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  1. #141
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    I have kept the original post updated as I learned the ins and outs of this build. So yes, I reccomend the feats/stats/enhancements as is on the first page. The only thing that hasnt changed at all is my concept for the build. But, I gotta say, this guy turned out to be much better at melee than I imangined.

    Seems like a lot of people like to try the THF line of feats before deciding they are about as useful as breasts on a bull.

    I tried to save you all the trouble!

    Last edited by Mellkor; 05-07-2010 at 01:18 AM.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  2. #142
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    Thanks Mellkor!

    I'll keep you guys updated on any pointers I can as I run with this guy.

    The first one I have is, take the +1 to charisma enhancement before level 4. Without that or a +1 item, you will not be able to cast your level 2 spells.

    Found this out the hard way *chuckle* learning as I go and sharing I think is what this thread is about, so I thought I would share.

    Have fun guys & enjoy!

    Think I'm going to dig in for the long haul, reroll tonight and use a +1 int tome at lv 3 - only 4 now, but I know it's something I should do.

    This leads to my next question... I was planning on going Lawfull Good, but should I try to add UMD to the build? I know it's been debated thoughout the thread dropping some dex for int and UMD. I haven't seen any final thoughts, except that you havn't changed your original post to adjust to that. I don't have much $$$ or wands banked, so I should prolly just get to 20 w/out UMD, but thought I would ask anyway for any thoughts.

    Thanks again, sorry for rambling.

  3. #143
    Community Member lucas13's Avatar
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    Watching Angainor run around Argo swinging a eSoS is pure awesomeness.

    Nice build bro !

  4. #144
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torin View Post
    Thanks Mellkor!

    This leads to my next question... I was planning on going Lawfull Good, but should I try to add UMD to the build? I know it's been debated thoughout the thread dropping some dex for int and UMD. I haven't seen any final thoughts, except that you havn't changed your original post to adjust to that. I don't have much $$$ or wands banked, so I should prolly just get to 20 w/out UMD, but thought I would ask anyway for any thoughts.

    Thanks again, sorry for rambling.
    UMD or no UMD is a matter of personal preference. I tried it both ways and I decided I dont miss UMD much at all. Its nice for bypassing RR stuff or things like DD scrolls, blur scrolls, teleport scrolls, but I do just fine without. This is one of those things that doesn't matter much either way. Go with it, try it out and if you dont like it you can always respec out of it.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  5. #145
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    On my caster/healer fvs I use spectre for boosting my cure spells, how should I do this while Im in the middle of fight? Should I swap just before healing or how you manage this?

  6. #146
    Community Member SquelchHU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    Without extend I find it annoying to have to recast buffs you use most of the time every 2 mins. Takes too much time away from beating stuff. This is also why I dont put much stock in or even reccomend things like use of rage pots, titan glove clickies, yugo pots, etc, because they only last a minute or two or so. Some builds even rely on this to get a decent to hit number!!!!. WAYYYY too much time wasted keeping up way too many buffs when you have to also worry about healing the party and yourself. I think just keeping up 2 or 3 short buffs is enough. More than that and your DPS will really suffer because you will spend half yer time rebuffing. This build, equipped as listed can hit just about anything in the game, any quest, on any difficulty, on a 2 or 3 just by running divine power and divine favor WITH power attack on. AND hit a lot harder than any FvS TWF build can.
    Yugoloth pots only last a minute or two?

    Edit: Using an Ardor clickie is better than using a permanent item. +75% instead of +50%, uses 0 slots (after switching back) instead of 1, and lasts 3 minutes a charge, with 3 charges. This is especially true for a battle caster build. Ardor clickies are also available at lower levels than permanent items of the same type.

  7. #147
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    What prefixes or suffixes do items with ardor effects use?

  8. #148
    Community Member SquelchHU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by massiivne View Post
    What prefixes or suffixes do items with ardor effects use?
    It's a prefix. Like Superior Ardor 6 (should be a level 10 item).

  9. #149
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SquelchHU View Post
    Yugoloth pots only last a minute or two?

    Edit: Using an Ardor clickie is better than using a permanent item. +75% instead of +50%, uses 0 slots (after switching back) instead of 1, and lasts 3 minutes a charge, with 3 charges. This is especially true for a battle caster build. Ardor clickies are also available at lower levels than permanent items of the same type.
    I tend to use the superior ardor VIII clickies a lot, usually in situations where I have to mass cure instead of mass heal. The +75% is really nice and affects lev 8 mass cure. In most other situations or when I dont have time to clicky the belt, I usually switch to a sup potency VI greatsword for heals and then switch back, that method is fast and easy for me. For mass heals I sometimes use the Sup Eff IX clicky on the epic dragoneye, although I often dont have time for that, luckily mass heal by itself with empower healing feat is usually all you need. The dragon eye clicky is more for when you are pure healbotting.

    Yugo pots last 15 mins, but most of them carry penalties as well (except for the +2 to con one), and cost over 10k gold each. I dont use them because of the penalties. Maybe the constitution one might be worth using because it has no penalties, but seems like a lot to spend for the gain. I tried them a while back on one of my clerics, but were too expensive or the penalties were not worth it to be practical. I guess I am a little prejudiced against pots, lol. I like to be more self reliant and use abilities/spells from within, but they sure work for some folks. I gotta say, tho, having a build that doesnt need them is a better way to go in terms of your pocketbook and not having to worry about refreshing yet another buff(s) is nice.

