, once I delete, the name will be available,and you would need to grab it before it passes to one of the other countless "Magnus" fans does. If that is not the case, then please enlighten me.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crann View Post
    Hello, I am the one who has "your" name. I apologize for the grief this has caused you, it was in no way intentional. It has been my experience in all forms of online fantasy gaming that this name is as common as conan, merlin, or even "bob." As I am relatively new to DDO, I had no idea that it was in use by the same person across all of the servers. I never really imagined that anyone had that much time to fully dedicate to the same character across so many servers. I have been using the name Magnus since 1989 when my PnP group switched to AD&D 2nd edition, and have used it ever since. It did mean alot to me to get this name on this server, as it is the only server I will be playing on with my 4 main characters, Crann the Ranger/Rogue, Magnus the Sorc, Mor Phine the cleric, and yes, Thundar the Barbarian. I knew 3 of those 4 names would go quickly, and put a great deal of effort into grabbing their names as soon as the new server came up. These have been the characters I have been playing in some shape or fashion for 20 years, and wish to continue that here in DDO for some time to come, as I am reconnecting with very old friends from the PnP days who identify with me by those names.

    That being said, and now that you understand what the name means to me, I am willing to relinquish it....if you tell me that it means more to you, and that you are going to dedicate yourself to that character on this server. Post your reply, and if it is neccessary, we can arrange a time for me to delete this character that I have many hours into, and for you to get "your" name.

    Again, I apologize for the agravation that this has caused you. (btw.....Magnus is not the name you use in your sig?)
    +1 for you good man

    Beware the Sleepeater

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