** UPDATED for U15 **
Posting this build because a few people asked me to.
My basic concept for this Favored Soul (FvS) was a Healer/Buffer who could do a decent job of fighting. After trying various feats and enhancements I settled on this configuration. I find this guy a lot more fun to play than my other healer types because of the ability to do decent melee DPS while ALSO having top notch raid and elite quest capable healing/buffing abilities, as well as excellent spell DPS via the Divine Punishment spell. This guy can heal just as good, if not better, in any raid or elite quest, than any of my heal spec clerics can.
Race: Warforged (WF)
Starting Stats: / Lev 25 stats: (some will improve with better gear and better tomes, someday, as noted)
16 Str/ 32 Str (+2 Level ups, +7 item, +3 tome, +3 excep)
14 Dex/ 26 Dex (+8 item, +1 excep, +3 tome)
18 Con/ 36 Con (+6 item, +4 level ups, +3 tome, +2 enhancement, +3 excep) (ultimately 32 with +4 tome)
10 Int/ 14 Int (+1 tome at level 3, +2 tome at lev 7, +3 tome at lev 12, and +4 tome at lev 15)
6 Wis/ 14 Wis (+6 item, +2 tome)
12 Cha/ 20 Cha (+6 item, +2 tome) (ultimately 22 with +4 tome)
I started with just enough CHA to make 20 CHA with just a +6 item and a +2 tome. You need a 19 CHA minimum to be able to cast 9th level spells. If you get disjunctioned, simply cast eagles splendor on yourself to cast up to 7th level spells again (good enough for the heal spell and mass cures). I did not count on enhancements to CHA simply because I needed those enhancement points elsewhere. Use of a +4 tome will allow you to cast up to 9th level spells after disjunction. Disjunction happens so rarely that it should NOT be factored into stats, IMO.
I put points into DEX for reflex save. A reflex save in the high 40's really makes a difference! This guy has a 48 self buffed reflex save at endgame. I find that to be a good number in epic elite quests for this build. Of the three saves, a high reflex save is the only one you really need to help mitigate damage from traps, spells, and other reflex save effects. Many reflex save effects can not be mitigated (very well) by some spell. Most other harmful effects that require a fortitude or will save can be mitigated or completely negated by casting some spell or using an item such as protection from evil to block greater command (will save) or deathward/deathblock to block insta death effects (fort save), etc, etc.
I put skill points into Balance, Jump, and Concentration (in that order). I consider these 3 essential to this build. Some like to also have UMD. If you want UMD just bump con down to 16 and int up to 13 at start.
I tried intimidate at first and found it useful at low/mid levels, but at high levels it simply isn’t cutting the mustard (since it is not a class skill, it didnt work much at higher levels). The first time I respeced this guy I switched the points I put into intimidate to UMD. Having UMD was ok, I found it something easily to live without, so I respeced a second time just maxing concentration, jump and balance. I dont miss UMD much at all. Either works well. The above stats are based on my second respec. If I ever true ressurect this guy I would probably get UMD again or bump str a bit with the extra points, or even wis for a bit better will save.
I at first tried out the Two Handed Fighting (THF) line of feats, but I found them SOOOO not worth the three feats they cost, so I spec’d out of them for other things. Spec’ing out of the THF line really made a huge difference in enhancing my healing abilities as far as my original concept went. I ultimately found that Power Attack combined with the Warforged (WF) enhancements and the FvS Lord of Blades feats and enhancements and a mineral II greatsword are all you need for decent melee ability. Epic SoS just about doubles Min II DPS. Improved critical slashing is great icing on the cake. I usually run with quicken, empower heal and maximize spell on all the time. I often turn off quicken to buff at the beginning of fights. Just remeber to turn it back on!
Feats more or less in order taken:
Adamantine Body
Power Attack
Quicken Spell
Empower Healing
Shield Mastery
Improved Shield Mastery
Favored Soul Feats:
Favored by the Lord of Blades
Child of the Lord of Blades
Energy Resistance Fire
Energy Resistance Cold
Energy Resistance Lightning
Beloved by the Lord of Blades
Leap of Faith
Damage Reduction: Adamantine
I like Angel of Vengence PrE for this build. It brings a lot to the table both solo and for groups.
