1. That one night with Nat Gann..(call me)
2. Not discovering Orchard of the Macabre sooner then 15. (Love that place as a Sorc)
1. That one night with Nat Gann..(call me)
2. Not discovering Orchard of the Macabre sooner then 15. (Love that place as a Sorc)
Helbrimm- WF Wiz/Rogue (retired) Hellbrim-WF Sorcerer
Member of <o>
1. the break up of Xcorps (wasn't anyone's fault but **** I miss them)
2. loosing my cool with newbies...we were all new once
forums.ddo.com : the comedic gift that keeps on giving!
Originally Posted by Deaths Ward
1) Not reading forums or researching DDO' Paladins before making my Heidiann her stats are gimped but no way can I reroll her now.. I fell in love... aaaah the things we put up with for love.
2) Not starting this game about 3 years ago
Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain
Virtually giving away my first planer gird (I did not really know much back then)
Selling a Maelstrom on AH for 20k pp (could have made more)
I think I was taken advantage of on the gird![]()
Last edited by IronAngel; 11-06-2009 at 07:01 AM.
"When the ship lifts all debts are paid. No regrets."
Vorn, 30 Fighter
1. was completely smashed a dropped a TOD run with 11 people in party to do same run but with guildies instead of staying with pug. I still feel horrible about that and will burn in DDO hell for this.
2. Yelling at various little kids to SHUT UP i can't take it (after they keep talking for 20 minutes straight non stop and not let anyone speak)
Khyber. Not the server. The Eberron notion of Hell.
Lol ... I find it hard to beleive you losing your cool like that. Must've been truly annoying kids.2. Yelling at various little kids to SHUT UP i can't take it (after they keep talking for 20 minutes straight non stop and not let anyone speak)
I would tell you my regrets, but, what happens in Stormreach stays in Stormreach.![]()
MyDDOLite - Ultra-Fast Character Look-ups
Server Status Website Widget - Add DDO Server Status to your website!
Server Status Sidebar Gadget - for Windows Vista/7
1. Listening to my "experienced" friend when first playing DDO, who said I was fine with a ranged ranger (this is back when any ranger was looked upon with disdain)
2. Not selling the bajillion +2 CHA tomes I loot (**** you CHA tomes!!!) before they changed how they functioned.
THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1
#1~(Sighs Deeply) My very first VON where standing at the dragon,The party leader is explaining e1's job and how where going to take down the dragon,I start to reach for a cig and tapped a very small button on the left side of my mouse (That I didnt know was even there,new high end mouse,well it was preset to auto run somehow) so I grabbed my Cig looked up at the screen and my toon was running right for the red beast,with my toons name being yelled in my ears. Can we say Party Wipe??? That day still kills me thinking about it, at that time it was like my Super Bowl I was so proud to be there.It still ways heavy on my heart.
#2~My first toon I ever rolled (Ranger) I tried everything you can do to make him right but I faced the fact that I just couldnt fix that gimp , and took my meds and did the delete thing.Wasted a ton of plat on him (Live and Learn)
Last edited by Chazzie; 11-06-2009 at 09:08 PM.
~~The House of Caedes~~Thelanis Server~~Krune~~Krunex~~Krunem~~Krunez~~ & many more " You can have my Dwarven Axe ,When you pry it out of my cold dead hand"~~" May your foes lay at your feet & your coffers be full"~~
1. Not buying that Bloodstone trinket I saw for 20k gold.
2. No others at the moment.
#1. Making my monk true neutral and then having the game designers make every single end boss in the game need GOOD to penetrate DR.
#2. Making my monk true neutral. Honestly -- *** would anyone be true neutral in this game. What was I thinking?
1. Selling a WOP dagger to a vendor because I didnt know its usefulness and all I knew was that it wasnt an axe and was therefore worthless to me and shameful to have in my bag. I didnt even walk to a broker because I didnt pull alot of items to sell that day.....
2. Not speaking up when the raid leader of my only von raid with no ac tanks asked if anybody had a dragons bane to tank, and asked who had high hps. (I had both a new dragons bane axe and more hps then the fellow who tanked, but I figured they all knew what they were doing and I didnt and maybe there was some trick to it that I didnt know and didnt want to risk wiping the raid)