I came for the cake, but stayed for the butt-kicking.
p.s Also, the cake may have been a lie
I came for the cake, but stayed for the butt-kicking.
p.s Also, the cake may have been a lie
Last edited by sainy_matthew; 11-03-2009 at 12:52 PM. Reason: funny joke needed inserting. Probably not as funny as i think it is.
WHat else will I do while Im at work?
Kidding I play becasue its fun, yes sometimes people loot when you dc, yes sometimes they dont listen but its still fun.
And the elven females.
Kasik ~Rogue~ Fui ~ Barb ~ Emmeryl ~ Clr ~ Hilcias ~ Sorc ~
Cool kids play on Mabar!
I play this game because alot of people on here are wrong and its fun to get them going and prove that they are in fact wrong even if they clamp their hands over their ears and yell "LA-LA-LA-LA"...
Oh wait i thought you were talking about the forums.
Seriously though, my mian goal now is to muck about on Argo when i'm bored, and mainly try and help a permadeath guild on Ghallanda complete some raids.
Its strangely comelling to try and take people through content they've never set foot in before.
I'm here for the beer.
Drink Old Sully's, after a couple pints even Orcs look good!
Proud member of The order of the Silver Dragons
Got into playing it with some buddies while we served in the Marine Corps to spend time relaxing after a good days PT (physical training) and stuck with it for this long why quit now. Great people I have come to know and play with. Just waiting for a WOW looser named RISCA to come back to DDO and leave that game behind.
Used to be, because I liked to see how far I could zerg without getting caught and dead. With the lag these days, I'm asking myself the same question.
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
I posted the question half serious, half looking for what people could come up with. The second half of my intent was answered. There's a handful of reasons I lol'd quite a bit. However, the first half (namely, the serious part), wasn't really addressed by almost anyone.
So to rephrase my question, what drives you to log into this game? What keeps you coming back?
I'm genuinely interested because I keep asking myself this very question and though I can come up with a few reasons I feel I'm playing this game more out of habit than anything else.
Grouping and gaming.
I love enjoying quests with different combinations of people/skills, and hanging out with other nerds
I also enjoy exercising the skills I have in the game, zerging through things as fast as I can, permadeath when I can, or just PUG'ing with whoever. Anything that will blow a noobs mind or just is cool to do.
After that there is a little bit of inventory/gear tweaking, but I like it because it is not heavy on that.
/some people like checkers (WoW)
/some people like chess (DDO)
/some people like uker (WoW)
/some people like bridge (DDO)
/keep playing because of the challenge
/keep playing because there is always something new to learn
/keep playing because every party is different
/keep playing because it is better than TV
/keep playing because it is better than work (you can actually accomplish something)
/keep playing because it is better than - you name it (except love, sex and rock and roll)