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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006

    Default 1 suggestion and 2 fixes

    my suggestion is to make an exclusive that we can summon over and over again,and equip him/her with the extra gear we have lying around.......But First!!! fix the hireling system.the ddo engine CHEATS when using hirelings.mobs can see thru solid objects and will ALWAYS go after a hireling needs to be based on the intelligence of the mob to determine if the mob can deduce that the hireling is a threat.spiders,wolves,worgs,most elementals,and many others arent intelligent enough to even know what a threat is ,let alone determine which is the greatest threat.and our hirelings need to be given the rest of their abilities the wiz should be able to search,the cleric remove curse,etc.and please,add a rogue...and second fix,give tome the same red border that shows we cant use them because we've already used them.I came back after 3 yrs and didnt know my main had already used a +2 con tomes when i chose one for a reward from the 1750 favor reward list given by nyx.and i forgot how to check to see if i had.because i did tryto check first,but the tooltip was very slow and i couldnt find it.And its bound to char,so i went from being thrilled to get a +2 tome for a reward to being totally disgusted with the game in an i have to destroy it,what a bummer.and why make it bound to char? do you really think ppl r going to farm 1750 favor?bound to account would be more suitable,dont you think?...And for those of you who would flame me for it,go call someone else stupid cause i wont be checking back to this thread to read your stupid
    Last edited by dusty991; 11-02-2009 at 08:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dusty991 View Post
    my suggestion is to make an exclusive that we can summon over and over again,and equip him/her with the extra gear we have lying around.......But First!!! fix the hireling system.the ddo engine CHEATS when using hirelings.mobs can see thru solid objects and will ALWAYS go after a hireling needs to be based on the intelligence of the mob to determine if the mob can deduce that the hireling is a threat.spiders,wolves,worgs,most elementals,and many others arent intelligent enough to even know what a threat is ,let alone determine which is the greatest threat.and our hirelings need to be given the rest of their abilities the wiz should be able to search,the cleric remove curse,etc.and please,add a rogue...and second fix,give tome the same red border that shows we cant use them because we've already used them.I came back after 3 yrs and didnt know my main had already used a +2 con tome when i chose one for a reward from the 1750 favor reward list given by nyx.and i forgot how to check to see if i had.and its bound to char,so i went from being thrilled to get a +2 tome for a reward to being totally disgusted with the game in an i have to destroy it,what a bummer.and those of you who would flame me for it,go call someone else stupid cause i wont be checking back to this thread to read your stupid
    1. use the folloing plz: . , *enter*
    2. i wont comment the hireling things as i dont use them anyway
    3. on the tome thing: hover over your stats in your charsheet, there it says +x inherent. those are from tomes. also you can bank the tome (which it is too late though as you destroyed it) for when you make a true reincarnation
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
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  3. #3
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dusty991 View Post
    my suggestion is to make an exclusive that we can summon over and over again,and equip him/her with the extra gear we have lying around......
    In principle, I would like to see permanent familiars, animal companions, and henchmen. Also, what uhgungawa said.
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

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