In my PnP days I had an NPC whose background was as follows: Gold Dragon (when all Gold Dragons were, by default, LG) polymorphed into human form as a paladin then wizard. I want to recreate him in general terms using the greater reincarnate that is coming to DDO.

I know that there are no dragon-born at the moment so was thinking that closest in game would be FvS. I'd like a 32 point build suggestion keeping in mind that it will reincarnate as a paladin and then again as an arcane. Although the NPC had originally been a wizard that was well before the days when sorcerers were commonplace so I'm thinking sorcerer for the final class on the last reincarnation.

I'm not familiar with the effects of reincarnation or what will pass on to the character in terms of traits/skills/abilities. The build has to be human and should be either pure class or 18/2 with monk splash and LG in alignment. I don't know if splash will affect reincarnation.

Any and all suggestions to making a viable character under those constraints are welcome.