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Posting this build because a few people asked me to.
My basic concept for this Favored Soul (FvS) was a Healer/Buffer who could do a decent job of fighting. After trying various feats and enhancements I settled on this configuration. I find this guy a lot more fun to play than my other healer types because of the ability to do decent DPS while having top notch healing/buffing abilities. This guy can heal just as good, if not better, than any of my heal spec clerics can.
Race: Warforged (WF)
Starting stats: / Lev 20 stats: (some will improve with better gear and better tomes, someday!)
16 Str/ 32 Str (+5 Level ups, +6 item, +2 tome, +3 excep) (ultimately 34 with +4 tome)
14 Dex/ 22 Dex (+5 item, +1 excep, +2 tome) (ultimately 24 with epic spectral gloves)
16 Con/ 28 Con (+6 item, +2 tome, +2 enhancement, +2 excep) (ultimately 30 with +4 tome)
13 Int/ 14 Int (+1 tome)
6 Wis/ 14 Wis (+6 item, +2 tome)
11 Cha/ 21 Cha (+6 item, +2 tome, +2 capstone.) (ultimately 22 with +3 tome)
I started with just enough CHA to make 16 CHA without items and enhancements and figuring in a +3 tome. The reason for this is disjunction. You still want to be able to at least cast the heal spell when disjunctioned at level 20, so that means a 16 CHA (11 base + 3 tome +2 capstone =16). Some argue you want a 19 while disjunctioned, but I don’t think it is necessary, just being able to cast the heal spell while disjunctioned works just fine for me. And besides after being disjunctioned you can simply cast eagles splendor on yourself to cast 9th level spells again. I did not count on enhancements to CHA simply because I needed those enhancement points elsewhere.
If I were to do it over again, I would put points into UMD instead of Intimidate. I maxed 4 skills, Concentration, Balance, Jump, and Intimidate. I found intimidate useful at low/mid levels, but at high levels it simply isn’t cutting the mustard. So I would recommend here maxing UMD instead of Intimidate. UMD would be useful for some nice low level wizzy buffs such as blur/displacement from scrolls.
I at first tried out the Two Handed Fighting (THF) line of feats, but I found them SOOOO not worth the three feats they cost, so I spec’d out of them for other things. Spec’ing out of the THF line really made a huge difference in enhancing my healing abilities as far as my original concept went. I ultimately found that Power Attack combined with the Warforged (WF) enhancements and the FvS Lord of Blades feats and enhancements and a mineral II greatsword are all you need for decent melee ability. I also tried improved critical slashing and found it useful at mid levels, but spec’d it out after I got a mineral II. I usually run with quicken, empower heal and empower spell on all the time. If I have to drop out of combat to babysit, I turn off quicken and empower spell.
Feats more or less in order taken:
Power Attack
Quicken Spell
Empower Spell
Empower Healing
Maximize (swapped from adamantine body)
Favored Soul Feats:
Favored by the Lord of Blades
Child of the Lord of Blades
Energy Resistance Fire
Energy Resistance Cold
Energy Resistance Lightning
Beloved by the Lord of Blades
Leap of Faith
Damage Reduction: Adamantine
Some start with adamantine body, it is really useful at low levels, but I ultimately swapped out this feat for Maximize. I noticed no real difference between 15dr vs 13dr at end game, and I found maximize a lot more useful.
