Hehe, judging from the forums I just might be. I can kind of see it based on my dungeon experience so far (lvl 6)--in a decent party, my cc is wasted because the mobs go down so fast. In a lousy party that agros half the dungeon, it can be a lifesaver, but only if the guys that agroed the monsters can stop running long enough to kill them :P
Any advice on using my Virt in parties? So far I Inspire Courage, of course, and mostly use Sonic Burst for crowd control, provide off-heals, and otherwise just go in swinging. I might Inspire Competence on a rogue and Blur on melees. Fascinate I've barely used, though I'm trying to get the hang of when to use it. Hypno I used more before I got Sonic Burst.
This is my first DDO toon, plus a little PnP experience, so any guidance is appreciated.