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  1. #401
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Thanks for the endorsement! I often have a hard time convincing folks that a high reflex save is a good investment. And folks that take that advice always thank me later. LOL. Try it you naysayers, you will love it!

    As for avenging light, etc, when I was in the EA destiny, I was told those abilities were bugged, so I never tried em. I will give it a shot and see. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Ditch that Levik's Defender! Get yourself a good +7 or +8 RR planeforged tower shield with some nice defensive on-getting hit procs (mine has disintegrate + acid guard on it) for a few more points of turtle DR as well as more passive DPS.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  2. #402
    Community Member Nodoze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    Thanks for the endorsement! I often have a hard time convincing folks that a high reflex save is a good investment. And folks that take that advice always thank me later. LOL. Try it you naysayers, you will love it!

    As for avenging light, etc, when I was in the EA destiny, I was told those abilities were bugged, so I never tried em. I will give it a shot and see. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Ditch that Levik's Defender! Get yourself a good +7 or +8 RR planeforged tower shield with some nice defensive on-getting hit procs (mine has disintegrate + acid guard on it) for a few more points of turtle DR as well as more passive DPS.
    The EA ED SLAs seem really good if you have solid light & healing investments the AL & DW SLAs do decent damage on non-or-slow-moving targets and I love the renewal's proactive Heals-over-Time.

  3. #403
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    16 Str/ 32 Str (+2 Level ups, +7 item, +3 tome, +3 excep)
    14 Dex/ 26 Dex (+8 item, +1 excep, +3 tome)
    18 Con/ 36 Con (+6 item, +4 level ups, +3 tome, +2 enhancement, +3 excep) (ultimately 32 with +4 tome)
    10 Int/ 14 Int (+1 tome at level 3, +2 tome at lev 7, +3 tome at lev 12, and +4 tome at lev 15)
    6Wis/ 14 Wis (+6 item, +2 tome)
    12 Cha/ 20 Cha (+6 item, +2 tome) (ultimately 22 with +4 tome)

    sorry my noob question... but on wikiddo i've read (in the newbee guide) that Wis is very important for FVS.
    is that true ?

    if it is so.. how can you do some spells with such low wisdom stat ?
    Last edited by drathdragon; 10-28-2012 at 07:01 AM.

  4. #404
    Hatchery Hero AegonTargaryen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drathdragon View Post
    sorry my noob question... but on wikiddo i've read (in the newbee guide) that Wis is very important for FVS.
    is that true ?

    if it is so.. how can you do some spells with such low wisdom stat ?
    Simple. Wisdom effects your divine spell dc's, as we all know. This build does not use any of those spells(destruction, implosion, slay living, etc...), with the exception of blade barrier. The spells it does focus on, other than buffs and heals obviously, are light spells (searing light, divine punishment, etc...), which have no dc and are only affected by enhancements and items. You basically sacrifice your dc's for survivability and and the ability to do respectable melee dmg.
    "Greet miles of trials with smiles. It riles them that you perceive the webs they weave" -Roger Daltrey Logenn/Masticus/Tyrione/Kemosabi/Warrforgery/
    Mechanically Synergia - Argonnessen

  5. #405
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    this is a great build... btw i don't wanna copycat it.

    actually i am trying to build the same but at the same time totally opposite.

    i mean to do something that nobody dare to do: the flying cupido halfing/FVS/rogue evasion,umd,2handsfighter
    (may be i am crazy lol but i want absolutely do it)

    any suggestion ? (ok don't laught, lmao)

  6. #406
    Community Member Nodoze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drathdragon View Post
    this is a great build... btw i don't wanna copycat it.

    actually i am trying to build the same but at the same time totally opposite.

    i mean to do something that nobody dare to do: the flying cupido halfing/FVS/rogue evasion,umd,2handsfighter
    (may be i am crazy lol but i want absolutely do it)

    any suggestion ? (ok don't laught, lmao)
    My suggestion is that you start a new thread. Even if it ends up being a flavor build that you have fun with (but isn't 'end game viable') there is a time & place for that!

  7. #407
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Default Is this the standard endgame WF FvS?

    Thanks for updating this build. It looks solid. So solid, in fact, that I think I have little choice but to do something similar.

    I have a level 22 first-life WF Favored Soul. I'd been playing him with zero investment in AC, but that system got overhauled, so I need to change if I'm going to start running him again. I do minimal farming, and I'm more worried about survival and support than maxing out my personal melee DPS numbers. Typical use will include running new content (solo or in a party) and getting recruited to parties for my healing. I'd TR as a human Sword+Board build, but I don't have time to level another character.

