This seems like the logical place to look for a guild, but experience tells me that the best way to find a guild is to get in a group with some of the people and see if it's gonna work out. I usually play with a group that has been around for many years through many games, but they aren't playing this game and I am.
So, I'm not asking to join anyone's guild. I would like to join a group from your guild, and then we can all decide what happens from there.
To narrow down the field a bit, here's a little about me and a few things I'm looking for.
I'm new, but I'm not an idiot. I read up on things, and I'm a quick learner. I'm old and I've played a lot of games. I'm a solid player. I am a smartass. I take it as good as I dish it out. If your skin is thin, you don't want me around. I WILL upset your delicate sensibilities. I'm leveling a Dwarf warchanter dps bard first and as my main. He is sex incarnate, but there will be more. He is level 9, and I am on the VIP subscription.
Some things I expect:
Adult — I'm old and I don't like children.
Voice — this isn't the '90s. Buy a microphone. Sometimes it's appropriate to type things out instead of jabbering all the time. But it's a pretty inefficient way to go through life if you have to type everything.
Lighthearted, no drama, but can kick the **** out of things — You know who you are...good enough at gaming that you can joke around a little even in the most serious of circumstances and not lose a step.
Enough people around that there are people to group with. I prefer smaller guilds, but I'm not looking to join you and your brother.
And the obligatory — NO FREAKS!
Reply here or better yet, send me a tell in game and invite me to group. My character name is the same as forum name. I have looked through some of the recruiting threads and there are a couple I plan on getting in touch with. Just fishing for any other leads here.