I really wish the Devs would come to a consensus on this whole Trap thing.... Are traps going to be Really freakin hard or generally easy? Lots of Damage or minimal? Shouldnt a Mostly Rogue build with Max Search/Disable and Mechanic ENH be able to at least Find Elite Trap in Sunken parrish without resorting to building a SPELL POINT Shroud item?
I dunno, but I realized the other day that I cant make a Assassin/Frenzied Berserker due to conflicting.
Of course, the Assassin TOD Kit sucks. So I decided to go the Berserker route. EVen without the Full ENH line, the Combo of the Belt and Ring make WAY more sense for this build.
I'll Probobly Collect the Mechanic Ring as well. But yet again.. It sucks.. It will save me one Inventory Spot though as it does both DD and OL.
When I came up with my Ultimate Rogue a while back I had foregone the ROgue trap smithing ways. WHo cares if I couldnt get all the traps? I certainly didnt... But as we see the latest content and the increasing difficulty (Yet again) of the new stuff on hard and Elite, I decided to switch my DPSer to Mechanic/Berserker. What I got here is insane. I've spent millions of plat and ground Lots of raids to get her geard up, but I'm pleased with the results so far.
This is NOT a build for the Casual Gamer. This is NOT a build for New Players unless you KNOW your gonna Powergame the system.
Now that I Know what I'm doing to Level 20, I reworked the Level Progression to optimize Skills. I DID eat a +2 Int Tome at Level 1 on the build. SO going forward, a few Points will need to be skimmed levels 2-6. SKip Jump/ Balance in those rangers and probably skimp a little more On Hide/MS later in the build. This build inst a Hide in the Shadows type. Its a In your face try to stop me kinda build.
Level 20 Chaotic GOod Dwarf Male
(6 Barbarian / 13 Rogue / 1 Ranger)
Hit Points: 565 Standing/685+ Buffed
20 HD
78 Rogue 13
8 Ranger 1
72 barb 6
200 Standing Con Bonus
22 Toughness Feat
60 Toughness Enh
45 Radiance Guard/Dex Item
10 Draconic
20 Minos
30 GFL
565 Standing Hit Points
20 Rage Spell
60 Barb rage
40 Madstone
685 Hit Points Buffed/raged
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 16/16/21/2626
16 BAB
11 Base STR Bonus
5 Weapons
-2 TWF
4 GH
1 Haste
4 Madstone/DP CLicky BAB Boost
6 Buffed/Raged STR Bonus
+39/+39 WHen I have Aggro and No Bard Songs
Plus Bard Songs and Sneak Att Bonus'
4/8/4 ROgue 13
0/2/0 Ranger 1
5/2/2 Barb 6
10/7/3 Attributes
5/5/5 Resistance ITem
1/1/1 Resistance Ritual
2/2/2 HoGF
4/4/4 GH
Plus Trap Sense and Dwarven Will ENH, Barb Rage Will ENH
(32 Point)
{32/44}Strength 16+5 levels +2 TOme +6 Item +3 ToD Ring / +4 barb Rage +2 Rage Pot +4 Madstone +2 FB
{24}Dexterity 15+2 Tome +1 Rogue +6 Item
{30/42}Constitution 16 +2 Tome +2 barb +2 Dwarf +6 Item +2 Mineral 2 / +6 rage +2 rage Pot +4 Madstone
{24}Intelligence 14+2 Tome +8 Radiance Kukri as needed for Traps
{16}Wisdom 9 +1 Tome +6 Item as needed
{14}Charisma 7+1 Tome +6 Item as needed
Disable Device 76
23 Ranks +7 INT +7 Tools +15 Item +6 Shroud Item Situational +4 GH +2 Head of GF +3ENH +4 MechanicII +3Bracers +3 Boost
Open Lock 73
23 Ranks +7 Dex +7 Tools +15 Item +5 Radiance Guard Shroud Item +4 GH +2 Head of GF +3ENH +4 MechanicII +3 Boost
Search 68
23 Ranks +2 Dwarf +7 INT +15 Item +6 Shroud Item Situational +4 GH +2 Head of GF +2ENH +4 MechanicII +3 Boost
Spot 51
23 ranks +3 Wis +15 Item +4 GH +2 HoGF +4 MechII
Use Magic Device 37
23 Ranks +2CHR +2 HoGF +3 Cartouse +4GH +3 Boost
Other Skills: Hide, Move Silent, Balance, Diplo, Jump, and a little Tumble
Level 1 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+4)
Skill: Diplomacy (+4)
Skill: Disable Device (+4)
Skill: Hide (+4)
Skill: Move Silently (+4)
Skill: Open Lock (+4)
Skill: Search (+4)
Skill: Spot (+4)
Skill: Tumble (+4)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
Level 2 (Ranger)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Jump (+5)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Level 3 (Barbarian)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Level 4 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+3)
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+3)
Level 5 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+4)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+2)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 6 (Barbarian)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 7 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+2)