Blade Sworn Transformation (pre-req for AOV. I never seriously use this because it cuts off spell use)
Energy of the Scion III
FvS Toughness II
FvS Life Magic IV
WF Damagge Reduction III
WF Constitution II
WF Healers Friend III
Racial Toughness II
FvS Smiting IV
FvS Prayer of Smiting III
FvS Prayer of Incredible Smiting III
Epic Destiny:
Unyielding Sentinal. I most often use the unbreakable stance. I now often use a shield when I am not actively fighting. I put points all into defense. This gives me PRR 100, AC 104, and DR 44 when using a +8 RR planeforged shield. Light in the Dark heals me and allies around me for over 600. I maxed out hardened and block energy. With this destiny you can survive just about anything while turtled up. I also maxed out: brace for impact, shield prowess, legendary shield mastery, healing hands, and endless lay on hands.
I twisted in endless faith and healing power from the Exalted Angel destiny.
With this destiny survivability is incredible. It sure makes epic elite quests a LOT easier for this build over any other destiny.
Spell List:
Since I do not have a great spell DC I stayed away from insta death and CC spells. I have found that Blade Barrier still works well, despite a low WIS. It seems like if a mob is going to save against it, he will regardless of DC. And the ones that do save you just beat down. I initially took cure spells but swapped them at higher levels as I find them not too useful at end game as I tend to use heal, mass heal, and mass cures the most. As for the Mass Heal debate, I feel it is one of the very best heal spells, but only if used with quicken. I find it to be a very potent spell to use while fighting alongside your party. With a decent group, I also often do not have to heal at all until the fight is over, so again this is great to use after a fight. I also chose true res, I normally use scrolls BUT sometimes during those almost party wipe situations, a fast res is needed. A quickened True Res allows you to res people quickly and fully while running/kiting from stuff. Ressing from scrolls is too slow when mobs are on your six, and has gotten me killed one too many times! Sadly spell selection was not too difficult, the rest of the needed divine spells are easily covered by scrolls and wands. Having limited spell slots was not an issue at all with this build. I really hope Turbine works on the divine spell list, otherwise I see no real reason to play a cleric!
I also swapped a lot of spells as needed during level up. I always had at least 1 cure XXX spell then swapped asap. Another example is single target deathward, then swapped it when mass deathward became available. I did the same for aid/mass aid, spell resistance/mass spell resistance, and probably a few others, but dont remember which ones.
Level 1:
Divine Favor
Obscuring Mist (yes it is useful!)
Night Shield
Remove Fear
Level 2:
Eagles Splendor (for use when disjunctioned)
Resist Energy
Deific Vengeance
Remove Paralysis (counters the slow spell effect often used in epics)
Level 3:
Mass Aid
Remove Curse (useful in raids)
Magic Circle Against Evil
Level 4:
Divine Power
Freedom of Movement
Mass Shield of Faith
Level 5:
Break Enchantment
True Seeing
Protection from Elements
Divine Punishment
Level 6:
Blade Barrier
Mass Cure Moderate
Level 7:
Mass Protection from Elements
Mass Cure Serious
Level 8:
Holy Aura
Summon Monster VIII (air ele is great crowd control!)
Mass Death Ward
Level 9:
Mass Heal
True Resurrection
Implosion (use only when surrounded by a lot of mobs, works occasionally in epics)
With this spell list you only need to carry spell components for some of the spells in levels 2,3,4,5, and 9. The spells in other spell levels don't require a component to cast, so no need to take up valuable backpack space for em. Carry LOTS of level 5 components.
End Game Equipment: This is what I wear 95% of the time. (I sometimes switch some stuff for certain mobs or quests) Until you get some of this stuff, just wear lesser versions of the same thing in the same slot if possible. I keep this list maintained with what I consider the best equipment for this build. I do this mostly so you can decide where to put your greensteel items. I had to remake a few greensteel items (OUCH!) while figuring this all out.
Head: Purple Dragon Helm (Constitution +7, Insightful Strength +2, Knights Loyalty set (+3 to hit and damage, +3 insight to natural armour)
Necklace: Noxious Embers (greater arcane lore. Use whenever using divine punishment). --> swap in Shintao Cord (+6 con, +15 concentration, +2 to hit, +2 damage. Use when divine punishment is NOT being used), --> swap in Torc of Prince-Raiyum-de II when needed, or swap in natural armour +8 necklace. --> swap in GH clickie when needed.
Trinket: Bloodstone (Seeker +6) (upgrade to epic +8 seeker) ---> (swap in epic dragon eye before rest for archmagi or as needed for sup efficiancy IX clicky. Swap out when down 400 sp from max.)
Cloak: Greensteel +5 reflex save, +3 exceptional reflex save, air guard, haste x2
Belt: Epic Dragon Belt (+7 STR, heavy fort, toughness, greater false life) --> swap in GH clickie when needed.
