I would like to comment on this:

Yes. Rangers and paladins. And anyone with UMD.
FS is a very bad class for selfhealing melees. If you don't play on all their strengths you will be a wasted slot.

Rangers and paladins and anyone with umd cannot even come close to the self healing abilities of this build. period. AND cannot buff themselves or heal the entire party nearly as well.

As far as percentage damage ability vs a pure melee? It is around 50-60%. I base this on comparing average swing numbers and crit numbers with pure melees I run with. barbs on the low end and rangers/fighters on the high end of those numbers. I do about the same or slightly more typical swing damage as the average pally, easily (not counting smites, of course). This I base on fighting them in PvP (I usually win vs pallys because they run out of healing ability long before I do).