Skill: Diplomacy (+2)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+4)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Level 8 (Rogue)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Hide (+3)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+2)
Level 9 (Barbarian)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Level 10 (Rogue)
Skill: Diplomacy (+2)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+2)
Skill: Open Lock (+2)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 11 (Rogue)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Hide (+2)
Skill: Move Silently (+3)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 12 (Barbarian)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Level 13 (Rogue)
Skill: Diplomacy (+2)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+2)
Skill: Open Lock (+2)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 14 (Rogue)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Hide (+5)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 15 (Barbarian)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 16 (Rogue)
Skill: Diplomacy (+2)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+2)
Skill: Open Lock (+2)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 17 (Rogue)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Hide (+2)
Skill: Move Silently (+3)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 18 (Barbarian)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Jump (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Cleave
Level 19 (Rogue)
Skill: Diplomacy (+2)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Hide (+1)
Skill: Move Silently (+1)
Skill: Open Lock (+2)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 20 (Rogue)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Hide (+3)
Skill: Move Silently (+2)
Skill: Open Lock (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Spot (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost I
Enhancement: Barbarian Damage Boost II
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost II
Enhancement: Barbarian Sprint Boost I
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage II
Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage II
Enhancement: Barbarian Hardy Rage I
Enhancement: Barbarian Hardy Rage II
Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
Enhancement: Barbarian Frenzied Berserker I
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I
Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II
Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense I
Enhancement: Rogue Fire Trap Lore I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage I
Enhancement: Rogue Mechanic I
Enhancement: Rogue Mechanic II
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training II
Enhancement: Rogue Disable Device I
Enhancement: Rogue Disable Device II
Enhancement: Rogue Disable Device III
Enhancement: Rogue Open Lock I
Enhancement: Rogue Open Lock II
Enhancement: Rogue Open Lock III
Enhancement: Rogue Search I
Enhancement: Rogue Search II
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution I
Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution II
Enhancement: Rogue Dexterity I
Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness I
Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness II
Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I
Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense II
Helm- Minos Legen
Necklace: Silver Flame, Optic Nerves, +6 Wis, and other misc clickies.
Googles -
+15 DD
CLoak -
Elemental resists/+6 CHR Situational
Belt -
Berserker +6 Con/GFL
Situational: Mechanics
Bracers -
Situational: Tharnes
Trinket -
Head of Good Fortune
Gloves -
Primary: Radiance Guard +45 HP, +5 Dex Skills
Situational: +15 oPen Lock
Situational: +6 Int Skills
+6 Dex
Boots of Anchoring
Madstone Boots (x2)
Ring 1: Encrusted Ring +9 STR
Ring 2 - (Swap Ring) Mechanic Ring +6 Dex/+1 Int +2 OR RIng of Unknown Origins
Dragontouched Leather ARmor:
+5 Resist
Corosive Salt Guard
Radiance Guard
DPS/DR Mobs Weapons:
Mineral II Scimmy Holy/Acid/Acid
Mineral II Kukri Holy/Acid/+2 COn
Trash Mob Weapons:
W/E Scimmy
Radiance Kukri
Red Named:
Disintegrate Scimmy
Mineral II Kukri(Will Probobly make another Disintegrate eventually)
Plus the Full Gambit of Scimmy/Kukri P5's (Rapier and SS Banishers of course)