Favored Soul Greatsword Specilization II
Warforged Power Attack III
Favored Soul Toughness IV
Racial Toughness IV
Favored Soul Life Magic IV
Warforged Construct Thinking III
Warforged Constitution II
Favored Soul Ascendancy
Warforged Damage Reduction III
Warforged Healers Friend III
Favored Soul Energy of the Scion II (just to advance enhancement chain)
Spell List:
Since I do not have a great spell DC I stayed away from insta death and CC spells. I have found that Blade Barrier still works well, despite a low WIS. It seems like if a mob is going to save against it, he will regardless of DC. And the ones that do save you just beat down . I initially took cure spells but swapped them at higher levels as I find them not too useful at end game as I tend to use heal, mass heal, and mass cures the most. As for the Mass Heal debate, I feel it is one of the very best heal spells, but only if used with quicken. I find it to be a very potent spell to use while fighting alongside your party on a single mob. With the groups I run with, I also often do not have to heal at all until the fight is over, so again this is great to use after a fight. I also chose true res, I normally use scrolls BUT sometimes during those almost party wipe situations, a fast res is needed. A quickened True Res allows you to res people quickly and fully while running/kiting from stuff. Ressing from scrolls is too slow when mobs are on your six, and has gotten me killed one too many times! Sadly spell selection was not too difficult, the rest of the needed divine spells are easily covered by scrolls and wands. Having limited spell slots was not an issue at all with this build. I really hope Turbine works on the divine spell list, otherwise I see no real reason to play a cleric!
Level 1: Divine Favor
Obscuring Mist (yes it is useful!)
Night Shield
Bless (no other choice, at least it gets rid of bane)
Level 2: Eagles Splendor
Resist Energy
Deific Vengeance
Hold Person (useful after energy drain)
Level 3: Mass Aid
Remove Curse (useful in raids)
Magic Circle Against Evil
Level 4: Divine Power
Freedom of Movement
Mass Shield of Faith
Level 5: Break Enchantment
True Seeing
Summon Monster V (situationally useful while soloing)
Mass Cure Light
Level 6: Blade Barrier
Mass Cure Moderate
Level 7: Mass Protection From Elements
Mass Spell Resistance
Mass Cure Serious
Level 8: Holy Aura
Death Pact
Mass Cure Critical
Level 9: Mass Heal
True Resurrection
Energy Drain (a great debuff for both melee and caster situations)
End Game Equipment: This is what I wear 95% of the time. (I sometimes switch some stuff for certain mobs or quests) (I have yet to aquire or craft some of this stuyff, but will do so soon)
Head: Greensteel (heavy fort, +5 AC, +45 HP)
Necklace: Torin's Choker (Sup Potency VI and Wizardry VI)
Trinket: Bloodstone (Seeker +6) (upgrade to epic +8 seeker)
Cloak: Resist +5
Belt: Arch Magi ---> switch to balance 15 belt or greensteel after buffing.
Ring: +6 str +3 exep Str TOD ring)
Ring: +6 CHA, +1 excep DEX, +2 excep CON TOD ring)
Hand: Spectral Gloves (+5 dex, +2 to hit, etheral) (upgrade to epic someday, +7 dex, +4 to hit)
Feet: Striding 30%, +5 balance boots (upgrade to epic Dustless Boots someday)
Wrist: Greensteel, (+6 wis, +150 SP, blind ward, +5 UMD, concordant opposition, bound attuned with +1 to all saves alchemical)
Docent: Quorforged Docent of Battle (+6 CON, superior false life, toughness, -2 will saves)
Goggles: Thranes Wrath. (sneak attack bonus +5 TH, +8 dam, perma true seeing)
Geared up and SELF buffed I have 2674 spell points and 631 Hit Points (577 +54). Saves are 37/34/28 (will save is effectively 30 with enhancements). I am at +38 to hit and +41 to damage on my first swing with power attack on. Armour Class is 40. Add bard/ranger/wizzy/paladin buffs for somewhat better numbers. I usually hit for 75ish on a normal hit and 155ish on a crit. I also have 13 DR all the time and can hit 40 while shield blocking with the hound shield. I end up with about 500 more spell points with gimped SP stat and no SP feats over a cleric with top shelf SP stat AND SP feats!
My usual MO is to cast all the mass buffs on myself and the party, single buff myself, then de-equip the arch magi belt for something situationally more useful depending on the quest (usually a balance 15 belt or yet to be made greensteel belt with smoke screen, displacement clickie, greater lightning resist and +15 to inherent fire resist). Then run Divine Power, Divine Might, Recitation, and Holy Aura most of the time and prayer at the start of a fight.
There ya have it. I hope you find this build as enjoyable as I have! I don’t think this can be topped as far as a fighter/healer/buffer build goes. And there is still certainly room here for tweaking to your own personal flavor.