So, love the new loot mechanic for mindsunder....
Heres what happened. I looted lots and lots of discs, so that I could run mindsunder a bunch and get some stupid gloves. So far so good.
Next I put up an lfm for Mindsunder. Im sure many of you saw it, I put something along the lines of My disc's my gloves, everything else is up fer grabs.
Filled and went in. I explained to everyone that I would use all my discs for the end chest, and that all I ask is that I get the first set of gloves, everything else would be up fer grabs. No prob responds the group.
First chest, someone loots the shield. Cool grats!
Second chest, nothing.
Third chest, someone gets the sword. Grats!
Fourth chest, nothing.
Fifth chest, nothing.
Sixth chest, nothing.
Seventh chest, nothing.
This continues for a bit, some peeps leaving, others joining etc. Each time a new person joined I explained what was happening. Nobody seemed to have a problem with it. Once we get to the 11th chest, my gloves dropped! I was stoked Right up till the person looted them! ARRRRGGGHHHHHhhhH!!!!111!!!!111!!11!11!1!one
I was a little upset to say the least, and let that person have a piece of my mind! He stated, my loot, my choice and dropped group!
So much for PUGs !