    Am I correct thinking Adamantine Body is now standard? If I'm reading docent descriptions correctly, Adamantine Body looks like the biggest increase to a warforged's survivability against physical damage that can be found in a single feat.

    It looks like Mellkor has figured out survivability on a Warforged Favored Soul. I'm curious to know whether my most viable option is a slightly-toned-down version of his build, or if there's a better direction I should go, or even another feasible direction I can go.

    Also, given that I'm willing to farm only a little, is there specific equipment that I should be working for? I do already have Conc Op goggles (+HP version). Thanks!

  8. #408
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    The biggest problem with this build (for me) is, that it is still too defensive in eelite. I don't have any fun on eelite atm, because is still pushing me into the healbot corner when pugging.

    On ehard you can choose whatever you want as your destiny, I run around using EA and Divine Wrath. On eelite I need the PRR from US, though. Which is the reason I still despise eelite.

    The survivability from US destiny for eelite is outstanding, though, even if mandatory to not be one shotted. You reach PRR 65 with two handed weapons equipped and with FoTW twist you can increase that number by another 6. Then Bear cloak and you have 80 PRR while meleeing + self heal. Awesome. If you wanna run eelite I'd go full rtard and get the fate points + equipment for it. But your melee damage is suffering by that for sure. Probably no Improved Power Attack twist and no Primal Scream.

    Special Equipment I recommend:
    Dragon Cloak (ES challenges). It frees up Ring slots. You don't have to bother about Devotion then at all.

    Bear Cloak (ES challenges)

    Seal of House Szind with +3/+8 CHA.

    Switch between Cloaks and Szind seal according to diffculty. I switch to Bear cloak + Szind on eelite, Dragon + ToD ring (with Heal Amp., so I can take care of myself by using Renewal only) is default equipment.
    Last edited by zwiebelring; 11-07-2012 at 09:18 PM.
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  9. #409
    Community Member Krumm's Avatar
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    One of my first capped toon was based on this build (couple of years ago I think).
    Just want to say, I want to thank Mellkor for sharing this build. I had a lot of fun with it.

    Now, few years later, that same toon has TR-ed 12 times and is on the verge of being a completionist in week or two.
    So I thought… I started with a Fvs, Lord of Blade build, why not start my “first” completionist life with Fvs build based on Lord of Blades.

    I’ve modified the build a bit so offensive casting is viable (hopefully), at least probably up to Epic Hard.
    I mixed in 2 levels of Pally for saves, giving up 2 level 9 spells.
    Went with H-Orc for +4 damage to all 2handed weapons (which makes up for loss of +4 damage to greatsword) and Power Attack enhancements (same as WF)

    STR 32 = 16 + 2 enh + 2 completionist + 3 tome + 9 equipment
    DEX 22 = 8 + 2 completionist + 3 tome + 9 equipment
    CON 32 = 14 + 2 completionist + 3 tome + 9 equipment + 4 Epic Destinies
    INT 14 = 9 + 2 completionist + 3 tome
    WIS 42 = 18 + 2 enhancement + 2 completionist + 4 tome + 6 level up + 10 equipment (7 enhancement + 2 insight + 1exceptional)
    CHA 26 = 11 + 2 enhancement + 2 completionist + 3 tome + 8 equipment

    1 - PA
    3 - Completionist
    6 - Max
    9 - Quicken
    12 - H-Emp
    15 - Heighten
    18 - Empower
    21 - SM
    24 - ISM

    I targeted 32 STR for melee based on your updated build.
    32 con with epic destinies (US) will net me around 720hp unbuffed which I hope will be enough
    Resists will be 52Fort, 44Reflex, 54Will with GH only, without shipbuffs (+- couple of points)
    41 Evo DC = 19 + 16 wis + 1 past life + 2 great evocation equipment + 3 destiny twist (which is low but I’m hoping to get few more wis points in there as I farm more equipments. Also, this is b4 shipbuffs and pots)
    This toon should also end up with around 2700+ sp.
    DR 10 will be from US destiny stance, PRR should be about the same as the Mellkors build.

    With US destiny, I'm hope this build will be able to cast offensive spells at Epic Hard diff.
    Survive & Heal groups/raids for Epic Elite Diff.
    Solo Epic Hard for equipments and eventually solo some Epic Elite.
    The stats are from equipments that I have around or are easy to pick up from AH/Eveningstar sets.

    Anyways, thanks again for the build Mellkor and any "helpful" comments would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Krumm; 01-03-2013 at 03:01 PM.

