Wanted to update this post for any new possible apps.

Thank you for your interest in CLAW. We are currently tapering the number of applicants we are accepting due to our current size. Although we are pursuing more of an "invite only" method of recruitment, we encourage you however to join our chat channel(ask any CLAW for that info) in game and run with as many members as you can, as we have not closed the doors completely to new recruits. A lot of us have come to this guild independently, and have helped to make this a great guild to be in. We don't want to miss out on other good people. CLAW chat is an easy way for you to find CLAW members to group with. Just post in there that you are an applicant and looking for people to run with. We use it quite often when trying to fill out parties as well.

Because we have 100+ active members, we have to be selective in adding to that number. We try to maintain a personal gaming environment, where everybody knows each other and there is no anonymity. Due to guild ships and renown decay, we also have to ensure new members are going to stick around and help cover any decay incurred by the larger guild size. More than anything though, we're looking for other cool people who are going to be here to have fun and not cause drama. A cool person should understand our reasons for being selective, right? Use of a mic is not mandatory, but it is heavily recommended.

Here is a thread that has a lot of info on our guilding process http://www.c-l-a-w.org/forums/showthread.php?t=7989. Have a look at it and be sure to follow the link within to our guild charter- it is a guideline of our expectations of the type of people we want joining us.

If everything you've read here coincides with what you are looking for in a guild, we encourage you to get your feet wet in clawchat and run with as many of us as you can. Due to our new method of recruitment, it may take some time to be accepted, but stick with it if you think this is the place for you. We'll try to let you know as soon as possible our decision, so as not to keep you hanging.