Ring 1: +6 wis +1 exep Str, devotion +78 TOD shintao ring (set give +2 excep to hit and damage)
Ring 2: +6 CHA, +1 excep CON, healing amp +20%) (TOD ring)
Hand: Purple Dragon Gauntlets (+7 str, +2 insightful CON, healing amp +30%, Knight's Loyalty set bonus)
Feet: Epic Rock Boots (stone prison guard, earthgrab guard, immunity to slippery surfaces, fear immunity, +1 exc wis) also ---> HOT SWAP SPOT. Lots of good things can go here as needed. Epic firestorm greaves w/ fear immunity, green steel guard boots for when turtling or other green steel as needed, boots of propulsion, Kundarak boots (for perma, undispellable FOM), etc. I often wear firestorm greaves for 33% reduction to incoming fire damage and fear immunuty.
Wrist: Greensteel, (smoke screen, +45 HP, displacement x2, bound attuned with +1 to all saves alchemical)
Docent: Stone Heart, (Dex +8, Resistance +6, Protection +6, Toughness)
Goggle 1: Greensteel. (+150 SP, Displacement x2, Smokescreen). For use when pure healbotting. Swap these after you are down 300 SP from max to goggle 2, 3, or 4 depending on the situation.
Goggle 2: Thranes Wrath. (sneak bonus +5 TH, +8 dam, true seeing) For use when you are mostly fighting AND do NOT have aggro most of the time.
Goggle 3: Greensteel. (Freezing Ice Guard, Lightning Guard, lesser Ice Guard, minor Lightning Guard). For use when you are mostly fighting AND you HAVE aggro most of the time.
Goggle 4: Greensteel. A slot for whatever other (situational) greensteel goodies such as haste clickies, displacement clickies, +15 XXX resists, smokescreen, etc. (you dont have to cleanse greensteel items in this slot, that way you can make as many as you want/need, and swap in whats needed). +15 inherent fire resist greensteel goggles will give you 65 full time fire resist! (great against Abbot)
Quiver: Quiver of Alacrity with 30% striding upgrade.
When casting Blade Barrier, I swap in a impulse of kinetic lore weapon. I no longer use ardor clickies since they are a mere shadow of thier former self. I now have devotion +78 on my tod ring. This good enough to still over heal most of the time, so higher + devotion items are not really needed, IMO.
When casting Divine Punishment I swap in a radiance booster weapon. Having to swap weapons is a real PIA, but with practice it isnt too bad.
With end game stats, ship buffs, geared up as above and SELF buffed, this toon has 3015 spell points and 827 Hit Points (with self buffs and other common party buffs, I often have over 1000!) Saves are 48 fortitude, 45 reflex, 37 will. With an epic SoS he is at +58 to hit and +58 to damage on his first swing with power attack on (good enough to hit 98% of the mobs in the game on a 2 on any difficulty). Armour Class is 74, and 104 with tower shield! PRR is 70 without a shield, and 100 with (PRR 100 reduces physical damage by 41% or nearly half! This is very important in epic elite quests, IMO. Add bard/ranger/wizzy/paladin buffs, yugo pots, store pots, haste, rage pots, various clickies, etc for somewhat better numbers. However, I don't advocate using using too many of these extras because it uses up too much time keeping up all those short duration buffs, so I did not include those things in the numbers I used above. The numbers used above are purely from self buffed sources + ship buffs. Epic SoS weapon damage is about 80ish on a normal hit and 260ish on a crit to fully vulnerable mobs. 15 DR all the time and DR 44 while shield blocking with a dr 15 tower shield! Divine punishment damage is 80ish when stacked 1x and up to 1550+ on crits when stacked 3x and debuffed to light damage!!! All this while the shoulder canon lays waste to all in sight! This guy ends up with about 500 more spell points with gimped SP stat and no SP feats over a cleric with top shelf SP stat AND SP feats!
My usual MO is to cast all the mass buffs on myself and the party, single buff myself, then de-equip the arch magi trinket for the bloodstone (I leave it on if I am going pure healbot and use the superior efficiancy IX clicks as needed). Then run Divine Power, Divine Might, Recitation, and Holy Aura most of the time and prayer at the start of a new fight. I use the divine punishment spell on fights I know will last more than 30 seconds or so, otherwise I save my spell points.
There ya have it. I hope you find this build as enjoyable as I have! I don’t think this can be topped as far as a fighter/healer/buffer build goes. And there is still certainly room here for tweaking to your own personal flavor.