  10. #410
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Interesting idea. Let me know how it works out. 2 pally splash works really well on a cleric (my cleric is a 2 pally splash). I am not convinced it is a good idea on a FvS tho. Maybe it is on a completionist. I suspect even a 42 DC will still be lacking at end game. Let me know how it works out tho.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  11. #411
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    i like this build and iam currently at lvl7. My problem is the order of taking the feats:

    Adamantine Body
    Power Attack
    Quicken Spell
    Empower Healing
    Shield Mastery
    Improved Shield Mastery

    I have swapped Extend and Toughness to be a little more tougher in the early game.
    My actual feats are:

    Adamantine Body
    Power Attack

    Now i lack the feat Maximise to take the Prestige-Enhancement: AoVI
    Since Maximise is the only feat that would allow me AoVI should i swap one feat to get AoVI (and which feat should i swap for maximize) or should i wait to lvl9 when i get the next feat and take maximize then?

  12. #412
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rondra View Post

    i like this build and iam currently at lvl7. My problem is the order of taking the feats:

    Adamantine Body
    Power Attack
    Quicken Spell
    Empower Healing
    Shield Mastery
    Improved Shield Mastery

    I have swapped Extend and Toughness to be a little more tougher in the early game.
    My actual feats are:

    Adamantine Body
    Power Attack

    Now i lack the feat Maximise to take the Prestige-Enhancement: AoVI
    Since Maximise is the only feat that would allow me AoVI should i swap one feat to get AoVI (and which feat should i swap for maximize) or should i wait to lvl9 when i get the next feat and take maximize then?
    I don't even worry about AoV until level 12, when you can grab AoVII (also the same level where you get blade barrier). Aside from that, I'd advise something in place of extend (empower works nicely).
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  13. #413
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    I have retired this character. It simply does not play the same way post lev 20 as it does before level 20. I love this concept, but its power and relative effectiveness after lev 20 is a pale reflection of what it once was prior to U15 or so and U19 just added salt to the injury.

    It is still great for under lev 20 content, tho.

    Last edited by Mellkor; 08-30-2013 at 11:09 AM.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  14. #414
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    I have retired this character. It simply does not play the same way post lev 20 as it does before level 20. I love this concept, but its power and relative effectiveness after lev 20 is a pale reflection of what it once was prior to U15 or so and U19 just added salt to the injury.

    It is still great for under lev 20 content, tho.

    The fact that any Bladeforged can get Recon as an SLA makes it harsh for me to look at melee-ish TR'd WF. I think that was the final nail in the coffin for my WF melee types. A Bladeforged Pal6 with a few SP items will be able to reconstruct him/herself pretty darn frequently ... and toss something like Monk 2 / Fighter 12 on top of that. Or go more pure and, you know, get all the freaking repair spells added to your paladin list.

    Plus the FVS capstone for Lord of Blades is still lame. I can cast shield as often as I want? Great! That's totally the same as a light bolt or cure light or heck even invisibility!

    - FVS needs a melee tree
    - AoV capstone needs to be better than freaking SHIELD ... ooh and a bonus to repair! Hold be back!
    - LoB needs an option to add repair spells to the WF list for both Clerics and FVS.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  15. #415
    Community Member Winter_storm's Avatar
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    Sad to hear sir Mellkor. I really like the concept of WF and FVS with wings.... been kinda coming back to town and poking around with the builds and see one of favorite builds are retired sniff..

  16. #416
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Been playing around with the new destiny.

    I have to say melee FvS are fun to play again. I would even say they kick ass.

    I will update this with new gear and details about the new destiny after I get a chance to play it and figure out what works best for this build.

    Feel free to discuss it in the mean time!

    In particular I am wondering if blade forged is the best race for this with reconstruct SLA. I may have to iconic TR to see, in which case it may be a while before I figure it all out
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  17. #417
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    I am hoping for a revival. exited to see your trhoughts about it. I am tempted to make a BF melee FvS (great lore, since the LoB personally sends you out of his forge) but I am worried about how you combine big melee dps with reasonable DCs of spells/special attacks.
    Characters on Orien:
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  18. #418
    Founder Mellkor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    I am hoping for a revival. exited to see your trhoughts about it. I am tempted to make a BF melee FvS (great lore, since the LoB personally sends you out of his forge) but I am worried about how you combine big melee dps with reasonable DCs of spells/special attacks.
    I am certainly getting big melee DPS with the Divine Crusader destiny. As for spell DC's I dumped the idea of trying for high spell DC's and instead just boosted light damage and light spell crit % as much as I could, and use light spells that do not require high DC's anyway (Divine Punishment and the shoulder cannon, mostly), so they still do a lot of damage! Those two spells make up probably 90% of the offensive spell use on this build. As for the special attacks, I boosted fire and universal spell power as much as I reasonably could, and the damage from those are still pretty good.

