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This is a serious problem. When the guild rank commands were leaked in with the last update i had to deal with rank names like ***** and so forth. Not wanting to deal with tells from other people asking why i had offencive ranks like this i changed them all but the member rank was giving me an error everytime i tried to change the name, so i made a new rank and moved ever member into that rank before using the /removerank command to delete the offencive name/rank from my guild. After doing a little research since my last post I noticed that all of my guildies that were placed in this new "member" rank have been removed from my guild as of this little "hot fix"
-my guild does not have the "member" rank anymore. I just invited a friend to test out a couple things and he was invited in with the officer rank.
-Anyone that was not an officer in my guild before this "fix" has been removed and can not start or join another guild (they get the error : you are allready in a guild)
- as leader of the guild i no longer have the Tabs at the bottom of my guild window for inviting to guild/party or any of the other options that were there before.