... ?
scaring kistilan away and giving away my firestorms when i first pulled it right when the desert came out.
Here's mine:
* After 40-some tries, never been able to complete The Accursed Ascension.
* Prematurely judging the character of whole guilds due to a few of their members.
Not taking the archivist's necklace on my drow sorc. I realized much later that it would have been useful forever![]()
Selling my +1 Holy Maul of Righteousness (ML was around 7 I think) for 10k plat.
Not having the time to read the stories from the quests yet.
1.) Rolling a Battle Bard when Bards were only supposed to be Buff-Bots.
2.) Not deleting said Bard before everyone else was playing Battle Bards.
I am, Rameses!
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.
1. Did not maximize the number of features in game.
2. Did not maximize the benefit of features I discovered.
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1. Thinking, just one more character to favor cap can't be that hard...
2. Making a Tempest Rogue with a 8 starting dex.
Favorhor, Rangedeath, Inthedark, Healemup, Axaleal, Hackemlow, Singasong, Intheback
1) Not reading forums or researching DDO' Paladins before making my Heidiann her stats are gimped but no way can I reroll her now.. I fell in love... aaaah the things we put up with for love.
2) Not starting this game about 3 years ago
Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain
1. Opening up this thread
2. Reading all the way through
1. Taking over 10 points in repair (I thought it helped somehow) on my halfling wiz/rogue.
2. Buying +1 loot gems
Number 2 would be replaced by an episode I can't confirm where I think I gave away 4 large scales to someone in the shroud who needed one (for something crappy like a stone and a focus of earth)... was I really that stupid? That toon is still trying to craft his first tier-3 item in the shroud after 20+ runs...
Last edited by caution; 11-05-2009 at 08:58 PM.
1) Spending my hard earned Turbines on a quest then I watched as said quest went on sale a week later.
2) Spending my Turbines on Warforged then playing one long enough to realize I am a fan of Dwarves, Humans, and Drow. (may try WF again at a later date . . . tried barbarian first, perhaps I should have gone with Wizard)
Poor grammar bad for you is, leads to the dark side it does.
-Yoda's Book of Grammar This Is
1. That one night with Nat Gann..(call me)
2. Not discovering Orchard of the Macabre sooner then 15. (Love that place as a Sorc)
Helbrimm- WF Wiz/Rogue (retired) Hellbrim-WF Sorcerer
Member of <o>
1. the break up of Xcorps (wasn't anyone's fault but **** I miss them)
2. loosing my cool with newbies...we were all new once
forums.ddo.com : the comedic gift that keeps on giving!
Originally Posted by Deaths Ward
#1. Making my monk true neutral and then having the game designers make every single end boss in the game need GOOD to penetrate DR.
#2. Making my monk true neutral. Honestly -- *** would anyone be true neutral in this game. What was I thinking?
1. Selling a WOP dagger to a vendor because I didnt know its usefulness and all I knew was that it wasnt an axe and was therefore worthless to me and shameful to have in my bag. I didnt even walk to a broker because I didnt pull alot of items to sell that day.....
2. Not speaking up when the raid leader of my only von raid with no ac tanks asked if anybody had a dragons bane to tank, and asked who had high hps. (I had both a new dragons bane axe and more hps then the fellow who tanked, but I figured they all knew what they were doing and I didnt and maybe there was some trick to it that I didnt know and didnt want to risk wiping the raid)
Virtually giving away my first planer gird (I did not really know much back then)
Selling a Maelstrom on AH for 20k pp (could have made more)
I think I was taken advantage of on the gird![]()
Last edited by IronAngel; 11-06-2009 at 07:01 AM.