    I am kinda disapointed with celestial bombardment, its sp cost to use is very high and its cool down WAYYYY toooo looooong for what you get out of it, but strike down, on the other hand, is really good, I am often getting about 1000 to 1200 total damage to all the mobs in front of me with that attack! More if I happen to crit! all for 5 SPs. I am getting around 200 to 300 a hit with eSoS and 600ish crits when buffed with all the Divine Crusader goodies. Also I twisted in Avenging Light from Exalted Angel, and that sla often hits for over 1000, LOL. Zeal of the Righteous is so kick ass!

    All in All I like how it plays so far. Certainly a strong epic normal and epic hard performer, but EE is still a challenge...

    A completely different build is required if you want to have high spell DC's, IMO.
    Last edited by Mellkor; 04-09-2014 at 05:33 PM.
    Mellkor Wizard, Culpepper Cleric, Coyle Warlock, Anarion Mechanic Archer, Ungoliant, Assassin, Tulkas Astaldo Vanguard Pally,

  19. #419
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    A completely different build is required if you want to have high spell DC's, IMO.
    True if you want high heroic spell DCs -- but you can get high epic spell DCs for Soundburst and Energy Burst just by maxing charisma, and there's a lot of nice synergy there with a melee favored soul, especially if you splash paladin. I'm really enjoying my old warforged 18 / 2 favored soul / paladin in the new destiny. It would be much better as a bladeforged. Not for Reconstruct, but for the higher Charisma and maybe Power of the Forge.

    It's still a departure from the build in your OP, but I think that it works well. Basically, put enough into strength to qualify for Overwhelming Critical with whatever tomes you have. 12 or 14 CON (high starting CON is a lot less important than it used to be with the gear we have now). 8-12 Int depending on tomes. Rest into CHA. All level ups into CHA unless you need some into STR to qualify for OC. Heroic feats are Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical:Slashing, Maximize, Empower Healing, Quicken. Epic feats are Overwhelming Critical, Empower, and either Epic Reflexes or Great Ability: Charisma. Epic destiny feats are Perfect Two Weapon Fighting (for the doublestrike) and then your choice of Perfect Two Handed Fighting, Elusive Target, Forced Escape, or potentially even Hellball. In the end, Charisma will be a few points away from the maximum possible, depending mostly on tomes, but should still be high enough to get very high saves from Paladin, a nice strength boost from Divine Might, and useful DCs on a twisted Energy Burst and Soundburst.
    Last edited by Cardtrick; 04-09-2014 at 08:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  20. #420
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellkor View Post
    I am certainly getting big melee DPS with the Divine Crusader destiny. As for spell DC's I dumped the idea of trying for high spell DC's and instead just boosted light damage and light spell crit % as much as I could, and use light spells that do not require high DC's anyway (Divine Punishment and the shoulder cannon, mostly), so they still do a lot of damage! Those two spells make up probably 90% of the offensive spell use on this build. As for the special attacks, I boosted fire and universal spell power as much as I reasonably could, and the damage from those are still pretty good.

    I am kinda disapointed with celestial bombardment, its sp cost to use is very high and its cool down WAYYYY toooo looooong for what you get out of it, but strike down, on the other hand, is really good, I am often getting about 1000 to 1200 total damage to all the mobs in front of me with that attack! More if I happen to crit! all for 5 SPs. I am getting around 200 to 300 a hit with eSoS and 600ish crits when buffed with all the Divine Crusader goodies. Also I twisted in Avenging Light from Exalted Angel, and that sla often hits for over 1000, LOL. Zeal of the Righteous is so kick ass!

    All in All I like how it plays so far. Certainly a strong epic normal and epic hard performer, but EE is still a challenge...

    A completely different build is required if you want to have high spell DC's, IMO.
    Yeah, I was thinking the same but hoped at least for some mediocre DCs for those destiny specials. But okay, I feared that Bombardement just sounds cool when you say it, gonna skip that in my furture plans then.

    I am breeding over a debuffing melee FvS. Freezing Ice guard (fairly high proc rate, helpless state on any mob type except bosses, no save), Enervation guard (obvious dps/indirect DC increase except for special mobs), Thunderforged weapon with slow effect OR eSoS/Planar set with Cleaver ('cuz slots for spellpower and Limbchopper on Cleaver) together with oldschool high PRR.

    How is the *suckupability* ;P of this build in ee? How high can/did you push your PRR and do you think splashing 2 Mnk or Pal was an improvement over staying pure? I have the impression that the FvS DR is not really a big factor and PRR outmatches true DR of... what is it? 10?

    Anyway, if I can build a soften-up melee type thatn might be a good partyslot and I could take care of Barb icons so the snobby divine casters can use their offensive spells, heh.
    Last edited by zwiebelring; 04-10-2014 at 11:06 AM.
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