    It sure would be great if buffs flashed or changed color for the last 30 seconds they are in effect or something like that.
    Last edited by Mellkor; 05-10-2010 at 06:03 PM.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  10. #150
    Community Member SquelchHU's Avatar
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    I mostly agree with you about yugo pots (and completely agree about the short term buffs... I got enough to manage, thanks).

    But 1k plat for 15 minutes? I wouldn't use it all the time, but for harder content? Sure why not? I'll make it back after one chest, and if it helps get it done...

    Con = +40 HP, no penalty.
    Int = not worth it, -50% fort is crippling.
    Dex = -2 to hit... I wouldn't bother even on an AC build.

    All others are -4 to one save... which might or might not be a problem depending on your saves and what you're running. Most characters are passing saves on a 2 with some to spare, so effectively no penalty... But at the same time, something like +1 to hit/+1 or +2 to damage isn't really that meaningful either. +1 spell DC is a bit better, if in a situation where spell DCs matter.

    I wouldn't bother running em full time like some of the people I've seen sitting on millions of plat do but I'd say they have their valid applications.

  11. #151
    Community Member Nuckoholic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SquelchHU View Post
    Yugoloth pots only last a minute or two?

    Edit: Using an Ardor clickie is better than using a permanent item. +75% instead of +50%, uses 0 slots (after switching back) instead of 1, and lasts 3 minutes a charge, with 3 charges. This is especially true for a battle caster build. Ardor clickies are also available at lower levels than permanent items of the same type.

    This is what I always say to any builds with healing capabilities. The clicky is 3 minutes which is plenty of time, and you save a slot on your TOD ring or DT armor, or can use your full DPS weapon at all times. The only time I use sup pot VI is when I'm using BB. Activating the clicky is fast! It's almost as fast as casting the capstone shield, so it's easy to find time to cast it - I just view it as another buff.
    Nuckaholic20 WF Sorc | Nuckoholic20 Human KOTC Pally | Nucka20 WF FVS | Ghallanda ReRolled

  12. #152
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuckoholic View Post

    This is what I always say to any builds with healing capabilities. The clicky is 3 minutes which is plenty of time, and you save a slot on your TOD ring or DT armor, or can use your full DPS weapon at all times. The only time I use sup pot VI is when I'm using BB. Activating the clicky is fast! It's almost as fast as casting the capstone shield, so it's easy to find time to cast it - I just view it as another buff.
    Very good point there Nuck. I carry an extra greater devotion 8 ring just in case I run out in some crazy situation, but the clickies are more than sufficient. What a great gift to clerics
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  13. #153
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    Since i still don't have a 32pt builds avalaible, I wonder would these stats be good for a 28pt start:

    ipdate i went with 16, 10, 16, 11, 8, 11, divine favor and nightshield as starting spells, extend and favored by the blades...
    i hope i made the right decision to have fun with...eheheh
    Last edited by Dim_Mak; 05-12-2010 at 12:58 PM.

  14. #154
    Community Member Grynberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dim_Mak View Post
    Since i still don't have a 32pt builds avalaible, I wonder would these stats be good for a 28pt start:

    ipdate i went with 16, 10, 16, 11, 8, 11, divine favor and nightshield as starting spells, extend and favored by the blades...
    i hope i made the right decision to have fun with...eheheh
    You should drop the dex and wis and get 1 more point in str and cha. THis way you can get your charisma without an item up to 19 (level 9 spells available with disjunction) and str evens up. +5 from levels +2 tome +6 item = 30 str.

    Str 17, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 6, Cha 12 for 32 pointer. I never got why Mellkor went for so high dex.. not like the +3 reflex saves are going to save anyone

  15. #155
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    maybe because of balance skill?
    since its dex based?
    not sure..

  16. #156
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    Hey, thanks a lot for posting the build! I'm going to be TR'ing my 18cl/2ftr into this build as it seems to be just a better version of what i wanted to do with my cleric. Quick question if you don't mind, do you just sit at 75% healing received forever? Are there other enhancements or items leveling up that I should get that makes healing myself easier?

    thanks much

  17. #157
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inmojo View Post
    Hey, thanks a lot for posting the build! I'm going to be TR'ing my 18cl/2ftr into this build as it seems to be just a better version of what i wanted to do with my cleric. Quick question if you don't mind, do you just sit at 75% healing received forever? Are there other enhancements or items leveling up that I should get that makes healing myself easier?

    thanks much

    There are items which increase this. Docent of Blood (from Necro 1) gives +10%, Levik's Bracers give +20% (HoX), Finger Necklace gives +10% (Necro 4), you can put +30% on a GS weapon (such as a triple positive Greatsword), and you can get +10% and +20% (they stack with each other) on a DT docent.

    Though with Levik's you'd probably be ok, since that puts you to almost 100%.

  18. #158
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    Mabye it will sound noobish..but. I took Toughness as a feat couple of levels ago.
    Now, when I leveled to 9 I could take it AGAIN as a feat??
    Why is that?
    This build rocks!
    So far I am more than satisfied

  19. #159
    Community Member Arctigis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dim_Mak View Post
    Mabye it will sound noobish..but. I took Toughness as a feat couple of levels ago.
    Now, when I leveled to 9 I could take it AGAIN as a feat??
    Why is that?
    This build rocks!
    So far I am more than satisfied
    You can take toughness as many times as you like. Once is enough to open up the Enhancement line.

  20. #160
    Community Member TEcarson's Avatar
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    Hit level 13 tonight with this build. I have rolled and discarded WF chars before...but this one is an absolute blast to run!

    Thanks again!

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