Since we can now upgrade some really nice named stuff now into epicness, how about including a 'generic' set of upgrade materials (scroll, seal, shard) for not so nice (non-named) items?
What I mean by this is, let's say I have a fairly cool +2 holy burst longsword of improved destruction, but that +2 bonus drives me nuts. If I want to spend all the time to grind out the upgrade materials and then put in the massive amount of time it takes to get all the normal and raid tokens required, why can't I improve this to an epic +7 holy burst longsword of improved destruction? Or how about that suit of +3 Adamantine Ice guard Full plate of Command my paladin has with an awesome look to it? Turning it into an epic +7 suit of armor would rock!
Seems a simple enough process - since the system is already in place for converting older items to epic-ready status. The 'generic' upgrade materials would only add one appropriate colored slot to an item: generic weapon materials would add a single red slot, generic armor materials would add a blue slot, and generic accessory materials would add a yellow slot.
Oh, and a little side note; since it takes so much effort to get all the stuff together and then upgrade an item, how about an option to name the item (or have it named automatically) for non-named upgrades? Again, for example, lets take that +2 longsword above. When it is upgraded to epic status, perhaps the characters name that upgraded it is automatically added to the description. So it becomes "Bradik's +7 Holy Burst longsword of Improved destruction" - kinda like all the 'named' items we have been seeing in Shavarath lately. Of course the better, but more code intensive option, would be to let a player name the item after upgrading to epic status. I could call the sword 'Holy Reaver', or 'Bradik's Vengance' or what ever.
Sound like a viable idea? If really nice stuff can be upgraded to epic status now, what about the option to do the same with some not so nice stuff if we really want to?