I just ran this for the first time after the last update. Others had told me all they did was remove the shortcuts. It's worse than that.
1) They removed the shortcut to the switch, which eliminated at best 10mobs worth of fighting. Problem was that 2 of those mobs are efreeties (or Air Elemental Light, as I like to call them), and 4 are actual air elemental.
2) The second shortcut near the shrine has been blocked off. This also bypassed at best 15 monsters. None were particularly dangerous, with the exception of one or two more gaele clerics, so this is particularly puzzling why someone would bother changing this quest almost a year later.
3) Worst of all, they made all the efreeties RED NAMED, with their corresponding immunities. They use to be bad enough when a failed destruction meant they often got deathward, but now you can guarantee they live long enough to turn into a whirlwind and keep you on your back while the rest of thier friends use their +5 spiked maces of greater sodomy on you.
This use to be a decent quest. The self healing red named guy near the end made sure it was a challenge for most level appropriate parties, and the shortcuts and non-named efreeti allowed groups of melees to enjoy themselves. Nodoby enjoys being knocked down for 5minutes at a time as the bad guys slowly drain your health.
This quest has officially been put on "Lithics list of quests to never bother with if you lack finger of death or destruction". Title is a work in progress.
Next thing you know, the trog archers in coal will be air elementals. The spiders in dust will be air elementals. Ritual sacrifice will be Windscar Air Elementals, with a few rune traps spawning gnolls. Rainbow in the dark will be renamed "rainbow in the air elemental".
Come on devs, I don't usually mind nerfs to make things challenging, but the mess you've made in Running is just the last in a long list of serious blunders that have been pointed out on the forums for years. NOBODY LIKES AN AIR ELEMENTAL. Want to make us like air elementals? Give us a 5second knockdown immunity when we get knocked down. Give the knockdown attack a 30second cooldown. There have been many good ideas to fix the )*(&(_#& elementlas, but for the love of the flame, don't just put air elementals everywhere, and wonder why the player base hates those quests.
And don't then just jack up their saves, put in MORE elementals and wonder why people hate the quest more *cough*reaverraid*cough*.
The way things are going, the next raid is a purple named air elemental immune to fire, that casts area effect disjunction in a room covered in a beholder antimagic beam.